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Everything posted by Lip-ripper

  1. ...I know... I'm a bit of a prick....
  2. Looks good Blair, make sure the balance isn't thrown off too much by the modification though. That mod will increase the tongue weight.
  3. Just got this in an email... figured I'd share. Sharing is caring after all... PARTING SHOTS FOR THIS SEASON !!! What's the difference between the Toronto Maple Leafs and a cigarette vending machine ? A: The vending machine has Players. What do the Toronto Maple Leafs and whales have in common? A: They both get totally confused, when surrounded by ice. Why are the Toronto Maple Leafs like Canada Post ? A: They both wear uniforms and don't deliver. Why doesn't Hamilton have an NHL team ? A: Because then Toronto would want one! What do the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Argonauts and the Toronto Blue Jays all have in common besides being based in Toronto ? A: None of them can play hockey. What do you call 30 millionaires around a TV watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs ? A: The Toronto Maple Leafs. How do you keep the Toronto Maple Leafs out of your yard? A: Put up a goalie net. What do you call a Toronto Maple Leaf with a Stanley cup ring ? A: Very old or a thief. What do the Toronto Maple Leafs and possums have in common ? A: Both play dead at home and get killed on the road. How many Toronto Maple Leafs does it take to win a Stanley cup ? A: Nobody knows ... And we may never find out!! This guy says to the bartender, "Can my dog and I watch the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game here ? My cable is out, and my dog and I always watch the game together." The bartender replies, "Normally, dogs wouldn't be allowed in my bar; but, it's not very busy right now, so you and the dog can have a seat at the end of the bar. But, if there's any trouble with you or the dog, I'll have to ask you to leave." The guy agrees, and he and his dog start watching the game. Pretty soon, the Leafs manage to score a goal. The excited dog jumps up on the bar, barks loudly, does a back flip and runs over to the bartender and gives him a high five. The bartender says, "Wow, that's pretty cool!What does he do when they win a game? The guy answers, "No idea, I've only had him for 3 years!"
  4. Nice Blair! Glad you got some. I cleaned the buggers for around 3 hours yesterday evening. Ended up with 8 bags of 35-40, and a bunch more that I left uncleaned. Messy, stinky job...
  5. That's what after dinner naps are for! I had a 2 hour nap then headed out just after 10. Actually felt pretty decent this morning considering I've been out 4 times in the last week waiting for the run. Frustrating year for sure. I've noticed that alot of people want "Just a feed" when they hear that you got some, yet they aren't around when you are out till the wee hours netting them, or during the hellish hours of cleaning them. I'll be cleaning these up tonite. Hopefully I get it done in under 4 hours!
  6. Nope, got these up near North Bay. I suspect they would have ran a while ago down south...
  7. Another season's done... For me anyways, I have plenty now! Bring on the softwater! Must have been the rain last night because they were running much stronger. Our best scoop had 36 in it....
  8. I like them done in beer batter. They are one of my favorite fish to eat... Possibly, I was there from 9:30 til midnight...
  9. I'm considering it...
  10. It may not look like much, but that is an XL Timmies cup next to it! lol (Not the new elephantine XL cup, the old one, and you can see the XL marking on the bottom of it where it's squished.) Far and away the biggest smelt I've ever caught or even seen. I've heard of them getting that big in the great lakes but not that big around here. We ended up with a decent amount but they weren't running heavy. Not a super exciting report but a report none the less...
  11. aside from pitching and the odd catch, how does it involve any skill? they run in straight lines!!! Watch some of the dekes in hockey or even soccer, some of the acrobatic catches or jukes in NFL or even some of the dribbling or dunks in NBA and you'll see talent. MLB players have the most out of shape athletes in any major sport.... except for the ones on steroids!
  12. you find hockey boring yet watch the MLB????? Jesus... I'd rather watch curling
  13. Spend a few extra bucks and get a good gun. It'll be the last one you buy. I'd stay away from Winchester 1100's and Remington 870's as I have also heard about quality issues. Take a look at the Browning BPS... it's 10 times the gun. If you're in a gun shop, handle these 3 models. You'll know what I'm talking about. Remember, you get what you pay for.
  14. If you happen to hook onto half a tip-up with about 100 feet of line on it, I know who it belongs to...
  15. If the wire was really old and brittle the strands could have let go within the jacketing when you bent them to work on them. It would only show with a voltage tester.
  16. Cool! I just saw a bunch of Walleye then a turtle!
  17. A week ago we had 2 good feet of ice on the lake so we figured that even with the warm temps, this past weekend would provide us with one more opportunity to get out on the ice. It did. Still a good foot of clear ice and 8 inches of white stuff remained so out to the cottage to target Walleye we went. We didn’t even have to cut holes as the ones from the weekend before were still open. As soon as I dropped the first line down, it got hammered and after a good fight with a few long runs, up came my season best laker! A few hours and a couple more lakers later, the rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. Next thing we know, we are being bombarded by freezing rain, so it’s off to find some shelter while it passes. After the rain, the eerie fog rolled in. We kept expecting to see zombies emerge from it. About an hour later, my buddies jigging rod get hit hard, then has the line broken off just as quickly. Re-tied and back down he goes. Another half an hour passes and this beauty Northern makes an appearance. Soon after that I nab another laker, not huge but unique with very dark colours. You can see the Zombie fog still hanging around in the background… After that another small laker was caught an we ended up fishing well into the evening, but the walleye never made an appearance. All fish were released. We had a blast! We each got to catch a lunker and it was all-in-all a very successful, fun last trip! With the warm temps this week the sun has set on another great Ice season.
  18. Gotta hand it to Burke though. He took a 10th place team, and 5 years later made them into a 13th place team! Kudos Burke! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
  19. Floating on a 1 inch thick sheet of ice!?!? Crazy! I would want at least 3 inches.
  20. Thanks for the quick replies guys! It's actually the same reel in both pics, I just took a picture of both sides of it. Same with the rod. As for line, does that mean I should buy 6 or 7 weight line for it? Does colour matter?
  21. A few years back I inherited my grandfathers Fly gear. I know absolutely nothing about fly fishing, but have practiced casting and feel ready to give it a try. I took a bunch of pictures of the gear I have and need a couple things from you. First off, from what you see, what species should I target with it? I realize that with fly-fishing, you need specific rods and line weights depending on what you fish for. I think he fished mainly specks, rainbows and possibly bass as well. What do you think? Second, I realize it's older gear. Is it obsolete? If I really want to give this a go, should I get more modern gear? If so, what should be replaced other than the line? Thanks in advance!
  22. I have the 2011 F-150 you are describing and haven't noticed this. Then again, I haven't pulled super heavy loads with it yet (just got it this past summer). I have pulled lighter trailers on numerous occasions though. Boat & trailer, 2 sleds on a double wide sled trailer, utility trailer, and no problems or shudder. (knock on wood) I read numerous posts on your link and it looks like it's limited to trucks that have a 2-piece drive shaft. I'm not sure how many mine has, I'll have to check out of curiosity. p.s. I love the truck so far.
  23. Now Lupul's out for the season (practically)... tough times in Leafs nation...
  24. Is he worth 27.5 million over the next 5 years? I'm not thinking so...
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