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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. NO. Suban makes more mistakes than you can shake a stick at..
  2. Ya have to admit that the water bottle thing is funny.. Fitting as well. If I had that pay check in my pocket I would do the same.... As for Suban he is not an elite hockey player he is nothing but an over rated average joe playing above his abilities...
  3. Well it seems I am the only one here that supports Boston. Thornton had a good laugh over it and to be truthful so did I . Don.
  4. Stop teasing me! Please....
  5. What kind of mower? Push or ride on? What make and engine? We need details in order to help.
  6. Ya never know what will work? If it looks like something that would work. Try it what do you have to loose 1$ In fishing the only thing you learn from is failure . No big deal just new found knowledge . Win win if you ask me. Don.
  7. GO BOSTON GO Never to late for hockey. This time of year sorts out the real fans over the band wagon jumpers..
  8. Very thought provoking . I liked the nature scenes as well a the works that provoke emotion but as for the political side I can do without politics on my wall. And to each their own. Don.
  9. Im looking forward to the Chicago game. Nice to see NYR giving them a run for the money. As for the habs fans. Good on ya.... Don.
  10. My neighbor started using them a few weeks ago and I was talking to his wife last night and she is tickled pink with the results so far. He doesn't smell like smoke nor the car. That's good. But he is still addicted to nicotine . On the other hand he is not subjecting his lungs/body to all the negative effects of the toxins within the smoke itself and that's what really got me thinking today that this might be the way to finally kick this stupid habit. So that got me to wondering if any of these products provide a program to get their customers off nicotine and it's negative effects? Just wondering. Don.
  11. Warfin is a blood thinner ingested in large amounts it causes dehydration leading to internal organ failure and ultimately death . I forget exactly what the drug is called but its used in headache meds as well as heart meds and for people that suffer from blood clots. Warfin has been used as a wide spread cure all but misuse can be disastrous. I.e. dead or sick pets. Don.
  12. Whatever happens tonight . Im looking forward to watching Boston crush them like bugs.. Call it ignorance or arrogance its a fine line...
  13. Makes me wish I was young and stupid again. Looks like a whale of a time.
  14. Something you or others may want to consider if you plan on having a minnow tank for extended periods of time is to do regular water changes 25% every week this is very important. Some tips to keep the minnows healthy and strong. Use tap water conditioner (this is a must) You cant use to much 10 mll per 20 litres Try to keep your water temp lower than 60 Aerate. You cant overdo that the more the better. VERY IMPORTANT... The Ph level should be within the 7.4 - 8.4 (this is easy to do with regular water changes) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT... Ammonia (that's the killer) when the level rises it will kill the minnows. Its caused from decaying food/fish waste as well as dead decaying fish. If you don't plan on monitoring the tank every day then you should get a filter and that will help regulate ammonia levels. Regular water changes along with keeping the tank clean as well as not over feeding will go a long way for keeping them strong. There are other factors as well but its just bait its not like were trying to breed them or grow champion suckers or shiners. Don.
  15. If you live in Toronto you may want to think about using clean water from a river or lake if you cant get that then you may want to use tap water but you must use something to neutralise chloramine along with lots of air and the colder the water the better. Do Not Use bottled water the Ph is to low.!! Good luck.
  16. I just figured out what really erks me about the habs.... Granted they have a long history of success as do other teams. But. What gives that franchise the rite to use Canadian in there team name? I cant think of any other team that has the arrogance to incorporate their Country into a franchise name? I would like to see them go back to their original name Montreal Maroons. In no way does the Montreal franchise have the rite. The only team that has the rite to call themselves Canadian is . TEAM CANADA....... Don. Ps. GO BOSTON GO........
  17. Your so lucky. Just today I finally came to grips with the end of winter and put my gear away. Then you post your report..Arrg Nice pike
  18. Thanks I needed a good chuckle.
  19. I hate politics ... He screwed up BIG TIME... Forget him and move on.
  20. The video is cool but I just cant seem to figure out why the leaves on the trees are green or red it looks like fall.? Not spring. If the leaves are not out in southern Ontario I find it hard to believe they would be out I the Ottawa area? Not sure what to make of this?
  21. Cooks is part of a large body of water and having stated what every one knows it can be extremely frustrating to figure out. If your willing to spend the time and money to find the fish than go for it.. For kids its a long day unless you know where the fish are.$$$$$ Ps keep an eye on the skies. Storms roll in from every direction. Don.
  22. Ya its not a good time to be a turkey or trout.
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