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Everything posted by 206

  1. This i an intresting topic...I won't even add my 2cent cause i work in a union shop
  2. New years will never be the same!
  3. princess galvanized are like $180 each Not sure on brand name here but look at this guys kijiji
  4. Also try Kijiji because i think he is also posting his stuff there. look here
  5. How much does a 4X8 sheet of marine ply weigh? Just curious where i work we have been trialing a 4X8 PE plywood. I think a sheet is in the 30lbs range.
  6. It's a shame that such an animal couldn't be protected...and like a good thoroughbred be put to pasture and father more magnificent off spring.
  7. this site never disappoints, lots of great posts i have enjoyed while layed up Thanks guys ...feeling much better already think i may even enlist the help of a buddy to get out and do some fishing while i'm off work
  8. i have a feeling your inbox will be full
  9. Glad your boat work out good. Nice video....but what is growing on the perch at the 30-40 second mark? he shows up again later in video aswell.
  10. Love your vids and commentary lol....man i wish i lived in a different zone sometime. You can fish Bass all year?
  11. very nice!!
  12. Hey guys with this nice weekend hope you all get out and have some adventures....My crappie plans with my daughters were crushed in the wee hours of thursday morn I was in so much pain I actually took myself to hospital Apparently it was time for me and my appendix to part...good riddance. Anyway I'm lil down and out sitting at home dreaming of being out on the water. Don't forget your cams and please post your story's so i can enjoy the great fishing from home lol
  13. Done...thanks for the heads up and i commend you for your efforts to maintain the rights of kids to fish in Cobourg
  14. Yes temps have dipped...last friday we were in small bay in 2-3fow finder read 56-57degrees same spot yesterday 49 tops. Crappie still in the same spot though and still biting.
  15. Glad I asked....now i got alot more to digest. and yes i run trolling motor off cranking battery...worst case i'd have to pull the cord to start her.
  16. Crappy tire has a charger on sale this weeks flyer....I have a single deep cycle battery used to crank my 20hp Yamaha and run a 30lbs thrust troll motor in my 16 alum. will this charger be alright to recharge and maintain my bat. while boats in driveway? charger Looking for something so i don't have to lug battery in garage every time i come home to hook to my car charger.
  17. 9 million in coins would put the load way over limit...4 million in coins is reasonable, either way interesting situation.
  18. Anyone kindly post the upc(all digits on barcode) for a pack of aqua green 65lbs powerpro super 8 150yrd Thanks
  19. Great idea, these little guys get real hot out on the water and a quick dip is generally called for....the handle is perfect to get them back onboard
  20. Look like a shellcracker
  21. thanks guys had boat out, on and off no troubles, went with bunks to outside of outer ribs.
  22. thanks newer models have 73inch beam, is the weight of boat better supported in the centre or down each outer side. I'll try and take pics thanks
  23. Hey guys, picked up a newer trailer that will better suit my alm. boat. My question is the bunks as they are will make the boat sit up on its ribs(strakes) the inner ribs are 36inches apart....Do i want the bunks inside or outside the ribs? Boat road on my lil old trailer with them on inside.new trailer plenty wide enough to move them out...what to do? 2006 princecraft starfish 16' 2010 15-18 easy hauler bunk trailer thanks
  24. Great thread...topic i mean. I have bought a couple 150yd spools but have yet to try it. with weather like this i might be spooling it shortly I heard that it is hard on guides? that it will actually cut into them? I wonder how many cast that would take? Anyway all feedback is much appreciated.
  25. I'm sure he is, realize the "contrct extension" back in Dec was a deal to take care of him knowing full well he would be replaced.
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