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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Sure glad I traded in my 99 Ford JUNK for a Toyota! All I had to deal with was the mystical sticking gas pedal which was proven to be the fault of the drivers. Hmmm didn't seem to hear to much about the results of that court case. ha ha ha Cheers, Ron...
  2. Hello everyone, A much deserved update in regards to "no fishing" in the Cobourg Harbour. With a request letter I sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources, they in turn sent me a truly valuable document to verify I was indeed, legal to fish the Cobourg Harbour according to their by-laws. Since my initial ticket, this document was being held by myself as evidence until required in court. Since my first ticket was quashed,you can read the transcript here (hmm, don't know how to link files on line.) I did not have the opportunity to submit to the Crown so i held onto this for a later date. As I work many days close to the harbour, I was speaking with one of my suppliers at the harbour parking lot and was more or less challenged by the by-law enforcement to fish the harbour again... So I did! This gave me my second ticket. I am still waiting for the court date for this ticket. Since this ticket, I have sent a copy of the letter (don't know how to link files on line) I obtained from the MNR to the Cobourg Chief of Police. I have since spoken with the Chief and they have agreed to no longer lay any charges pertaining to fishing in the Cobourg harbour. The Town of Cobourg by-law enforcement however were not so obliging... at first... I hand delivered the letter to the town and made it very clear I will be charging the town for harassment if they continue issuing tickets. Her reply - We are not backing down, you do what you have to do Ron. *end of discussion*. About 2 hours later, I receive a phone call, the town are in agreement, they will no longer issue tickets for fishing in the harbour. In fact, they want to meet with myself and Mike to further discuss what can be done to solve our fishing issue in the Cobourg Harbour.
  3. There will be an update on this in regards to the by laws. The Town of Cobourg has been sent notice and now it can be public information. Today is my day in court. (charged for fishing in the Cobourg harbor) *updated* I WON Ron at it Again new ticket I fought the Law and ... no fishing by-law Wake up folks, and smell the fish Article in Cobourg News paper by Terry Curtis
  4. sorry need to bring forward
  5. If it happens again next morning, chances are the plugs and wires may need attention. Does this have separate coils for each plug?
  6. Hey my board name is Ron, my real name is Ron, could it be that I was the Ron you knew?
  7. Nice fish Jer! BTW, I just picked up my phone, yup, still has a dial tone... Cheers, Ron...
  8. Thanks for the post Mike. It was a fun day and for 70 bucks plus a full pay back less 10.00 for a beverage and dinner, how is a person to go wrong! Fishing was tough out there on Saturday, we got 7 bites for the full day! Just fortunate they were good bites for 2 of them. Cheers, Ron...
  9. My dream trip would be Perchin on Simcoe, with my wife and daughters of course!
  10. Hey all. Yes it seems like the Town of Cobourg is quite adamant about not fishing in the harbour. The bylaw enforcement officer who gave me the ticket is fully aware of the last sentence in bylaw #064 2010. He was told from "higher up" to issue me the ticket and only print out the abbreviated portion on the ticket. I will give an update when I get a court date.
  11. Another year gone by. Nice photo ops Dan. I didn't make it up this Fall for the closing of the season, seemed like it would have been similar to what we had last year weather wise. (90 km winds = not fun and broken tents). We found this Spring to be colder than normal making it difficult to locate the larger Brookies. We had no problem finding the small guys (>22 inches) but only managed 2 over the magic mark. Cheers, Ron...
  12. Why tanks Brian. I have got a few more in the fire, just waiting for a reason to bring them up.
  13. November 18 - 20th???? Finally, one I can put down on the calendar and make! Sleeping in the back of my truck for the weekend, perfect! Cheers, Ron...
  14. Now there is an idea Mike, Perhaps we can convince the FishMonster to come down with us for a weekend.
  15. Can I get the way point for the location at 7:10? Thanks! Cheers, Ron...
  16. Good to hear Jason. Too bad my son is back in school now and won't have much time to fish for them. Good on the bud picking up someone else s garbage, shame he had to do it in the first place but glad he did. Nooch hasn't fished seriously out on the pier the last few years, yet he still goes out picks up garbage and sets up garbage bags for the slobs. Sad part is, some people still won't walk the extra 10 ft to put it in the bag.
  17. You are probably right about the bag, I just couldn't read the patch. as Solo says, you can't put a price on a neat item like this. I for one would be proud to have a granddad give me something like that. Still would be interesting to find a value on it just for insurance purposes though. Good luck on your search. Cheers, Ron... You got it Solo, never thought of that. Cheers, Ron...
  18. It appears that what you have is not a fly rod. It is more so an older closed face reel pack rod. You can tell this by the location of the reel seat. A fly rod seat is located on the bottom of the handle. There are 3 different tip sections to give you 3 different actions. More importantly, post a picture of the patch on that rod bag.
  19. Hope you had a great day Paul. Cheers, Ron...
  20. I asked my wife about a month ago to pick me up a carton of smokes as she was going to the gas station to fill her car. She came back with a pouch of tobacco and some rolling papers.I asked why the pouch and papers. "It's a lot cheaper" she said. Well about a week later, I told my wife I was going to the grocery store to get lunch meats and she asked me to pick up some tampons for her. I felt awkward doing this but obliged. I came back with the cold cuts, cotton balls and butcher twine. She asked me what the twine and cotton balls were for. I replied "You remember a few weeks back you told me it was cheaper to buy the pouch of tobacco and rolling papers? Well I figured if I had to roll my own, you could roll your own too!" I hope I am allowed back in the bedroom next week.
  21. Ron


    Looks like a nice trip you had Bill. I ain't gonna make it this Fall = bummer. Cheers, Ron...
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