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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. I hear Nunavut has some epic trout and char fisheries
  2. Couple of bruiser brookies! Well done guys. I'm off all winter if you want a fishing pal
  3. Is this for real?
  4. "Here fishy fishy fishy" is my last resort, but it does happen. hahah
  5. TDunn, yeah those lakes were north of Nagagamisis. The rainbow lake was just north of it, and the splake lake was closer to HWY 11. I'll let you know if I'm heading back up. Rainbows through the ice was a blast, wasn't expecting that size either. I was expecting more the size of the splake, but then it ran and just zipped a ton of line out. There was a couple that snapped my line pretty easily.
  6. There was about 7 inches of ice under a foot of snow. I'm thinking about driving up to the gooderham region to scout out some areas for the upcoming season. Maybe take a look at a river that's supposed to have browns in it... wonder if they're still in there and biting.
  7. I ventured up to Hornepayne and stayed with my brother for about a week. I got out on a couple trout lakes and unfortunately for my brother, the days that fish were caught... were the ones where he had to work haha. The walks in and out were pretty rough on these lakes, plowing through 2 ft of snow, up and down hills and through downed trees. The splake lake The splake The hill, the picture doesn't do it justice. Rainbow lake Another Couple for the table The wolves liked checking out my spots, on both lakes everytime I went back there was tracks. At this site, there must have been about 5 or 6. We also went to the Sault, and snapped this photo of Lake Superior It was friggin nice to step onto some ice and land some fish, now to wait for southern ontario to freeze up... doesn't look promising with this weather.
  8. I've caught more than my share of large bass of both species... Caught my first splake yesterday. I'd like to get a bowfin, muskie of any size, laker, channel cat. A burbot and gar pike would follow after.
  9. Kyle Harbin... I think he was a crew boss at the Moe camp, and remember meeting him shortly after the crash. You probably met me, I've known Orrin for many many years, and he was my roommate in ghetto rez. I hung around Ryan (Noodles), Orrin, Kristin and their accompanying roommates all the time. I'm short, look native and had really long hair at the time. I don't have any contact with Kyle, barely knew him.
  10. Yep, I know Kristin. Went to college with her and through the crash. Her and my buddy Orrin both had messed up backs, many people sustained injuries... I managed to escape without a bruise... It may have stuffed my shoulder up a bit though, but I'm not sure whether it was the crash or wear and tear since it was my shoveling shoulder. Poor Kipper, I hope he has forgiven himself...
  11. Haha i tree planted up there as well... survived a bus crash and everything. I remember Hearst was a nice town, only spent a couple weekends there though, most of my weekends were spent in grody Timmins. Thanks for the tips man, I'll make note of the names and check em out if it's safe.
  12. I'll be going up to Hearst tomorrow, and staying for probably a week or so. First few days will spent the family visiting my brother... but after that I plan on hitting some ice fishing. Any news on ice conditions? Anyone from around that way and care to show me around? If so, shoot me a message. Thanks
  13. Vegemite sandwich, Sushi, Haggis, Donor Kebab
  14. On Monday when we had 80-90km/hr wind gusts... I could see the waves affecting the horizon on Lake Ontario. I couldn't imagine how big those rollers woulda been
  15. Looks like a grand ol' time! I wish I had that much luck shore fishing in the fall... I've been skunked for the last few times. Also... I see tree planting land
  16. I have gotta get myself firearms and hunting licenses
  17. Some areas near locks and dams in the kawarthas are fish sanctuaries from nov. 15 to may 15 or something like that. usually the signs have dates written on them
  18. Looks like you have another species to fish for
  19. I agree with It's always sunny in Philadelphia is a great show. One of my favourites. That and Trailer Park Boys... I could watch a marathon of either, any day.
  20. If I donate, do I get a lure in return?
  21. Holy smokes! Big fatties! Was this on the St.Lawrence?
  22. Forgot to mention I won the 50/50 draw... got $155, and caught all the fish... I think I've been banned
  23. With this sudden drop of temperatures, what sort of effect do you guys foresee on fishing tonight/tomorrow? I'm goin' for bass and maybe pickerel. Do you guys have any go-to technique for this kind of weather change? I'm thinking something along the lines of slow and bouncing off the bottom?
  24. My buddy rents a spot at a "Yacht" club north of Port Perry, and they were having a big hawaiian party with a 50/50 draw, live band etc. Shortly after setting up I tossed a little jig in while loading up the boat. First cast, a nice 3lb Largie. I guess no one was catching anything that weekend so far, as everyone seemed to be more excited that I was haha. After that we headed down to the festivities, where many, many beers were had. Crashed at like 1:30am, and was awake at 5:30am... felt pretty good considering the night before... My buddy however, he was toast until 3pm. So I headed down to the dock as I wasn't feeling taking the boat out right away... The water was like glass, the sun was just peaking the horizon... Couple of tosses with the jitterbug, nice slow, pause and go presentation... and wallop! Lure gone, big ol' bend in my ultra light rod, line started peeling out... After some nice jumps and a solid brawl, I brought this sucker in. Best of the year by far. 19.5" long, 6" from belly to back... just over 5lbs. What a way to start the morning. I ran back to the tent to wake my buddy up to take some pictures, he wasn't too pleased until he saw what I was on about. I then decided to take the boat out and landed a few more between 2-4 lbs. All on jitterbugs and hula poppers... Brilliant morning of fishing, too bad buddy was too over-hung to move... sucks for him.
  25. Does anyone know a taxidermist who does recreations? And possibly any kind of pricing?
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