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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. awesum! my daugther and i enjoyed an outing this weekend as well. great pics. my daughter told me that there is nothing wrong with a girl being an outdoor nature girl snd a princes at home. (2 sides to every coin) all i could do was laugh and feel proud. she keeps asking if were going camping may 24 weekend. gotta say yes to that. she will be 8 in june but she was 3 or 4 camping in snow on 24 weekend. start them early . it sticks forever. salty ps. well done
  2. i think this is a great idea.! there is a million ways to cook fish and game. not any one of us could posably try them all out. a forum that allows us to share results among ourselves would be invaluable. just a thought. we might even look at locking it out to the general public? the same with sharing current fishing and hunting info.? just saying that whenever i look at whos on line it seems that the guest are just as many as the members. not to say that OFC should not be a public forum just that mabey it would be nice to share info with contributing members on selected forums? where you must be sined in. saltydawg
  3. sounds good. good food is always welcome on my plate.
  4. 1 is a float siut like the ones we use for ice fishig legal when in a boat? 2 looking for a new way to cook simcoe lakers . i have always baked them with onion and buter . pretty standard. sudjestions very welcome. what does poker and mariage have in common? you start out with 2 hearts and end up looking for a club and a spade.
  5. what is a monster? the lake i fish has more than a few 3-4 ft range. i put them 16-25 lbs. i see them every once in a while but cant hook them??? any advice? ps. usualy rainy days in summer or sept/oct. spring / early summer nothing. (i think their killing the lake / its more like a large pond.) (it takes about 5 mins to go end for end with my 12ft and 6 horse) what does it take to get them out? new lures?? new tactics??
  6. thought you were to tierd from catching fish today. big cats next wknd.
  7. sounds like a fun project for the kids. just a word of caution. make shure when you move them outside the coop is coyote proof. they took my rabbits when i was a kid! wasnt a good day! double wrapped chicken wire didnt stand up. im shure the kids will have fun.
  8. very very nice!!! you have a talent and skill i understand!
  9. we can take it down to a 64th? nice job darra looks great.
  10. u make me crazy with envy! keep up the good work.
  11. happy belated bday. a vibrante warm spirit.! ps. lost the post last nite/ crazy. salty/don
  12. any good pike up there? im waiten for the ice to go away.
  13. pictures of your boat and security measures/ locks give those to your insurance agent. in the off season put it at your cousins out of sight. the bolts work. ill try to find them over the next couple days.
  14. sounds like you need to find a good mechanic? where do you live/ better yet what area is close to you boat? im shure somone would be able help you out.
  15. keep it out of sight put it in the garage? tounge lock and a good chain should satisfy insurance. congrats man! im shure we will be seing fantastic post. and many years of enjoyment for you.. chain the engine to the boat. theres bolts out there (i forget what there called ) but unless you have a the right tool its almost imposible to undo or cut. im shure somone knows what there called.
  16. wow! i forgot all about DEEP PURPLE awesum then its zeplins moby dick
  17. i seem to be ok no problems now
  18. cant wait!! got a pm comming your way.
  19. sounds like an awesum weekend. nice report. some of my best fishing weekends didnt realy involve mutch fishing either. good friends and good times. nothing like it.
  20. stupid question. if ther is no oil preasure does the engine not shut itself down? not familar with new 4 strokes.
  21. 5 gal bucket / several tose guys are nuts.!!!
  22. you advice is not in question.! i was simply trying to find out what class of boat and motor we are discussing? i personaly understand your posts and do not dismiss your advice. salty.
  23. in order to get solid advice i think you heve to be more specific. how big is the boat? and engine. and will it fit into your maitenance budjet or skills? nothing worse than having somthing go wrong on a big body of water. just my thoughts.
  24. i have an old muscrat. no scent though. cant stop laghin
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