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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Don't know why I even bothered...... I guess most people can't see the real picture here. For me, this will be a very useful tool. For an example, lets say I get blown off a lake that I had planned my fishing trip on. I can now do a search in the near by lakes to see what species there are available and in what lakes. At least it gives me a starting point. Another point could be if there is information on a certain lake, at least I know I should be able to get access to it wheather it be a logging road or a trail off a logging road. Sure there will be some inaccuracies, suck it up! I guess you can look at it 2 ways, either send the MNR the name of the lakes with inaccuracies or just keep it to yourself and perhaps other people won't discover "your" lake. I am still very grateful they compiled this list of lakes with the species of fish that inhabit them. I know it will make my homework much easier for my next exploration trip. Cheers, Ron...
  2. The OMNR have created a new search tool for the general public to use. Some people have heard about it and now it is available on line. Looking for a certain lake to fish but don't know what species is in it? Look it up now with the below link. Going on a trip to fish species specific lakes? You can now search for a particular species to target. The part that ticks me off the most on this - I have been transferring data on Muskie Lakes onto my GPS from the paper Muskie Atlas. I was about half way through this project of mine only to find out it is now available on-line! Don't know if I want to say thanks or grumble because of all the time and effort I put into my own GPS list is now wasted time! In the long run, I am glad the OMNR have created this list! THANKS OMNR! New Fish on-line tool
  3. The funny thing is, I bet you both know each other! Ha ha ha Cheers, Ron...
  4. Brian, Terry, I don't understand??? Cheers, Ron...
  5. It's less than a stone throw on some of their sites.
  6. I recommend Golden Beach to everyone as well. Centrally located on the lake and a great weed line not 400 metres from shore to the deep water edge side. Follow that weedline and I guarantee you will catch walleye. Cheers, Ron...
  7. Dave, Send Misfish a minnow bucket instead maybe. Cheers, Ron...
  8. AS far as I'm concerned, every record Muskie will be discredited until one of the Big shot Muskie Gooroos catches a record fish. Heaven forbid a pickerel fisherman caught a record Muskie! (There, I said it, now that made me feel better.) Cheers, Ron...
  9. As others have stated, find out the weight of the boat and then see if the seller can tell you the size of axle on the trailer. If the boat weighs 4000 lbs for an example, the axle under the trailer should be 7000 lb rating. This will give you the buffer for added gear, fuel, etc.
  10. Maybe not a Ford pickup, but the Government certainly would if it was a Toyota!
  11. Yes, if you have nets, please bring em along. You do not need to preregister, there is a simple sign in for where you print your name and then signature. If you are looking for the volunteer hours, be sure to bring your sheet along with you and have one of teh MNR staff sign it. Cheers, Ron...
  12. If you look at the few pictures posted, you will see a dam in the background. The fish are pushed up into the pool below the dam and a net is set across the creek. People then go in with nets and attempt to catch them. Once caught, they are brought over to the OMNR staff and placed in holding pens where the Biologists ID the sex, a quick measure, check for lamprey marks, stocked, etc... Once they are ID'd, they are then set into a large basket, 3 at the most at a time and then lifted with ropes and pulleys attached to an ATV to lift them up to the top of the dam. They are released above the dam to hopefully find the spawning grounds before they are harvested. This is all manual "hands on" work and by the end of the lift, you get all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you have helped improve the chances for a continuing population of Rainbow Trout for future generations to enjoy. There are many people who come out to participate, most of them don't even fish for trout, yet there are so many that fish for these and make a living from it and you don't even see them come out to cheer us on, rather ironic I think. Cheers, Ron...
  13. Sorry for your loss Albert.
  14. So here it is Ladies and Gents. The Cobourg Fish lift will be held once again this year. Everyone is welcome to participate and or spectate. For those of you who help and require Community Hours for High School credit, 3 hrs minimum will be credited. Date: Saturday April 2nd, (weather permitting) Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Place: Google map link Please respect this property as it is a Golf Course, so stay on all paths. A sign in sheet is required and all persons under the age of 18 MUST be signed by legal guardian. We are anticipating to lift 100 pairs over the dam. If by chance a severe storm, it will be canceled and rescheduled for April 9th. Cheers, Ron...
  15. Looks great Mike. O do see a major problem though, where are the pics of the Muskie I caught on your proto types??? Ha ha ha No sweat bud, the new ones I got off ya will certainly get some well deserved "water time". I got a few more days left for Pike to close so I may just give em a few runs in the local harbour. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks at the Musky Odyssey in St. Cathrines. Cheers, Ron...
  16. Perhaps a rephrase would be better. Trout and Salmonoids are the only species you can angle for while they are stageing. A river is much narrower than what Quinte is for an example.FMZ17 also set in place a size restriction to protect walleye to ensure they spawn at least once before harvest. As for pan fish, they are prolific spawners and keep in mind, the regs were recently changed to reflect this plus also to protect over harvest.
  17. Getting the limit down to 2 is a great step forward. This gives the shore anglers a similar advantage and perhaps a chance to increase the overall population back up to what should be acceptable. We will never see the populations like we did in the 80's, there have been many more fish stocked into the Great lakes and the bait fish populatoin can only sustain a certain amount as well. When was the last time you walked the shores and seen the Alwive die off after spawning like there use to be. When was the last great run of Smelt seen in any of the tribs? In my opinion, the Trout and Salmon are the only fish which you can angle for before they get a chance to spawn. Even Pike will be closed in Lake O by the first of April. To me, I find it rather ironic that you can harvest fish before they get a chance to reproduce. In my perfect world, the regulations would be like this: Tagging system - 5 tags allotted with your Sport fishing license, 1 tag for conservation license. Catch and release only from Jan 1 - 4th Sat in April. For now, a 2 fish limit is a step in the right direction. We will have to wait and see if that will improve the population. Cheers, Ron...
  18. :clapping: This is terrific news to hear. I encourage everyone who fishes to send a reply to the above email addresses. It is nice to know what support you have when it comes to this type of discussion. Being on the advisory council for FMZ 17, we are starting discussions on cold water streams strategies. This will fall in nicely with my opinions and what I hope would be the general anglers opinions as well. Cheers, Ron...
  19. Send it to the States. You never know, if they are all like that, they could upgrade you to an Energy or a Tour edition to make it right. On a side note, shoulda bought a Shimano.....
  20. Fiberglass resin Matt. You can't get any better than that. Cheers, Ron...
  21. Geesh..... take the guys wife out for dinner once........ Ha ha ha, No probs Jason, had a blast catching a few in front of him! ha ha ha. Don't ever tell him I said this though, he's a good kid. And for the record, ya, I'd kick his arse all the way home if I had to. (wink)
  22. We were on a mission at the time or had we've known, we would have.
  23. Ha ha ha Now where would have I passed you? It must have been around 7:30ish.
  24. Glad to see everyone made it make safe and sound.
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