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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Just an update, If you know any good lawyers, let me know. They finally gave me a ticket. Lets just say, if you fish in any Park in Cobourg, you are liable to get a ticket. This would include fishing for Rainbow trout, Salmon, Carp, the list goes on. So, once again, if you don't think this is worth fighting for, please feel free to let me know. This is how the By-law is written: Consolidated Parks By-law number 064-2010 A By-law to regulate, protect and govern the use of parks, public open spaces in the Town of Cobourg. Protection of Wildlife 8. While in a park, no person shall: (1) Kill, attempt to kill, trap, hunt, pursue or in any manner disturb any animal, bird, waterfowl, FISH, worms or any other wildlife, provided that provision shall not apply to any person, fishing in Provincially or Federally legislated waters unless otherwise posted; Like I said, if you think this is not worth fighting for, I guess you are not interested in fishing for any of the migratory species that come up the rivers in the town of Cobourg. This will limit your fishing to the mouth of the river, oh wait, the town owns that too as that is considered Public open spaces. Not so Cheery, Ron...
  2. Glad to see there are still some fish to be found in your neck of the woods Dan. I heard the water levels are lower than last year. Another guy I know got out a week ago and did rather well.
  3. So sorry to hear Wil. I can only think of all the fun times you had with your Dad. From the looks of those pictures, he was a very proud Man, especially of his boys. He must have been very proud on how well they turned out too. GOD bless. Cheers, Ron...
  4. Geesh Spiel, I wished I had read my emails first, I could have used that helpful information in regards "How not to apologize to a Police Officer". Perhaps I would have gotten the ticket I had asked for.... Cheers, Ron...
  5. Yes sir. Anyone care to join me?
  6. Well done G-man! It's always nice showing up your Dad. My daughter does it to me all the time! Cheers, Ron...
  7. I won! For quite some time now, the town of Cobourg has had a By-law stating you can not fish in the Cobourg Harbour. I never did really know the whole portion of the By-law but I was willing to challenge it. This morning I decided to launch my boat and start fishing around in the harbour, there are many large Pike and the same many large Carp. I eventually approached the marina office where a guy came out demanding I stop fishing as there is no fishing allowed in the harbour. I told him to call the cops as I was within in my legal right to fish anywhere I want as this is navigable waters and they don't own the water. It took a while for the officers to show up but eventually they did, after all, I am certain they had better things to do than try to enforce a By-law. The cop politley asked me to stop fishing as there is a no fishing by-law. I replied, "I'm sorry but you will have to give me a ticket as it is not only a privilege but also my right to fish in federal waters." "Do you really want to go this route?" he asked. "Yes I do" I replied. He asks me for my fishing license and then another form of ID. He goes back to the cruiser and about 10 minutes later he hands me back my ID. I ask him "Where is my fine?" "Not just yet, this is still under investigation" he replies. After about 45 minutes, he goes to leave and I ask him, "Where is my ticket?" "At this point in time I will not issue a ticket for fishing as this is still under investigation. You know, there are better ways to dispute a By-law". "This is the only way I know how to get attention" I says back! I was told I was free to fish for the rest of the day as the Police can't stop me. I finally got a copy of the Fishing By-law within the Town of Cobourg. Basically it states you can not fish the center pier, nor can you fish the North wall in the general posted areas between Third St and Division St. They can not stop a person from fishing in a boat! Tomorrow morning I will be fishing on shore in the harbour, hoping they try to give me a ticket. I am not looking to see how far I can push this issue. I am doing this because there are many kids in this town who would enjoy fishing off the pier. It doesn't matter if they catch fish or not, it gives them a chance to enjoy the resources we have in town. There were 4 kids fishing this morning and they had fish stories from the day before about the size of some of the BIG Pike in here. "It broke my line!" he exclaimed. Bottom line is, there really is some big Pike in this harbour, I had 1 on but lost, plus I had 7 or 8 other follows. I have enjoyed Carp fishing down here the past year as well. Cheers, Ron...
  8. Change the plugs and if it isn't that, replace the fuel lines. Make sure the fuel lines are ethanol compatible. First I would change the plugs though.
