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Everything posted by 206

  1. I wish I coulda thought it threw more this bird may have had a better chance in the hands of an expert After the fact I thought the same....At the time I could only think about the poor guy on the loosing end. Yes mean doesn't describe the look in that birds eye, he had snapped and wasn't going to stop til the other was dead....I figured it would scare off as we approached, Never thought it wouldn't care i poked it with the net. At the time it never even crossed my mind my own safety. Thanks I'm glad to know there are others with a heart out there
  2. On Mitchell lake Sunday morn and we were ready to pack it in, waiting for the other boat we were with, we seen a loon who appeared to be struggling. I thought maybe a pike has a grasp on him so we moved in to get a look. It actually had an other loon pinned down trying to drown it and beating it with its wings.....What a site!! Never saw anything like it in my days. My natural instinct was to save the bird being attacked. That bird was on a mission to kill the other it didn't care we moved right up on it...I tried to push it off using my net (man they are beefy birds) but it wouldn't budge...i had to move the boat around and tried again this time it dove a few feet away and then came right back to attack. i gave the net to my partner and drove up and got him to scoop the wounded bird into the net. We drove off and left the attacker with a soar look in is eye, The poor bird was beat senseless and we released it way down the lake, I'm not sure he could even recover but I had to try. Looking back I wonder if I was wrong to interfere with nature in this way...it was human instinct or my softness that I couldn't let something be killed like that.
  3. On Scugog river for opener and witness a big large mouth go under the knife....Full of eggs!
  4. "Oh it's all gone bad" lol great video!!
  5. Quick and simple rig I have caught my share of eye pike and muskey with a worm harness, end of your line put a snap swivel....add your worm harness and a bell weight, bigger the bell weight the deeper the harness runs. Might be a lil rednck but gets the job done
  6. On Rice Lake off the north east tip of Sheep island there is a Green marker beached on shore. Who would i contact about this?
  7. Good to see them out in force!! http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/2013/04/29/anglers-charged-trout-seized?utm_source=addThis&utm_medium=addthis_button_more&utm_campaign=Anglers+charged%2C+trout+seized+|+Local+|+News+|+Northumberland+Today#.UX9btItMIDM.facebook
  8. Thanks guys I will try the boat trick tomorrow, I feel stupid, but like i said...had both spools label facing me never even thought to check which way the manufacturer spooled it I guess i'm batting 500 which is better then the Jays
  9. Apparently different manufactures spool their line in different directions, spooled 2 reels the first was fine the second is backwards, after inspection the line on second brand was spooled in opposite direction. My question is what can i do now to get the line on the right way...I'd rather not waste the line Any suggestions?
  10. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=Flooding_prompts_state_of_emergency_in_Huntsville__Ontario_19_04_2013?ref=ccbox_homepage_topstories I'm also being told Bancroft is currently under water? Stay safe anyone in these area's!!
  11. The Boston Bomber wasn't a complete idiot...I hide in my boat when I wanna escape the world too!!

  12. Nice fish!!
  13. Apparently some charges can take up to or more than 3 days to appear on your statement....so by the time you see it, it's too late
  14. 13 yrs of online purchasing finally caught up with me....Thanks to Henry's Photo-Video-Digital for calling me and alerting me someone in California try'd to purchase $1200 worth of equipment from them! Good news i only bought these dirt bags $3.76 worth of 1cent stamps from stamps.com and the bank will cover that. What do you guys do to protect yourselves? Must say it wasn't a big of deal to the bank as it as for myself...think my blood presure went threw the roof when i got the call this morn
  15. Hope this makes the paper...At least get there names out there and maybe sway others to abide or take notice.
  16. unless i just have poor internet connection, i have yet to fine an HD quality stream....But at least i still get the fights!
  17. LMAO this is real? i guess they sum it up "All Americans are poor, homeless and homosexual"
  18. Looks like a narrows, scroll threw these pics of "eye witness" http://www.bassmaster.com/slideshow/ikes-crash-landing at least he slowed down to pass this boat, I don't think he's a hooligan but there is tremendous pressure on these guys to preform
  19. Nice fish and beauty FishBum soft shell.
  20. Only been on it once, Canoed to it from 2 lakes south(Kulas) I know it can whip up and get ruff, and have heard plenty of fish story's from there. use to go to a cottage on Kulas as a boy, Beautiful area and cozy lil town. If i could ever retire somewhere it would be in this area!
  21. Not in my town Cat "must be leashed at all times" too bad the police can't enforce it...hate the cat crap in my gardens Poor dog but yes no matter how well trained should be attended, I know I woulda took my dog inside til the dear had moved on.
  22. Never used snows and never had any trouble......"Snow Tires" and "4X4" = false sense of security!! If its slippy slow down! it don't matter what you got if its slippery or slushy anything can happen!
  23. seriously go to shimano web site its all right there???? http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/global_fish/en/us/index/customer_service0/reel_maintenance_instructions.download.-mainParsys-000100-downloadFile.html/Maintenance%20Tips-%20Spinning%20Reels%20%281%20page%29.pdf
  24. or just go straight to the source, most decent manufacturers have all manuals available online http://fish.shimano.com/media/fishing/SAC/exploded_views/en/reels/spinning/09SY2500FJ_NEW1_v1_m56577569830815636.pdf
  25. Bought online 23of Jan. and it arrived today....guess i'm a lucky one. I do miss the nice fish art already though....new card kinda cheezey looking
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