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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Being here a while now,it seems to be a few bad apples that always have that little dig or something to rant about. Most are more than helpful and non judgemental.
  2. A thick skin is what is needed at times here for sure,sometimes it's not worth showing what/when/where you caught anything.
  3. Ive never seen a reel like that.:whistling:It looks like it catches more fish than mine! lol. Great day for sure.
  4. Right on B, does he shead?,great company for your wife,when we go:Gonefishing:lol.Did you have a good day?. Potty training again is a bugger eh?.Once you have a dog I think you always need one!
  5. Congrats Capitals!!!!!!!,excellent series!!!!!
  6. I saw a show on the weekend with Gary cooper,sturgeon fishing with 'Bent Rods".The fellow seemed to have no problem getting onto fish.I believe it was the Fraser river.
  7. A buddy of mine Roy changed his impeller,still no water.Dropped the lower end and it was in backwards.Changed it and away she went.
  8. I like that Roy!,mind if I borrow that sometime? lol.
  9. IMO a lot of these areas do not have big enough signs or no signs at all. Some areas the signs are so high and small unless your looking to the sky,you won't see it.
  10. Very nice fish,and good job with the lures!!!. That's how I have caught them in the past ,but lately using my float rod I'm certainly going to catch a descent one soon:whistling:.I can feel it.!!
  11. I wanted to,but last nights activities made for a rough start this morning.We still have time,Don't we?.
  12. Me two,Christmas is coming:clapping:
  13. If you can find the schools of minnows off shore,drop a line there,and see what happens?.
  14. Nice rod Brian!,being one of a kind sure has to be nice,personally detailed.
  15. Looks like you had a good day Bill.Let's have a peek at the new boat:clapping:.
  16. If he hasn't used a bait caster,that could be one of a birds nest week for a while?
  17. Billy,that,s some quality perch! Can't get over the size of that many .well done.
  18. That's sad,Another legend gone!
  19. Nice fish:thumbsup_anim:,but those holes are nasty.
  20. That's funny,watch tonight if Pitts is behind going into the third,I think the worst is yet to come.
  21. Happy birthday B,didn't know,have a great day!!!!!!!!!!. 40 is a big change:whistling:for the better I may add.
  22. Just make sure you bring a repellent with deet ,bugs hate it,go enjoy yourself,let us know how the fishing is!
  23. Great morning, Brian and nice to meet you Ryan,at least give me 100% for trying lol. I got it down now,your suppose to put the line in the water:rofl2: Brian If you have room next weekend,I'll be there.Now to rest and study .Thanks again.
  24. May be:whistling:lol
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