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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Statement from Family: October 18, 2017 Last night Gord quietly passed away with his beloved children and family close by. Gord knew this day was coming – his response was to spend this precious time as he always had – making music, making memories and expressing deep gratitude to his family and friends for a life well lived, often sealing it with a kiss… on the lips. Gord said he had lived many lives. As a musician, he lived “the life” for over 30 years, lucky to do most of it with his high school buddies. At home, he worked just as tirelessly at being a good father, son, brother, husband and friend. No one worked harder on every part of their life than Gord. No one. We would like to thank all the kind folks at KGH and Sunnybrook, Gord’s bandmates, management team, friends and fans. Thank you for all the help and support over the past two years. Thank you everyone for all the respect, admiration and love you have given Gord throughout the years – those tender offerings touched his heart and he takes them with him now as he walks among the stars. Love you forever Gord. The Downie Family
  2. Grats Dan!! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. If we had known that grandchildren were so much fun we would have had them first!!
  3. By all accounts a great human being----very sad news indeed!
  4. Glad you are doing well with the bows---I'm going around the bend doing stuff at home!! How about "the Bob"?
  5. Thx, OI. I Googled it but it seems I'd need a different type for cranks from what I'd need for spoons?
  6. The last thing you need during an outage is a generator you can't depend on! Spend the $$ on a Honda or Yammy!
  7. I have been looking for a way to stop the hooks of various lures from getting entangled with each other in my t'box. I have bought various gizmos such as those little 'hook bonnets' but nothing works well at all. If I put this tubing---stir sticks or whatever--- on the hooks, won't they be a pain to get off again? Has anyone found a solution to prevent a tangled mess?? I am not sure why the OP said 'vintage' lures.
  8. WOW That must have been a worry. I'm glad it wasn't the dreaded C!! Looks like we'll be seeing 'more' of you once you regain your weight!!
  9. We had thxgiving in TO where turkeys are in great abundance!!
  10. Sorry to hear that, Cliff. As someone else said---remember the good times.
  11. Insert bad joke about losing marbles here ------------------------------------:
  12. Apparently there was no flow over the dam or the ladder, so I guess downstream got pretty dry. The first time I saw this I understood that it was only the ladder that was dry.
  13. True, but generating stations tend to be more efficient than internal combustion engines. Not sure how many burn oil to generate electricity though.
  14. Hundreds? Sounds a bit excessive. Did most get killed up in the pond?
  15. If you are on the ice wouldn't you let it freeze and then scoop it into a plastic bag?
  16. Urine is quite sterile---turds and most definitely not! I do as MB2 does. Rain washes it into the soil. If #2 is not illegal it should be!!
  17. There is a quite simple answer----you are completely nuts!!!
  18. Good 4U. I thought it was Hippy Bob that was doing that. Does anybody collect the bags from the posts?
  19. Sad, but the list goes on and on. The owner of a marina here in Wasaga is kind and generous enough to allow people to fish for salmon and bows off his property. The thanks he gets??? You guess it----litter, garbage, litter!!! Goes beyond dumb! At some point the owner will close this good spot. If I were him I would have done so already!
  20. Which is what men tend to have at the usual Feb temps!!
  21. If it's battered and deep fried it all tastes the same. Try pan fried, baked or steamed and you will taste the diff.
  22. Talked to a guy who caught a 16 pounder today...........or so he said!!
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