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Everything posted by dhickey
I HOPE SO OR its just a ploy to get Obama ellected again?? ?????
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dhickey replied to Squid's topic in General Discussion
can this be put to rest???? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! we all got the mesage.... ENOUGH!!! -
il 3rd that. i would like to see it include game as well.? it would also be nice if ofnrs could post their results in a constructive way seeing as we all have different tastes. personaly i have had enough of the standard batters and baking fish.
i flew out of Nakina 20yrs ago. it was absolutly INSAINE!!! the fishing was beyond my wildest dreams. the wildlife was incredible and scary all at the same time. we went up midle of June and the pickrel walley simply jumped in the boat 3-5 pounds. the pike!!! whaaooow. they made short work out of me and my gear(heavy rod and real 25 pound test/mono was the best at the time) in one week i saw 2 pike that were in about 16 inches ofw (their back tipped me off) when you through a lure at them they EXPLODE insane saw one that had to be pushing 4.5 -5 feet. those that have neve been up there are in for the treat of a life time. if there are any spots left for late Aug/early oct i would be in. saltydawg.
there are 2 sheetstock suplyrers i Bolton that should carry marine ply .reyette and meteor i have used them . another is in bramton Robert Burreys. these companeys are not a shure bet but i do know that they carry it from time to time?call first. a shure bett is Oliver lumber co.they always have it but they are west of Milton. your best bett is to ask a local marina. i did that when i fixed up my boat. the marina in Lafroy at the end of kilarney beach road pionted me in th right direction.(invaluable advice) any questions dont hesitate to pm me. saltydawg
if your friend was drinking he doesnt stand a chance. take the tickets. if he wasnt you have to prove that. if he pursues this for a sizable settalment. i think the general steriotype is that people who go to theese races is that its nothing but a party. so your freind would have to produce afidavids saying that he was not drinking but most of all that he dosnt drink. another thing to think about is that if you go at them with a lawyer .you now will be dealing with an insurance company.and that talladaga is at fault. just my take on it. i would take free tickets and mabey push for pit passes or spicial event passes. and just enjoy the next race. good luck.
what are we fishing for here? i like catwoman i mean catfish
Thanks Kevin looks like quite the gathering. must be alot of fun? mabey next year .
marine ply is not bullet proof!!! if you want to make it waterproof before instaling it you have 3 options. 1 you can ase exterior wood glue thined out with water 50/50 first 2 coats then 25%water 3rd coat 4th coat 10% water on the edges aply streight glue as final stage. 2 oil based exterior varithane on the first coat thin it with 25% varsol soak the edges liberaly .2nd and 3rd coat streight varithane. 3 wrap the transom with fiberglass. NOHAS can help you out with that. fiberglass not only makes it water proof but adds stregnth. any holes that you have to put in the transom during install should be filled with a water proof epoxy or glue or resin NOT SILICONE.
i know im new on this site but what is this about and where? pickeral? Quinty?
the flyers have always been a tough team. it only goes so far. Boston has a higher skiil set. montreal was clearly faster but Boston had a wider range of skilled players. flyers might be big and strong and they will do damage to Bostons line up in the first 2 games but i think skill will win so long as chara and horton keep their heads clear and up. phily will be gunning for them. mabey we could have this thread title changed to play off hockey instead of habbbbbs seing as their pollishing their clubs. can the mods do that without causing a fuss? just asking . not looking to start any thing.
why not put a couple zip lock bags in your tackle boxes as well as any thing you take out fishing ? this way you put your wallet in one cell in one and if you drop it in the drink it floats for a few seconds. long enough to retrieve it. and ITS DRY. keep the photocopys at home this way you have proof of ownership. thats what i do. copyes dont count for squat when confronted buy authorities. but if you loose origonals copys do help speed up the proces of getting new ones.
