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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. This is my PB Largie... 19.5" long, 6" from belly to back, just over 5lbs. And my PB Chinook Salmon, caught on the U&Me charters with Lloyd. 25lber.
  2. I contacted them via phone... to place an order for a replacement handle for my ice auger. No problems, but no extra help. Just sold me the part and sent it within a few days.
  3. AHahahahah at 0:48, that just made my day.
  4. I don't think it was intentional in the least... It looks to me like the vehicle swerved due to hitting the guy. Those vehicles have crap for control on a dirt track... if the right tires hit something, then the vehicle will swerve in that direction.
  5. Second MArsh is a fish and wildlife reserve... Mclaughlin is open.
  6. I've done the Whitby Marina thing to no avail enough times... plus I'm livin in Courtice now. I've also tried the Oshawa harbour a few times with no luck. I haven't tried the Oshawa pier, if the salmon are starting to stage then that could be an option. McLaughlin bay seems to be only good in the spring.
  7. Lookin' to kill some time this afternoon, and not really wishing to travel too far. Is there any ponds or stormwater ponds in the oshawa region which could provide some entertainment? Any help is apprecited Thanks
  8. Friggin right, seems like a sweet job dude.
  9. Where's the new job Chris?
  10. Nice bass dude! Looks like a solid day on the water
  11. Thanks guys! I'll check out that place in Bridgenorth.
  12. Lookin' to head up north of Buckhorn next weekend, and feel like changing it up a bit and wanna try fishing with minnows. Does anyone know where to get some either in Peterborough or Buckhorn?
  13. Thanks for the tips guys! Now to try to find the time to get down to dunnsville. It's a hefty drive for a single day, i'd probably wanna spend the night and hit the night bite as well.
  14. Hey folks, I got a quick question for any channel cat anglers out there. I am from Courtice Ontario and am wondering where the nearest waters holding catties would be. Would it be the Trent River? Also, having never caught or fished for channels, any tips? Lots of patience? Thanks fellas
  15. Geographically Sudbury is central ontario.
  16. Most people in Southern Ontario consider Sudbury to be Northern Ontario...
  17. Orcas are known to kill great whites. I would place my bet on the suspect being an orca, or a group of orcas.
  18. Beauty fish matey. Teach me the ways massa
  19. Nice lakers bud! Never caught one, not for lack of trying...
  20. I left my house at 5:45am on Saturday and arrived in Huntsville at 7:45am. I met up with my sister-in-law's brother, and hit Vernon Lake for some pre-tourney fishing. This is where it gets interesting haha. Water was cold and very tinted. I've never fished water quite that colour. It was basically tea. What makes the water that colour? Is it the iron in the surrounding shield rock, or is it Peat that gets washed into the lake? We fished shallows bays in hope of finding some pike... no luck... kept moving, and made our way to the far end of the lake. I managed to catch one OOS smallie, that was a fair 2lbs. That is when the boat breaks down... the engine started overheating like crazy. We had to limp our way back to the launch by running the trolling motor... and running the engine for like 4 minute spurts every 20 minutes or so... it took us 2 hours to get back. Buddy spent $160 gettin' 'er repaired... turned out the thermostat was in many pieces and the impeller was in even more pieces. We decided not to enter the tourney, as we hadn't tested the boat out after repairs yet. So we went out to the bar that night for a couple beers... that turned into far too many beers... And the next morning we set off to Orillia to his friend's cottage to test the boat and see if we can't catch any pike there. I didn't catch jack, and just 10 minutes before we were about to pack it up Buddy catches a nice 28" pike... Which inhaled the jerkbait... halfway down its throat... so, that pike met its fate on the dinner plate. A short while later I was back at home, and realized I had some bait gettin' passed its prime in my fridge... so I headed over to a local fishing hole for some bullheads and maybe a pikey. I didn't catch either, but I did catch my first White Perch and an OOS Largie. Yesterday, my brother, another friend and I went up to Bobcaygeon for some panfish action, with hopes of maybe hooking into a walleye... no eyes were caught. A couple more OOS Bass, and many panfish. Cool flooded river, could canoe in the woods if ya wanted to. Sittin at the Lakeside Bar. "Why'd you give me your beer?" As he had borrowed mine for the next picture All OOS were quickly released. The weekend didn't turn out as expected, but much fun never-the-less.
  21. Right on, looks like a good time was had! What is that first fish she caught??
  22. Nice Stompin Tom reference haha. Suspending jerkbaits eh, a nice slow presentation? Perch coloration be alright?
  23. Going up to Huntsville on Saturday and Sunday for my very first tournament. A pike tournament. Then on Monday I'll be checking out some new spots with a buddy of mine up in the kawartha highlands.
  24. No luck with the wallys for me as I was stuck on shore. But I did land this guy
  25. "I was internet on frquenting this year..." what?
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