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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. You could let Backroads rip you off for $150 or you could rip them off by buying a bootleg version from Kijiji. Not sure where they, or Garmin, get off charging such exorbitant prices when the topo info is provided free by the Cdn gov't(for private citizens at least---maybe companies have to pay a small fee) Wow---that rant felt good!!
  2. If you want topos try Ibycus. Their users manual might make a good fire starter. Otherwise it's pretty useless. You'll just have to learn to use it by trial and error. the interface is user hostile. One of these days someone like Apple is going to get int the GPS business and blow the likes of garmin clean out of the water..
  3. OK, thx. Makes sense---the fishing looked pretty intense too!
  4. So it's 1 Mickey Mouse outfit rating another Mickey Mouse outfit??!! (Takes 1 to know 1, I guess!)
  5. Pay to watch??? Heck, the Leafs should pay to have people watch them!!!
  6. In the olden days lawbreakers were put in stocks in the town square and made (or strongly encouraged) to feel shame. It seems that we have a similar situation here, although the offender is not obliged to read the heaps of abuse dumped on his head. I'm not sure if it's good or bad. Maybe that method worked better than some of our modern methods.
  7. I remember Roger Cannon, the Normark guy, had a hitch on his Mercedes.
  8. It esp boggles my mind when they leave garbage on somebody's property who was kind and generous enough to give them access to begin with!
  9. No hate here either. I compared them to the 3 Stooges. I certainly didn't hate them. How could anyone hate such an inept bunch???
  10. There is some justification for charging fishermen. They do provide a fish cleaning station, at least on the N side of the hi-way. Without it there's no doubt there would be a stinking disgusting mess left around.
  11. One of my fishing friends has a 12 ft boat that he launches from the Angus park. He has had an "interesting" discussion with the enforcement officer re fishing from the river in the park. In the end the officer buggered off and stopped hassling him!
  12. We carry Polysporin on our canoe trips. I have been known to do some fishing AND to get a hook in my finger. That stuff seemed to work for me at least. anyone else use it? I also make my hooks barbless when out beyond easy access to a hosp.
  13. Driving in the dark in moose country can be a risky business for sure.
  14. Hard to put my finger on it, but somehow doesn't quite match the Sutton River one.
  15. Only shows to go ya-----every cloud has a silver lining!!
  16. ...aaah, probably using his car GPS on-board and taking directions from it!
  17. That is my point. I doubt very much that the law actually says it is illegal to wear a non-compliant one. So the guy can maybe get off on a technicality just to prove what a turd the cop was!
  18. Do whatever it takes to quit. It's worth it. Best decision I ever made was to quit many years ago. Wishing you well in your efforts! Tip-----set aside the money you are saving and buy yourself 'treat'(Could be new fishing gear of course!!)
  19. If the cops are going to nitpick with the letter of the law, then it sounds like the first guys were actually compliant(assuming that the spare life jackets were properly fitting ones). All is req'd to fulfill the proverbial letter of the law is to have properly fitting PFDs in good repair on the boat. The fact that 1 guy was wearing one that was not in good repair is irrelevant!!! Yes, it would be relevant for any common sense application of the law, a quality that these a'holes seem to be sorely lacking! It's a real shame that this garbage happens. The proper functioning of our society depends on most people having a respect for the law and its officers. This crap erodes that respect.
  20. Well. somebody has to make the first step. If those in the know would offer something it might be a bit like priming the pump. Maybe Floater will come back with a whole load of info to share.
  21. The only place I know in Que is ZEC Kipawa and the roads in thru there are pretty rough. Also, with the out-of-province licence fee plus the ZEC fee it gets fairly expensive. I'd be inerested in hearing of other places in West Que if you don't mind sharing. thx
  22. You have to wonder about all the detailed 'info" on some of the charts. Where did it come from? Did somebody make all those detailed measurements or did they just 'make it up' i.e. extrapolation, interpolation.
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