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Everything posted by Lip-ripper

  1. For the amount of gas you'll use in an auger for the entire season, I don't see how it would be a huge waste of money. You won't be burning dozens of litres in it. I found that Premium made a big difference with mine. I'm curious how is makes zero difference in a 2 stroke motor... makes no sense to me. Doesn't the ethanol in regular gas mess up the carbs?
  2. Check this guy out. He brings them over from the states, clears title and has the RIV check done. Big discounts. They are bikes from US Repo auctions. I bought one a couple years ago and saved close to 5K from the sticker price on an 09 Yamaha with 62 miles on it. http://wildbillsrvandpowersports.com/
  3. That sucks. I've witnessed it and it's not a pretty sight. Was also a Shepherd attack. I'll never trust that breed.
  4. Me too, had mine over 5 years and it's been awesome. Make sure to run Premium fuel in it also. It'll start faster and run better.
  5. I have had my Eskimo for over 5 years and love it. Starts easy and runs great. I haven't even changed the plug yet. The key is to run premium fuel. Rather than spend all that money on a new unit, why not just drill 2 holes overlapping each other, kind of like a squished number 8? I have done it and it works good.
  6. I think it's called a "Snakebait" made by a lure company called Burke. I had one when I was younger. I took a quick peek on eBay but there aren't any there.
  7. I was happy to see Bice get a new PB on this trip! Good times!
  8. I have a BP2 Thermal made by icearmor. I really like the thermal material as it is more durable and keeps you much warmer. Only drawback is the slight weight difference. Never slept inside it but probably could... This model has a bench seat also. I heat it with a small coleman heater and it gets plenty warm, I also use it to warm food wrapped in tinfoil. I find the big advantage to these huts is simply using them to get out of the wind more than anything. If the snow is deep, clear a spot by kicking the snow out of the way, then kick it back over the skirt around the bottom to keep the wind out.
  9. Good point, I'm not sure. They may have been just cruising shallow and spawning a little deeper because as seen in the video, they did circle around deeper then come back in for a bit. Water temps were 58 degrees on the surface if that means anything, maybe this wasn't a normal event?
  10. I've been able to get out quite a bit this past week and figured I should share some of the highlights as I got to witness something pretty extraordinary... I'll get to that in a bit... First off, I headed to a river east of the city for some late-night walleye action. The water was cold and the moon was full so it's usually a good spot where you can even see them in the shallows. We fished for a couple hours after dark, had numerous follow-ups and landed a couple small ones. It was pretty cool to watch pickeral follow your lure to shore and catching them was a bonus. Here's a pic of a little guy chilling out in a foot of water. He didn't seem interested in eating but his little brother did. We caught a half dozen little guys, but didn't keep any as we figured they should grow up first. Good times though. Next I was off to the cottage to winterize it, but also to try my hand at some late season pike, walleye and bass. First location was the "sunken forest"... a few good hits and some small bass but nothing photo worthy. I did snap a few shots of the sunken forest though... Basically a huge flooded bay, 15 feet deep with dead-heads everywhere, gotta really watch the motor After arriving back at the cottage I figured trying off the docks was in order as it was a beauty day and they often produce. I caught this first 27" pike on a yellow fat-rap. Next I grabbed the 13'6" surf caster and threw the biggest spoon in my tackle box as far as I could. This 30" pike hammered it! The surf-caster is leaning on the cottage in the background. The following morning, while having a cup of coffee out on the point, we heard some splashing. I then witnessed something truely remarkable that I had never seen before. A dozen good sized lakers spawning in 6 inches of water. I took a bunch of pics and a video. The biggest one, we estimated at around 8 lbs. We watched them for an hour, very, very cool. Here are the pics and youtube link. Great to see a healthy population of them in the lake. All in all a great weekend and a sweet show as well! Cheers!
  11. I was downrigging for trout in 65FOW and my gang troll was down half that depth and I caught one of those buggers. I still don't know how he managed to do it. Dang whistling trout!
  12. What a couple of prizes they were... They were munching on their favorite supper... Gar pike patties--while smoking cigarettes! "That little bass wouldn't even fill your hollow tooth" wow, well done history channel!
  13. 500? how about we make it 480!
  14. You're better than me fishermcann... Thanks for your comment, really helpful stuff.
  15. I was selling an old dirtbike on Kijiji and kept getting emails from some kid offering me less than 30% of what I was asking. He then got nasty saying I was an idiot, and that I was asking way too much etc. I'd imagine he has a new email address by now because after I was finished signing him up for every junk mail website I could find on the net, he'd probably still be unsubscribing from them if he didn't change it by now. Serves the little punk right.
  16. Fall Smallies are alot of fun, here's my PB fall smallie.
  17. Sweet! thanks for posting
  18. eBay is fantastic for lures. My top Pike & Bass lures haven't been made since the 80's and I can find them on eBay being sold by people that sell antique lures or estate clearances. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have been able to buy 5 of them over the last few years.
  19. If you can find some essential oils (the stuff that they use over candle boilers for incense) try to find some "star anise" oil. It smells like black licorice. I soak unscented grubs in it and have had good results with it.
  20. Wow... all I can really say... One of the best reports I've ever had the pleasure of reading... Thank you!
  21. A turd that fell from a plane that flew by? That would explain the splash! In all seriousness though it looks like a Bryozoan.
  22. I tried some channel Cat cooked that way this spring. It was pretty good. I have cooked perch a similar way and it was nice too. Take a perch filet and put it on a small plate, ad a small dab of butter on it, sprinkle some garlic powder and parsley on it and microwave it for around a minute. A quick easy way to enjoy perch.
  23. "I caught you a delicious bass..."
  24. For the 12inch diameter holes, are you putting footings at the bottom? If so the post hole auger will be useless. 12 inch holes seem like overkill if you aren't putting footings down, i'd just go with 10inch holes and 10 inch sono's. p.s. keep a sawzall handy for any roots you may encounter.
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