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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. A buddy and I might be hittin up a small lake in the kawartha highlands next weekend. Figured most kawarthas will be crazy with the walleye opener, we thought we'd try for some lakers. Never caught one, and have only attempted to fish for them in the winter. I hear they are a little more readily available in the early season, but I haven't a clue where to start, or what sort of tackle I should be trying. Anything helps. Thanks
  2. hahaha, now i've got a bunch of housekeeping to do... but procrastination is strong in me today.
  3. I fell asleep really early last night, which resulted in waking up at 5am... what better time to go fishin'. Weather wasn't too bad, I dipped as it got worse. As soon as I pulled up to my spot, my car hit 100,000kms... not bad for a 10 year old car. I caught a couple browns, only snapped a photo of the nicest one. Nice fight on an ultra light.
  4. I don't think I found "It" lol... is Pennywise hiding up there somewhere?
  5. Damn brookie done gone eaten me finger. Kendal forest is pretty solid, sometimes a pain to navigate with a fly rod...
  6. I decided to opt out of that location and drove north. On the Ganny up by Kendal, I lost a couple nice bows... I'm still a rookie at fly fishing. I think I put the brakes on a little too hard and they broke me off. Then I left and hit up a smaller creek, lost a brookie... and caught a couple.
  7. bow chicka bow bow
  8. Cool beans, thanks for the heads up. They may perform coitus in peace.
  9. So I went for a hike along a new-to-me local creek. Saw lots of big rainbows, one of them was holding behind a rock right along the shoreline... so i snuck up on it and was able petting a wild trout for a moment. It was pretty cool. But as I hiked around, I couldn't find any real pool or anything... just lots of shallow moving water. Was wondering if there was any technique for fishing such shallow water. Most of it was barely deep enough for the trout... whenever they moved you could see their ripples. Other times their back and dorsal fin were breaking the surface. Come this Saturday I hope the fish are still there.
  10. It was probably the truck in the middle lane... if it was stopped when you passed, i must have missed the action by seconds because there was no stopped trucks as I passed by. Insane.
  11. Well big cliff, probably for the best that the body was covered... it was a bloody, twisted mess. The only car that I saw stopped was a red car. I heard that he was trying to cross the 401 and got smoked by a vehicle... I cannot attest to the accuracy of that rumour, but from the shape the body was in, I do not doubt
  12. dogfish being bowfin?? I'd love to catch me one of those toothy critters.
  13. The police were contacted, they were already on their way there.
  14. 10 minutes ago, whilst driving home from work on the 401... I noticed what appeared to be road kill on the west bound, right near Harmony Rd... as I passed by, I saw what it really was... mangled bloody dead guy. Blood smears, no cops... so I just missed it. As I pulled off the highway in Courtice, I saw the police drive by with their lights on and knew exactly where they were heading. I didn't seem like there was an accident or anything... I saw one car pulled over, probably calling the cops... no smashed vehicles, no motorcycle... unless it was off in the bushes or something... Begs the question, why was there a guy in the middle lane of the 401? But then again, I was driving east... so there could have been something I couldn't see.
  15. Well done! I tried one of my go-to rivers, but she was bursting her banks and flowing like crazy. I got a big ol skunk and a cold, wet foot.
  16. Thanks for the update. Good to hear she's startin' to thaw. Did you happen to see what state little bob channel is in?
  17. Awesome fish man! Got 'er from shore eh? That's impressive. I've tried my luck at casting the big lake from shore.... nothing but lake weed.
  18. I'm thinking of hitting one of my go-to rivers in the area. I usually hit it for bass, bullheads and panfish in the late spring and summer. Do you think with these recently warm temps that the bluegills, crappie, perch or bullheads might be cruising the river shallows? Or with the late spring, am I being overly optimistic? Any thoughts? Cheers
  19. I vote for pigeon lake resort. My family has been renting the cabin there for the same week every year for the past like 14 or 15 years. Good place.
  20. That's a beast! I'm gonna give'r a go tomorrow morning. With my luck at steelheading, I'll come home with a cold.
  21. Dude, kudos on the fish! Being ambitious pays off eh. I've been trying to organize some of my gear, might try to get out this weekend.
  22. Thanks alot Beans! A few buddies from work and I do an annual crappie/panfish day on little bob and I was trying to figure out when to go... and by the sounds, it won't be for a while haha.
  23. Now I'm positive that pigeon lake is big block of ice, my inquiry is about the big and little bob channels... are they flowing or are they iced over? If I lived closer to Bobcaygeon I'd swing by and take a look, but it is a little ways away. I saw that the lake ontario tribs are mostly thawed out and flowing now and that made me wonder about the channels. Thanks for any info fellas.
  24. Ahaha that's a gem right there.
  25. Hahaha the "Birds with Arms" looks hilarious. Might have to go find that and check it out.
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