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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. if you know motors and on a budjet i would go with merc /evinrude/johnson. but only if you know how to do more than basic service on older engines. this could leav you with more to spend on the boat itself. other wise buy the new engine and look at upgrading your boat later. hope this helps. salty.
  2. replace decent with amasing. no ego here.
  3. thanks jerrit. nice to here from you ,(been lokking for you) ill pm my # to you we can catch up. did you ever get your hands on the pics from the north chanle? if i dont hear from you have a steller trip . looking forward to the pics. Don/ aka saltydawg.
  4. any news yet ?? intrested in helping out if i can. pm me im good for sunday aft /mon tues..
  5. awesum!!! well done nice pics.
  6. sweeeet! gota name??
  7. i was introduced to OFC about 4 yrs ago. at that time i was very impressed buy the hospitality of the members at fishing for tylor event. now that i have the opportunity to be a part of OFC on a dayly basis it is somthing that i feel fortunate to be a part of. i would like to start by thanking OFC members for there warm welcomes and invites. skeeter/ mercman/ alphalpha/ nipfisher/ bly thanks for your advice and help. about me. my father started me fishing before i can remember. its always been a passion for me . i am not hard core but very passionate about fishing. my main time spent fishing is winter and summer. spring and fall not to familar with(i would like that to change) that more or less sums it up. i have a few pics . feedback is welcome.
  8. this bbq is awesum. used it 3yrs now at least 2-3 times a week. mounting it might be tricky its verry portable and easy to cook on.
  9. is it worth trying the mouth of humber/etobicoke/ or credit rivers yet?? never fished for cats but willing to give it a try. are there any carp around there? never fished down here before. ????
  10. hey.. where is fishnwire ? ?????? chilly oohhh bad bad bad
  11. thanks Bly..
  12. 1 thing at a time... its not a big boat . or a plane. ??? hope everything is well. salty
  13. one system at a time.! if your not using your boat DISCONECT the batery! its easy. or take the time to figure it out . i agree with mercman . the key should control all systems. i would assume that your batery is going dead while the key is in your pocket? quick fix. disconect batery.
  14. i would disconect 1 system at a time and see what happens. start with the motor. this should lead you to the system at fault. then check all conections and wires. if you have a good cherger it should tell you within a couple of hours if the battery is draining. if this doesnt work than at least you have somthing to help your mechanic solve the problem. good luck.
  15. you are a lucky man. awsum report . cant wait to see what your spring and summer reports show.
  16. good woman wanted. must have nice boat. clean fish. cook.
  17. thanks verry intresting indeed. im to late for this spring but should be set up for the fall. any sudjestions on proper gear and tackel would be very welcome. i would like to give this a good go. good luck
  18. ahh ahhh ahhhh speachless wow
  19. re . house inpectoin always always always use your own inspector or at least one that your bank sudjest . never the realestate brokers inspector. (money talks there/ get the drift)
  20. house inspection is a must. i have done lots of renos and just shake my head with what people get themselves into with their best intensions in mind. weekly morgage payments are the best way to go. you will get to a piont where you dont even think about it. secure a credit line in order to carry you through unexpected expences or rainy days. dont listen to your bank.(they are in the buisnes of taking your money) buy your boat now. most importantly dont forget about the futer ie. children infants are wonderfull but do cost allot of money in the first 3 yrs. most of all dont become a slave to your debts(it sucks) its a big jump no doubt about that. good luck and best wishes for the future. congrats saltydawg
  21. its quality not quantity.. so ive herd..? ps. help with posting pitures welcome. i have a couple of peices i would like to get some feedback on. fathers collection.
  22. i now have a new hero. no blood on his shirt or jeans??? ill bet he didnt miss dinner? awesum!!
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