I my self find that the lake I grew up on is changing in a bad way and getting to the point of no return.
Without going on at great lengths about it. The pressure this lake is getting is insane.
My daughter got up at 6am Sunday to go fishing with me and out on the lake(large pond)was 5 other boats. Hmm
In a nut shell Way to much pressure.
So my thought was if we cant stop people from fishing than it only makes sense to reduce the catch limit or introduce 0 limit on designated "trophy" lakes.
I have watched this lake(I love to fish) go from lots of 4-5 pound bass with the odd 6-7 pound showing up over the summer.
The last 3 summers have produced nothing over 4 tops.
But the plain fact is that development trumps conservation and the MNR is spread way to thin.
To bad.