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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. Beauty location, beauty weather and some beauty fish! Got me jealous, and regretting not going back down to Honduras this winter...
  2. What sort of frozen fish do you get for dead bait? I've used dead suckers/chubs with success, but I've never thought about grocery store fish.
  3. I haven't found a single bait shop that has suckers from Oshawa to Orillia. If you find some, stock up. I've been lucky to get 3-4" shiners, most places just have pinheads
  4. The reason I have my doubts is that most lakes in the region do not have channel cats, and from what I've heard most of the channel cat fisheries in the Southern Ontario region are the big rivers connected to the great lakes. I've recently learned that Simcoe has a few Channels in her, but I don't think there is a solid connection between Little Lake and Simcoe... or any other waters with Channel Cats. But I do suppose it is possible to have them in there.
  5. So, possible.. but if so, quite rare.
  6. So, just to pass sometime I've been perusing the lakes on MNR Fish Online... I know Little Lake in Barrie is filled with hammer handles, and maybe some decent sized Pike... but I didn't know what else was in there, so I checked it out. The site says that there is Channel Catfish in there??? For some reason I highly doubt that. Any thoughts on that?
  7. I was just curious. Wasn't planning on fishing at the edge. If anything, bring a regular rod and cast from shore
  8. Hey fellas, I was down at a local spot today... was standing on about 7" of ice... but over on the east end of the small water body, I could see swans swimming around... holy shizzah, that end is all open water. I was wondering, would fish be attracted to the open water? I would assume there would be a large amount of oxygen with the wind and all.
  9. Atlantic Ocean Perch, Atlantic Redfish, Sebaste ... all one in the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_fish
  10. Just got a response on where it was actually caught. It was on the Saguenay Fjord, it's an Acadian Redfish. My buddy threw me right off, saying it was caught in Amos, Quebec... but it is a marine fish.
  11. Maybe the guy wasn't fishing in amos. Looks like an acadian redfish, likely from Saguenay Fjord?
  12. My friend sent me this picture, apparently his friend caught a bunch of these while ice fishing in Northern Quebec... Amos, Quebec to be precise. As far as I'm aware, all the water is freshwater around there. And this looks like an ocean fish, similar to a "rockfish". I've been trying to research the the hell I'm looking at here, but to no avail so far. Any thoughts?
  13. Gar is around hastings eh? Interesting. And Pike in Scugog... that doesn't bode well for the muskies.
  14. According to MNR, no. But I have heard a few reports of them. Don't know if it's misidentification, or if they've gotten in.
  15. Bahahahah!! I wonder if poodeau is one of those floaty poos, or a dense sinking poo.
  16. I do keep some fish while ice fishing, depends on species or where I am fishing. Cooks Bay I will keep a maximum of a dozen perch. More than enough for a couple dinners. If I get into some rainbows, I will keep one. That pike was just a bit small, and again the pike in that waterbody get a pounding during the open water season. I think that water gets nearly no winter pressure though, which is nice. I wouldn't mind getting a couple crappies or more white perch form there though, maybe bullheads if they happen to end up on the end of my line.
  17. I released the pike due to it being fairly small, and the bay gets pounded in the spring... Id like to see the pike survive in there. They are natural there and not invasive
  18. Congrats man! I quit for 2 years, then made a big mistake while traveling in Central America... And now I'm struggling to quit again.
  19. One of these bad boys! hahaha, hopefully this guy gets his business goin internationally!
  20. I found it funny how the best ice I've seen or heard of was closest to home. That goes to show what snow can do to ice formation. Whereabouts did you head to?
  21. I've never been to that lake either... it will probably receive more than enough pressure. I don't even fish for walleye in the winter. Maybe I will attempt a small lake this winter... but that is up in the air. I suck at catching walleye in any season hahaha.
  22. There is one lake in zone 17 that is open for winter walleye, there used to be 2... but since the Bog closed Walleye year round (much needed, and quite late), we're left with one. I won't mention the name.
  23. The White Perch tasted pretty good, nice white meat. Fairly similar to the yellow bellies... but I still think the Cooks Bay yellow bellies are some of the best tastin fish you can catch around these parts. They put up a better fight than the yellows, and in my opinion are a prettier fish. This was the first outing of 4, that I managed to pull some fish through the hole. Had a rainbow on the other day, but my reel was frozen over and before I could hand line it up... it spit the hook. Nice to know there's a nice close to home location that provides a variety of fish. I hear there are crappie there as well. And in the soft water, carp and bullheads as well. Although, I've heard bullheads will bite under the ice?
  24. Got out on a local bay a few minutes from my house. Deepest spot we could find was about 4 or 4.5 ft. Landed a little pike before the wind picked up with a fury. It swam to be caught again. Lasted only about another hour before we decided to wander to the other side where there was some wind break. Found about 3ft of water, which was for some reason a little bit less murky. Caught a couple of white perch, which made their way to my dinner table. Then, the walk back was brutal with the wind directly in our faces. A frog was frozen into the top of the ice... weird. Had about 7" of solid clear ice below us.
  25. Well, it's a start! Good news is on the way. Thanks for the report. I found about 7" of solid clear ice on a shallow marshy bay down here. Went in search of pike, but didn't find any. Deepest I found today was about 2-3ft... Gonna go back tomorrow and try to find a "deep" spot, if there is one.
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