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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. one of my childhood friends is now an addministrator(scuse my spelling) at sick kids. i dont think it will be a problem
  2. would you lend your support? it would be for sick kids hospital .. when your daughter feels better in the fall she can do the presentation?(if she wants to?) this is just a thought. something i would be willing to persue. /i owe a great deal to sick kids. looking for grass root support. salty i hope this helps you to understand ps i have one that she can have./brand new. pm me
  3. hey irishfield . watcha think? could we do something with this? last i heard your little one was doing ok. best wishes. salty
  4. l agree. i was thinking it would be nice to raise some cash to buy the kids electronics/e readers. mabey a season long fishing derby. the winner gets presentation houners? on behalf of OFC. 10 BUCKS we all chip in? just a thought.
  5. i agree. but they should take a good look at what prompts these guys to do things like this. a good hit is a good hit but i certainly dont remember not knowing the differance between hitting some one or trying to hurt them so bad that they cant play /or make a living . i love the game / just dont agree where its going.
  6. i usualy store my engines with a good shot of stabliser and oil in the gas . genererly close to empty. it will produce alot of smoke when yoyu first start it up next season/but thats ok. i turn my engines over a few times during the off season. i have never had a problem with carbs or fule lines. the plug might get a litle fould but so what . wash it with gas and its good to go. ps. my sled is 15years old /full compreson. runs like a champ. 11000 k
  7. yeh he deserves it./no cheques either.!
  8. FINELY got it took 3 times but i got it! a little like fishing for the big one eh?
  9. i think i can help you out with that.! no wait i can .!
  10. i want to get that 8 pound bass again. this year il make shure the cammera stays in my pocket!!!!
  11. what r u trying 2 get at???
  12. sunday works for me . its cold enough to hold the ice tonite? ill jump the shore line to get out 1 more time.
  13. 4.5 in our back yard !!!??? she is a wicked little beast. ???
  14. ill turn off my computer first!
  15. hey skeeter. its here. the sky is falling. i saw a pig flying by my balcony while i was looking at the moon.
  16. been there . used my get out card!
  17. checked again today. still not here? what do i do with this????
  18. it truely is mother nature at her finest. to think that all of the continents move at a rate of 2 cm per year. and what can we do? nothing. but help those that fall victim. truely is humbling.
  19. you might want to try going to Nohas. i have had great results. they helped repair my small fiberglass/great results! their down buy kipling @ six points/reasonable prices and rock solid advice! i see your boat is still on the trailer/take it down and see what they think? just a thought.
  20. my daughter wants to go fishing. any chance browns or any thing could be found close to humber/etobicoke or credit river? strictly casting out from shore into the lake. my understanding is that the rivers down here are out of bounds. checked the regs . they seem a little unclear ? any help woud be welcome.
  21. same thing is happening to me! cant get any where with them? getting a little ticked off with them i have had to buy 3 in the past 7 months so i could at least show current paper work showing that im legaly fishing. 1st time there was no record of me purchasing my renewall. 2nd time my address was wrong. when he read it back to me it was the sme as it had been for the past 10 years? he also said that it had been sent back /returne to sender? that was back in january before going to nosbonsing. this forced me to buy a third time. still havent recieved it. whats up with that???? frustrated/ getting there!!!
  22. sounds like one of the lines going ito the well have a hole/it took me 5 times to finaly see it. if it takes more than 15 minnuts and the pump sounds like its trying to grab water /and you know the foot valve is woorking /take a break. i went through this process for way to long. if thiss sounds familar. change your lines or... get a submercable pump/and a new line./and get your well cleaned!!!FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!@!! I learnd the hard way!! if you buy the pump and line yourself you can save some cash. the well needs to be cleaned by a certified LOCAL well guy he wil know best!(DO IT) you wont regret it. it should cost about 1100 to clean the well and about 350/450 to make all final connections plus cost of pump 2000 when its all said and done! believe me thats the easy way out good luck
  23. i would like to start fishing for sick kids hospital!! i understand your concern . but i am a product of sick kids. not looking for sympathy just to support the best hospital for children!? PS my daughter has problemes that sick kids are currently tacking care of. nothing like irisfields/thank god. but im shure their familar with sick kids hospital.
  24. all pocino and every thing that he represents can kiss my irish at heart/and bread!! let the good times roll and true freinds be many. bewhere the ides of march!!!
  25. be careful with the acid. it can go bad real quick. get your mixture rite!! have lots of water on hand/hose is good /have a freind with you if you have never used acid before. just a word of caution.
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