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Everything posted by 206

  1. He has more money than most of us could dream of...Why risk further head trauma? Get out sid and take over a pannel job on tsn.
  2. Compound or cross?
  3. Hat givaway wild facebook
  4. I'd add the guess frogs? They will bite a worm or even a jig head if dangled in front of them.
  5. I had to laugh being A good # of those steps have apply'd for me....except the beer drinkin. Funny my HUD just came up with oil change warning the other day. I'll be laying in the drive way tomorrow. Just a heads up parts source has castrol jug 16.99 with free fram oil filter.
  6. Thanks for the update....curious as to what they wanna chat to you about? I am still not clear on where you could actually stand to fish legally, or does this mean you could drop a line anywhere down there?
  7. Right or wrong the age old question google frostwire
  8. Great video! Step on the gas next time and you'll have surf and turf!! Grouse be considered turf??
  9. Don't be offended...count yourself blessed! If i could afford the high end gear I'd buy new I wouldn't be shopping classifieds. Some offers maybe all that's in the budget. That being said I'm sure there are guys that can afford but are still cheap, but that's how they got rich in the first place.
  10. The wife and I were invited to the open house....after the speaches and video presentations i thought i was in! Then came the price the basic membership was like $1500 and that only gave you limited access to a few manufactures they deal with....the more you pay the more catalogs you can shop from. We walked out...I have a hard time paying costco the 65 dollar membership
  11. I'd like to get out on Rice in the morn right after work @ 7am....but with the cold weather it might be a waste of time? Fish might not bite till sun is well up and warming the waters.
  12. Sorry bout that copy and paste was from the northumberland today think he is waiting for date I will edit the 1st post
  13. Thought i'd share this local article....If its been posted already i am sorry. Cobourg resident Ron Reyns got his wish for a second time. A ticket from Commissionaire Dwayne Labrosse while fishing on the east wall in Cobourg Harbour on Tuesday. Previously Reyns was issued a ticket, but it was dismissed from court after it was filled out improperly. Reyns has always maintained it is legal to fish inside Cobourg Harbour contrary to municipal bylaws and looks forward to a court date
  14. Great job....What kinda scale is that? love the lip clamp instead of the ol slip under gill style! also had to chuckle when the blackberry chimed at :51 make i actually thought it was my own going off here
  15. Do tell
  16. Not sure how tall you are but that look 40 easy:clapping:
  17. Great SM action as well as wally.....oh ya a few weeks back we saw a duck taken from the surface So Big Muskie !! Sturgeon lake is only a 15min drive with great fishing as well. Overalll a great area to stay if your a fisherman not afraid to travel. Good Luck
  18. Great video's....real life fishing sometime you go for what seems forever between fish and then too they are not all monsters. Most these T.V shows get a few days fishing into 1/2 hour with all the hogs.
  19. I'm hoping for their 3rd jersey to be a Retro Jets uni
  20. 206


    Stayed at pickeral park there the near the end of July...great fishing lots of pike bass and sheephead, the wally though had moved outa the bay apparently at that pioint they were down by the church. You'll have no trouble finding them. find the weed edge and follow all the other boats.
  21. Scanned in 9 cfto today and my wife say's wow look how clear that is......sad part is she has it in HD on BELL and she even seen the difference. Man i hate paying for so called HD from providers when you get better pic free OTA, but the lack of OTA specialty channels leaves you no choice. If WFN OLN and TSN were OTA the world would be a better place
  22. So as long as you stand on the main pier(one you drive out on) you should be good....all other areas are already cover by town bylaws?
  23. How did it go this time...and do we know where exactly we would be "safe" to fish down there?
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