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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. Yeah made sure to check out the wind conditions. It was as calm as bob marley out this morning. Perfect morning for it... except the fish didn't think so...
  2. Were you in a bass boat? And was the other group two guys in a canoe?
  3. So you suggest stay back a ways and casting in?
  4. I was thinking live minnows is probably the best bet. Do you think we arrived to late? Would we have had better chances right at dawn?
  5. A buddy and I canoed out to the nuke plant this morning. Buddy had a cool cart thing, so we just pulled the canoe down to the rouge and launched from there. We got to the plant shortly after 8am, and the west outflow was just loaded with fish. Probably saw about 30 smallies, some of the biggest I've ever seen... must've been 5-6lbers, the smallest being around 2.5-3 lbs. A whack load of big dirty carps, a few rainbows and 1 Chinny. Could not get a single fish to bite. Threw everything we had at them, crankbaits, tubes, worms, jigs, swimbaits, flies, dropshots... The fish would come by and look at the offerings, get within a couple inches and say... "Nah screw you" and turn around. The water was crystal clear, so I had a 2ft leader of light mono... that didn't make any difference though. Anyone have any luck there? Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
  6. I'm tired of fall, now bring on the ice.
  7. Well I'm not far from Lindsay, I usually fish the Kawarthas so I'm usually driving through there. I don't got a boat, but if there's fish to be caught I'm down.
  8. Probably mostly smaller lakes and the kawarthas. And if the weather and time is right, maybe Lake O.
  9. Hello fellas, I've been thinking about purchasing a fishing kayak for a little bit now... and I think during the winter or early spring I may pick one up. Any suggestions? I'm looking for something probably in the $800-1200 range, relatively light (50-70 lbs) so I can man handle it on top of the car by myself... Probably looking for a 10 footer, maybe 12 at most. And where would you suggest buying from? Thanks again.
  10. Impressive man! I gotta try me hands at the grand sometime.
  11. Lew, I understand fully what you mean... However, we are technically a "Bilingual" country... French is also a national language. Therefore, English press 1, French press 2 seems reasonable. Unless it's, English press 1... Indian press 2... Chinese press 3.
  12. While I don't have anything against browns, rainbows or the salmons... they just aren't the first fish I'd go on a rampage for... simply due to them being introduced. Common carp on the other hand... dirty introduced/invasive buggers.
  13. Gallie, funny that you'd mention kings... because last I checked... they're not quite native either now are they. The day I can't catch bass, pike, walleye, muskie or anything native... then I'll go on a rampage.
  14. Those fish are absolutely astonishing.
  15. Nice Terry, them oilers can get messy sometimes. Leavin' oil marks every where...
  16. Thems some awesome fish you got man, and in the mountains... what's better?
  17. No sir, I fish Bobcaygeon quite often though.
  18. Sounds like some epic fishing man! That Sturgeon is awesome, must have made the trip interesting eh.
  19. Mike, anything really... Smallies, largies, pike, walleye... Not looking to keep anything, unless some tank crappies/perch decide to join the fun.
  20. heh heh, he's stroking the fish.
  21. When it comes to the Oshawa creek mouth... is that the part where it meets the harbour? I tried the harbour once earlier this year, it was pretty grimy looking and didn't seem like anything there. And sinker, I'm guessing below the locks?
  22. Yes I am in the Whitby area, I was thinking of driving up to a river in the Kawarthas that I've had success at. I've never had any success fishing the piers or creek mouths in this area though. I did catch one small bullhead though... but nothing else. Did you ever fish the Whitby harbour?
  23. Thanks for the responses guys, I'm gonna give the smallie river a go this weekend and see how she goes. Maybe I'll bring along some minnows for good luck.
  24. Thanks Chasintails, is that mainly for trout and salmon for the areas with extended seasons... or would that those techniques work for smallies in the rivers?
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