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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Frogs and toads are a good thing. Leave them alone and they bounce back in droves.
  2. Hey Tj Im looking for a winter trip you in ??
  3. I want to go muskie fishing /screw the bass....

  4. I would rather be ice fishing than putting up with this heat!!!! The count down has begun 4 months and eagerly waiting..

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Too much fishing left Don.In all due time !The ice will be here before we know it.lol.

    2. misfish
  5. In.
  6. Planters peanuts are awesome when ice fishing. YUMMMMMMM.
  7. Really ? When I get some time tomorrow I will put some picks up. Don.
  8. dhickey

    Leopard Frog

    I must say it was nice to see them down here on the Niagara escarpment in droves the past few weeks. Good sine . As well as toads the size of the palm of my hand.
  9. What ever happened to this thread??
  10. X 2 The ones I got came out of no where total surprise mind you the lake is only 30 ft deep with steep drops on the weed lines. (hint)
  11. I am not any where near you guys but I had them hitting top water fast retrieve rite beside the boat on the weekend while bass fishing. 2 for 3.. The first was a brute (missed) and that got the wheels spinning.. North eastern Ont.
  12. I my self find that the lake I grew up on is changing in a bad way and getting to the point of no return. Without going on at great lengths about it. The pressure this lake is getting is insane. My daughter got up at 6am Sunday to go fishing with me and out on the lake(large pond)was 5 other boats. Hmm In a nut shell Way to much pressure. So my thought was if we cant stop people from fishing than it only makes sense to reduce the catch limit or introduce 0 limit on designated "trophy" lakes. I have watched this lake(I love to fish) go from lots of 4-5 pound bass with the odd 6-7 pound showing up over the summer. The last 3 summers have produced nothing over 4 tops. But the plain fact is that development trumps conservation and the MNR is spread way to thin. To bad. Don
  13. Man up and lip it .... Have your pliers ready because they do help.
  14. I think what you may be describing might not be Swimmers itch but a reaction to the sun?? For years I tried to figure out why I was getting these little white bumps. I know mosquitoes don't bother me and I am in contact with the water all the time. The one thing that I have found is that If I don't put on sunscreen they show up and itch like crazy for a couple days. Just a thought. Don.
  15. Its fine. Thaw it out slow in the fridge. I pack my fish in water and a large zip lock bags. Just cut the fish into large pieces (size depending?)
  16. Yep and I have as well.(spent thousands of $) But I can say that my go to lures were not bought from a large store but from local tackle shops. Brand names are Ok but what I am getting at is the (killers/ good lures) I think you know what I am getting at here.
  17. I tend to go for independent lure manufactures that have different shapes and colour combinations. I have found that most of the lures that I buy from the big stores don't work as well as lures from the smaller independent tackle shops. Any thoughts on this? Don.
  18. Very nice. Great report. I need a trip like that!
  19. Its not about pillage and plunder. Its about conserving a resource that is native to Ontario and that my friend is the goal of MNR . I back the MNR 100% simply because they at least try to find solutions to depleting native fish stocks. Stocking lakes with fish that are not native is a circle of failure. It can and does disrupted the ecology of a lake with repercussions that can be detrimental to a lake or river. Catch and release works!!! I just wish Ontario would adopt a trophy lake system.(0 fish kept) in more lakes and rivers/ not just sanctuaries. Don.
  20. I don't get it.? Why would you want a line so visible? In my little mind if I can see it then the fish can as well? (leaders well choose what you like) I use my rod and line along with the lure/bait to tell me whats going on under water.. Don.
  21. 10 days staight working and only 3 days left to go then its fishing time. Looking for the BIG GIRL on the lake . Here fishy fishy time to come out and play..

  22. I pass by there every morning and night on my way to and from work and I never see any one entering or leaving. I know it used to be stocked with trout from local trout farms north of there but they have shut down for about 6 years. Cant say that I have ever fished it but if its like other ponds around that area you would do well with sunfish and perch(small) maybe even the odd bass.
  23. Very nice As for the big smile. Who wouldn't be grinning ear to ear.
  24. The 2nd question still hasn't been addressed . Is the amount of bearings in a trolling reel worth consideration.? Thanks. Don.
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