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Everything posted by 206

  1. Another factor to consider if there are any splitters or boosters in the line they will need to be removed for the sat to work.
  2. Wow can't wait to show my daughter, that'll knock her down a notch lol That's a beauty!!
  3. Hope everyone had a good ThanksGiving!! I managed to get out with my oldest girl Sunday to target some smallies on the Otonabee. Much to my surprise just about everything will eat the jig/chunk! I started of with a 24" walleye and my daughter proceeded to show me up with not only the biggest smallmouth but a nice musky!! She even managed a goby on the jig/chunk lol here are a few pics...I got lots to be thankful for!!
  4. I used to race R/C many years ago my last car was a Losi JRx2 tricked right out. I often find myself googling and veiwing youtube video's of R/C toys....Man have they come a long way!!
  5. perfect!!
  6. These people fascinate me....I'd love to get inside their head to see whats going on in there?? I'd also like to retrace their steps to see what happened in there life to set them off?
  7. I only laugh cause that is my outings in a nut shell lol
  8. Not my video but might be worth the share.
  9. This aint going away quickly just seen this being shared on FB
  10. 2006 Princecraft 16' starfish tinny, 20HP yamaha 2stroke just me 300lbs+gear 23mph(GPS) me and 1 kid 20-21mph me and another 300lbs guy 19mph 3 of us 17mph
  11. 4 $2.00 baskets = $12000.00 seemed like a good idea at the time lol
  12. great read, but even this sugests once trap is covered it won't spray....Trust me and my whole neighborhood on this one it CAN !!!
  13. Wrong! They can spray in a cage! Trust me I know....Also remember to fasten the door shut. the bar that hold door shut releases when trap is tipped verticaly and wet skunk gets out of 45gl drum and causes tense monent lol Wrong! I had shunk in live trap. wrapped it in a tarp. He sprayed!! Heard they only spray once...Wrong! 3 times i heard spray hit tarp while trying to move from back to front yard.
  14. I've heard of a sweet spot a couple hundred yards(east) off the Preston Springs boat launch.
  15. Love your reports and Photo's!!! I always hope to target these one day just to get one off my bucket list lol
  16. Hope it's not going around!
  17. here I thought those trails through the weeds were made by a beaver, muskrat or other animal but now I know It's just a bloody limey lol
  18. Wow pretty productive!!
  19. Someone shared a link to pintrest on my facebook. I hope you can see this pic i don't have pintrest. This is a coffee table to die for, No?
  20. I'd like to see the contract you signed saying your water front would be weed free lmao.....I don't think this is a township issue?
  21. Years ago this was an issue I don't believe there are any sites that share the EXIF anymore? If you find any let me know
  22. Check out this tuff bass-tard Took a swipe at my daughters bobber first then nailed her worm....Missing an eye and pooping hooks!! I couldn't get the hook out with lil force so i used the side cutters and trimmed it closer to his but. Swam away like a champ.
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