  9. Hey, Was Solo paddler there? Seems like he's got the look....
  10. Here ya go....... Spaghetti and 3/4" meatballs loaded with big chunks of red and green pepper, onion wedges, whole mushrooms, stewed tomatoes and celery. Marinated pork loins cut into 1/2" strips, marinate is Miss Dianna s&s sauce. Potato skins prepped ahead of time loaded with chives, cheese and bacon bits wrap an aluminum tray in foil and heat on BBQ first. Canned corn or peas to finish it off. Smoked Turkey legs with a veg (broccoli blanched for 1 minute) and Knorr side kicks are your friends! BBQ'd chicken breasts, salad, Knorr side kicks are your friends! Rib steak, baked potato, salad. Sausages and burgers, Knorr side kicks are your friends! Peameal on a bun cut 3/4" thick, BBQ'd add a few Knorr side kicks are your friends! All our meals except for the steak night (baked potato is reason), take less than 20 minutes to the table. Our lunch menu usually consists of sandwiches either on a kaiser, scones or my favorite, wraps. Don't bother with bacon and eggs every morning. We all fend for ourselves for breaky, I am an instant oatmeal guy, others have toast and Frosted flakes or bagels and cream cheese. Bacon and eggs take too long to cook and longer to clean before you can leave camp. That, in a nutshell, is our menu for a 10 day trip. We always anticipate a shore lunch or 2 as well.
  11. Of all the lawnmowers we have owned, my wife says she preferred the Lawnboy the most. Hey, she cuts the grass while I go fishing, so the next lawnmower I get will definitely be another Lawnboy!
  12. Thanks for all the replies guys. As it turns out, I will be home sick in bed. bummer.
  13. If your load in the back of the truck is consistant, go with a helper leaf spring. If you have variable loads on a daily basis, go with air bag system. I had a 86 Ranger that always carried my carpentry tools during the week and fishing gear on the weekends. Added a leaf to beef up the suspension, it was great for work but like a bucket of bolts on the weekends. My 2010 Tundra I went with the air bags and glad I did. I can level out every load quick and easy. FYI, I have a tandem dump trailer rated for 10,000 lbs and load varies one load to the next. Cheers, Ron...
  14. Are you trying to tell me something Roy? I have never been to Quebec, have you ever been to Ontario? I wonder if it's the same hat, I lost one here around the house too a while back. However, I relocated my Muskies Canada hat round the same time my GLoomis went missing! Hmmm, could it be????? Cheers, Ron...
  15. Hey all, My daughter will be coming home this weekend and I was hoping that I would be able to take her out and catch some fish. I live an hour East of Toronto, close to the Kawarthas. Anybody know of any good spots to take her? Any area within a 5 hr drive would be fine. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Ron... Oh, btw, she is into catching big Crappie, big Walleye, big Bass, big Carp and Muskie.
  16. I hope everyone sells their boats. Well except me of course!
  17. I just spoke with the MNR boyz and watched them dump 18,000 Lake trout fingerlings off the Cobourg Harbour. This is their second dumping in the last few weeks. If I'm not mistaken, the first allotment was 20,000 fingerlings. So ya, the gulls got some, maybe 100 - 200 that is still a great number say at 17,800 the gulls didn't get!
  18. Looks like a nice trip with the boyz. To make note of though...... IS THAT SNOW IN THE BACKGROUND???
  19. The new fish online tool may be of use for ya too. Fish on Line Cheers, Ron...
  20. Hey Snady! Long time no hear! I see ya once and a while though. Man oh man, is that the fastest that ol panel van you drive can go? It took forever for that Caravan to get out of the way! ha ha ha Cheers, Ron...
  21. My daughters is bigger! We caught these on Monday. Cheers, Ron...
  22. Well before it gets pulled or locked, I will try to add an image from my photo bucket account. Cheers, Ron...
  23. Pretty Kewl! I like the one old man in the background..... running and trying to hide from the camera! ha ha ha Glad to see my step daughter did such a wonderful job presenting herself with the volunteer work she does. Now she just needs to learn to fish.
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