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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. If they say there is "Tiger Musky" that means there's pike. But I highly doubt there's pike. With all the bass fishing I've done there I'm sure I would've run into at least a hammer handle by now.
  2. I have had all of my luck with pike this year on big Mepps spinners. Pretty much the only species I've targetted this year. Might be getting too warm for the big ones to be in shallow by now though.
  3. Holy cat fish! Good job buddy. Any tips? I wanna try and get down there this summer
  4. Looks like an awesome day on the water, great fish and sunny weather
  5. Sweet fish bud! Pike in the creek eh? That's awesome. I'd definitely prefer to hit pike than the trouts.
  6. Sweet catties man!
  7. The spots that I know of in my area are still iced over. One bay nearby is starting to open up, might be a big difference after today and tomorrow.
  8. I need to get a boat so I can get in on hunting these toothy critters
  9. Mine is now working.
  10. On IE it works fine... Chrome is doesn't work at all with adblock on or off.
  11. I have problems accessing this site using Google Chrome lately... but internet explorer seems to work. I wish it were the other way around...
  12. #4, #3 and #1 are all awesome.
  13. I'm in Courtice... my hydro was like $80/mo, and gas is on equal billing at $103/mo. No frozen pipes or any serious issues. My bedroom, which is located on top of the garage, had a cold floor.
  14. I've caught my first splake this year, rainbow trout, perch and herring. I'd like to try my hands at getting a channel cat. I'd be ecstatic about gettin' a musky. Other wise I'll probably spend my time going for resident browns, maybe brooks during the spring. Hunt down some panfish and then slam some bass. I wouldn't say no to a walleye, but I don't really target them. Oh and I'd like to track down a bowfin. Mudpuppies eh Joey?
  15. Friggin rights bud! That's awesome. I hope I'm half as lucky for my first outing
  16. I know what they are lol, I just didn't know they came into the creeks so early. Or that they had a "run". I'll have to check em out whilst I'm waiting for other species to open
  17. where do the bullhead run? up the creeks like the others?
  18. Also, when the suckers stack up in the creeks
  19. When the red/silver maples grow their "balloons".
  20. Speak to Lloyd at U&Me Charters. Great guy, and both times I've been out with him we caught about 20 fish each time. Tell him you're a member of OFC.
  21. Found out what those things on Mclaughlin Bay are, they aren't fish huts, nor bales of Hay. They're christmas trees. The city of Oshawa collects them and stacks them out there instead of composting them.
  22. Lots of Carp n Catfish. I caught a white perch in there last spring... really caught me by surprise
  23. My favourite by far is sashimi
  24. Do you know where to access the ice?
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