this post realy has me wondering now. i must be a little rusty on the rules. so i have a 12ft with a 6 horse. bought 20yrs ago. does this need to be registerd? i do have my boating licence but i will be refreshing my memory. as far as our goverment goes all departments are a JOKE!!! its been 8 months since my father passed and trying to get the death benifit that we are all entiteld to to help pay final expences for love ones has been a nitemare! ok im done ranting now.
good luck vancouver. untill next year BOSTON better win tomoro or i just might have to give up this game. but realy whats up with the reffing tonite? pretty inconstant . (not looking for an excuse) . it just wasnt consitant. in both games.(its not just because my teams lossed ) dono?
go who ? CHICAGO!!! say it.! they will do it. say it.!
now this is no crap! i worked for one of the top chefs in the world as a carpenter.! his smoker was an old fridge . one of the ones from 50s 60s ? where the compresor was behind a large pannel at the bottom. he drilled a bunch of 1 inch holes in the bottom of fridge compartment and a 2 inch vent stack. the old compresor compartment held the coals. the smell that came out of it was simply heart stoping to say the least. my mouth is watering now. i also had the chance to sample meat that came out of it. (awesum) they wouldnt tell me the kind of wood ! (damit)
i miss winter!! where to start? the most important thing to concider is. are you able to get your machine running if something minor goes wrong when its -20 with a wind? all the newer sleds have computers /efi bla bla bla my point is bullet proof sleds are reliable simple machines! IE. up at nosbonsing late janurary . it was cold! 3 out of 8 seds started. 1986 yamaha 340 et/96 mxz 583/06 mxz500 !! cats and polaris dead. the 340 and 583 have been in our group for the past 10 yrs not once have we ever been stranded. 583 is mine . theese are simple strong machines that require nothing but basic matinance so my point is. simple is beter when dealing with what could be a life or death situation not to say that polaris doesnt have good sleds out there (indy) but cats ?? seem to push limmits and fail. im a firm believer in keeping engines simple. espicialy on sleds and boat engines if somthing goes wrong i dont have a diagnostic computer in my back pocket..
I thougt chicogo didnt stand a chance. after having to be dismanteld because of the sallery cap. i hope i was wrong. favorate teams. TORONTO CHICOGO BOSTON GO CHICOGO GO BOSTON LITE IT UP!!!
its prety simple 12-20 pound line and any bobber big enough to control your minnow. suckers work best hook them just above the lips from the bottom up. you can use stingers. i like to use power pro tied to the eylet of the mian hook. the key is to allow the minnow to swim naturaly but not leav your stinger line dangling. you can also work the bottom with them. minnows generaly go streight to the bottom so 1or2 good size split shots 18-24 inches up is good depending on the speed of your drift. pike generaly slash the minnow first then grab it up to a minute later the they either hold it and stay still or they cruse away to chow down. give them line untill they stop count to 10 set the hook hard. i like minnows 5-8 inches. good luck
just a thought. i think this is a great idea when i first read this post this afternoon i asked my daughter if she would like to go to a fihing camp for kids. her eyes lit up like a christmass tree. she wanted to know if it would be camping and if i would be there? this got me thinking. what if OFC members got together on a few different weekends to give this a trile run? this way srt8 could get the oppertunity work out the logistics and we as volenters could help. not to mention the kidds could have a great time meeting new friends as well as parrents helping together to get a great idea off the ground. like i said just a thougt. it would take allot of planning but its for the kids.
well that sais it all i can here the fat lady warming up. GO BOSTON GO
i would stay with oil. i made the switch from oil to propane at the end of the day i didnt see any difference in cost . meaning. a propane furnace does not burn as hot as oil. therfore it runs longer using more hydro not to mention nois. propane is cleaner and oil is more eficient BTU per litre. in a pinch you can buy oil from almost any gas station. you can not with propane. (if you alter the fule dilivery to your furnace in any maner with propane your home insurance is void and i might be wrong on this but i think there are also crimminal charges) if you have any other questions feel free to pm happy to help in any way. saltydawg.