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Everything posted by 206

  1. Funny I just saw an add on TV yesterday and was wondering if this was any good? you can try it and let us know lol http://okeeffescompany.com/index.php?page=working-hands&gclid=CLKhi8u_oMMCFQyPaQod3yUAKA
  2. got a 2005 uplander, great van, its got over 200,000km on it. it fits 3 hockey bags, sticks and goal pads with room to spare. It's the ext. version and has the sport suspension(air compressor/shocks) that give 1500lbs extra tow capacity. Towed a 2900lbs hybrid trailer for several summers, I have replaced a few wheel bearings the brakes and a muffler. I'd never go back to a car even after the kids are gone lol
  3. Here's one i was quizzing co-workers with yesterday Man, cats survive house fire.Proulx, who lives alone with 17 cats, said he tried to extinguish the fire for approximately five minutes, throwing water from a dog bowl at the ceiling. 17 cats....Why would he have a dog bowl?
  4. for a Ford? No thanks lol, plus the size of that it isn't making it into many back lakes up here lol looks nice tho
  5. Beauty!! What a detailed report This would be a dream trip for me....I'm not sure about the plane ride never been in one, but to be in the almost untouched Canadian wilderness would be priceless!!
  6. Wow, I'm loving these post of guys ice fishing already but things like this make me think twice about getting out there. Glad they all made it safe! http://www.chextv.com/2015/01/01/foursome-found-safe/
  7. I've received PMs I am in no way affiliated with Simax! Just sharing and looking for info. Simax Fishing Rods There will be nothing advertised other than liquidation sale announcement. Cash and Carry.
  8. feel free to read this blog, it answers a bunch of the questions raised here. http://www.bellmedia.ca/sales/blog/tech-tv-is-4k-technology-worthy-of-all-the-buzz/
  9. WoW if your not a professional photographer you're waisting your time working where you do now!! Beautiful shots!!
  10. glad some of you made out ok....Me, not so well. felt funny all day my youngest was sick in the morn and by 5:30 i started to get sick to my stomach made it to ball drop shaking under a blanket. Had to cancel our evening out. This morn my body aches from the heaving. It can only get better from here!! Happy 2015!!!
  11. I just came across this on Facebook...Maybe other members in the know have more details, Too bad for a Canadian business. December 27, 2014 Dear Valued Facebook Friends and Customers. It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that Simax Fishing Rods have now closed and is no longer in business. Due to unforeseen personal family matters, I will not be returning to the business in the near future therefore had no choice but to conclude operations. I wish to thank each of you for your support and hope to personally reconnect with you in the future. I wish to thank you for your friendship and loyalty built over the years, Team Simax was a small but mighty force to be reckoned with and collectively we have a lot to be proud of. Simax Rods will be having a Warehouse Liquidation Sale on Saturday January 3, 2015 from 8 AM - 2 PM, and Sunday from 9 AM - 2 PM at our office located at 90 Nolan Ct, Unit 23, Markham, ON. This offer will be a cash and carry sale only, limited to stock on hand. All product is sold is new and Final Sale. No warranty is expressed or implied. At the prices being offered to you, you should be able to continue using Simax Rods for years to come. I look forward to seeing you again in the future and thank you for understanding. Sincerely yours, Alfred Zhou President
  12. Not to sound rude but is it fresh gas??
  13. Nice....its winters like this I hate myself for putting the boat away. Good Luck!!
  14. I get them from "BELL" telling my my credit card was declined and i need to update my info....the link even takes you to what looks like BELLs page. Good thing I have never used a credit card in anyway shape or form with my BELL account so I knew it was a scam. But some of these scams I can actually see people fall for
  15. After Eights ! my mommy still buys me a box each Christmas lol
  16. My pet peeve....not sure it was covered? Approaching, following emergency vehicles Stop on approach of vehicle with flashing lights or bell or siren sounding 159. (1) The driver of a vehicle, upon the approach of a police department vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light or red and blue light, or upon the approach of an ambulance, fire department vehicle or public utility emergency vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light, shall immediately bring such vehicle to a standstill, (a) as near as is practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection; or ( when on a roadway having more than two lanes for traffic and designated for the use of one-way traffic, as near as is practicable to the nearest curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection. 2009, c. 5, s. 49. How many times I've almost been rear ended attempting to pull over to the side...and I by no means slam on the brakes and always signal. I'm not sure they teach this anymore or if people are blind or just plain ignorant??? I know if the emergency vehicle was on the way to help me I'd hate for some jackass to be slowing it down!!!
  17. These video kill me.. I'll give the 1st 5 people the benefit of the doubt but after that really?? How do people not see the cars sitting sideways head lights facing the wrong direction 4way flashes ect. on the road ahead???? I'm sure if they looked where they were going they could have reduced speed or stopped before crashing no matter what tires they have on!!
  18. Holy crap, what is that dog clocked at? Gotta love a companion like that!!
  19. Care to share your pension amount.....no offense but i know a few guys that make more on disability pensions a month than I do working!! Count your blessings!! oh and back on topic....No they shouldn't be mandatory. What did the world do before they had winter tires...we all survived?
  20. http://www.northumberlandnews.com/news-story/5205538-three-sent-to-hospital-in-hwy-401-crash-at-port-hope/ Not sure it was anyone you know? I'm not sure where they were headed but I don't think a boat will do you much good with all this ice forming!
  21. Dusty Rhodes "The American Dream" Kamala The Ugandan Head Hunter. and the funniest thing i ever remember seeing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0RVJQrYvSA
  22. Long story short, had been under the weather a few days got up on a holiday Monday by noon felt great, took daughter out on Rice. few hours out and to far for a 20hp to make it to launch i cramp up bad and shoot over toward a small island....no sooner i have my pants around my ankles this old couple come around the corner....She is reading a book he just continues to cast lol. impressively i manage to squirt it onto a rag in the bottom of my tinny! To this day I have no idea if they saw what was unfolding but my daughter is still traumatized. Yes I sheet in my boat
  23. This guy has some great video's Weather you agree or not there are some real good food for thought in most of his stuff!!
  24. I think the major difference between the 2 events was the fact the first guy was white,one of "our own" while the guy in Ottawa fit's the stereo typical Arab Terrorist. To really get the blood flowing the media pushes the later. It's a terrible thing butt the media manipulates the population at will. IMO
  25. Thank for the reply's I hope this transition will be smooth for me and my co workers. We are supposed to meet with union to discuss rotation...the company graciously has left this up to us, I'm thinking every other week end off would be the best bet for myself. It is going to be a huge adjustment for me and my family but i have faith it will work out in the end.
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