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Everything posted by adolson

  1. Yeah, I wouldn't want to sell them. My uncle says these are from the 50s. Use or keep.
  2. I don't think he tied them himself, but I don't know for sure. Here's the outside of the box.
  3. Congratulations, you guys! This thread is inspiring! Makes me wanna take up smoking just so I can quit.
  4. I don't really know anything about flies or fly fishing, but I have these... They look better (to me) than the Danielson brand flies I see at Canadian Tire, and that's the only selection I saw in town last I checked (though I missed the actual tackle shop, as they were closed). Anyhow, let's say I were to acquire a fly rod and some knowledge on casting and fishing, would these be any good to use for trout (any more effective than other flies such as the Danielsons or whatever)? Or should I just keep them as memorabilia (they were my grandfather's) and pass them down to my son? It looks like a full set in this little metal tin. The only wording on the outside says "Fly Box." Larger versions can be found here, if needed: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17898384/flies-a-large.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17898384/flies-b-large.png
  5. trying to decide on a Leatherman... I like the Skeletool CX, but kinda pricey by comparison... I like the carabiner, though

    1. kickingfrog


      They are like potato chips, I can't stop at one.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait for my boy to walk, talk, and fish..
  7. Nice! Better day than I had... Super drenched, one bite, no trout (fishing a tough rainbow lake, determined to pull something outta there some day).
  8. I need a shorter trolling motor. maybe I can just hack this one a bit....

    1. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      You need to fish deeper water

    2. Spiel


      I lengthed one by 18"s many years ago Dano, shortening one shouldn't be too difficult.

    3. adolson


      Yep, that's exactly what I did - lopped off 15" and should be perfect now!

  9. I have the same charger and battery. I will get a better battery when it dies, but I had a 650 or 700 and it worked hard for me for two seasons powering my Minn Kota for my Sportspal, and got the 850 as a warranty replacement. I charge at 15A Standard.
  10. I use Everstart. I got a 650 or 700 in 2011 and I felt it was on the way out (I ran it hard, Minn Kota is my main motor for my Sportspals). Walmart tested it and said it was good but replaced it anyhow. They were out of that one so I got an upgrade to the 850 AND got $7 back due to a price drop. Warranty seems to have dropped to 1 year, though. Used to be 3 years. Your charger seems fine to me, but I'm no expert.
  11. Eww.. cut the line, or shake the rod until the hook dislodges.
  12. I didn't catch anything today, but I put my brother and his buddy onto a couple nice specks, 2 and 2 1/4 pounders.

    1. mercman


      Nice going Dana.Thats almost as much fun.


    2. fishnsled
  13. 5lb is plenty for a 14' Sportspal, should be enough for you too. My first anchor was 20lb in a 12' Sportspal, almost had to cut the rope. lol
  14. I have a lake in mind for Sunday... as long as this snow stops :\

    1. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      I was gonna ask you about a lake for saturday..u know which one :)

    2. spincast


      I have lak ein mind for Saturday, so long as this wind stops.What a year, oi!

  15. Thank you. I have a pretty big leak in one of my Sportspals this year, and I'd like to patch it up a bit. I may pop all the ribs and coat the inside - the outside is already hideous enough! lol
  16. I did last year. Totally unexpected - was hoping for a monster pike or big bass, but instead I got a nice lunch.
  17. That is so awesome! I can't wait for my kid to come out fishing with me - I hope he likes it like that!
  18. I avoid catching OOS bass by following these two simple guidelines: 1) Bass isn't open? Fish for trout. 2) Bass is open? Fish for trout.
  19. Nice report - uh, silly question - did you happen to go to WalMart in New Liskeard a couple days ago? Probably not, but... I saw someone there in the sporting department that kinda looked like you.. If it was you, you were wearing a Lake Nipissing North Bay tshirt. Probably someone else... But it's plausible that you came through this way after your trip and stopped to restock spoons or something.. I don't know. Had to ask after I saw the report!
  20. Man, that sucks.. I hope you can recover fully and quickly, and get some good fishing in this year!
  21. Good job, man! I hit my limit in specks today too (yesterday now... uh, Saturday). Couldn't keep them off this Williams spoon setup I never tried before. Handed it to my brother and he caught three more with it.
  22. got a couple takers at the last minute, we hit a lake, pulled out 11 speckles. I am happy. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spincast


      good day on the water

    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Don't you miss winter?

    4. adolson


      I didn't get out last winter at all, so no. :P

  23. guess it's solo today.. I miss my old fishing partner

  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfzRsfQhJlE Sorry if someone else posted this already. I just saw it and thought someone else might like it here. I searched the forum for "eagle" and it didn't come up.
  25. The only lure I use in Anima-Nip is an original floating Rapala. The only fish I've caught there are smallies, a few rock bass around one area, and one big (for me) walleye. I've not tried for lakers there, nor have I specifically tried for walleye - that one came as I was trolling back to the launch. I take my Sportspal in there when I do go. Very rocky bottom, very clear water. Very deep at points (I believe I marked over 200 feet in some spots). There's a small island you can land on that has some natural blueberries if you like that kind of thing. Not tons or anything, but the wife and I had a handful or two when we stopped for lunch. It's beautiful there when the water is calm. When it's rough, it's way too rough for me. Also, be very careful. The water levels might be higher this year, I don't know, but if they are like whenever I've gone, you can be out in the middle of the lake and still hit your trolling motor on bottom. Depth is all over the place. I mostly stay up around the north half of the lake, but I've gone past the first narrows a couple times (no luck there, but I've heard further down past the second narrows is good, though last year the guys I know who fish down there said they couldn't find the walleye, but got lots of bass and pike). Again, be careful. The depth changes so radically there with no warning, and that wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't sometimes only a foot or two deep in spots.
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