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Everything posted by Beans

  1. AMEN !!! me brudder !!!
  2. There now...aren't you glad you lost that 100 pounds... You would have needed at least six inches of ice...just kidding pal... Glad to hear you did well...
  3. I got mine thanks Brian then I sent you and Wayne a deer hunting tip... Can you get your e-mails from work ?
  4. Just don't fish in any holes within 100 meters of either side of the causeways...sanctuaries...
  5. Oh Yeah...I remember meeting for the "Pike Fling" just outside of "Hooter's"
  6. Don't be so sure Victor...It is not on my list but I enjoy reading about other's trips down there...
  7. Dang it Steve...you took the words right out of my mouth...
  8. Pigeon Lake north end... Even got a branch off one of the spruce trees out front of my house to mark the hole when I'm finished...
  9. He posted a couple of days ago...check his profile...
  10. I've been having a close look at some of the smaller "Gulp" products for icefishing... I inch fish fry...1 inch minnows...minnow heads...maggots and/or waxworms... They all look good for tipping a small Rapala jig or teardrop jig or tiny swedish pimple...or maybe on one of Dawg's sabiki rigs... I have them all on my BPS wish list at present...can't make up my mind which...
  11. We can only hope that the courts and the MNR will come down hard on any poachers and will nail them to the wall with hefty fines as a deterent to others...
  12. The one with the Griswalds...hilarious!
  13. It is our responsibility to know the regulations...if there is confusion then they should ask in forums such as this or call the MNR for clarification... I doubt they (MNR) will ever open pickerel (walleye) for icefishing in the Kawarthas (Except Scugog) The main reason for the new size and possession limits is to try to get them to rebound... Panfish, Pike and coarse fish only will have a year round open season but again, read up on possession limits for perch, crappie and sunfishes including bluegills...
  14. Just don't take Ron from P'boro with you...I hear he catches all the fishes...
  15. When I was a kid we not only fished near the rail bridge but would dive off it when we saw Cliff Lumsden swimming upstream from the Lakeshore Ave bridge to the QE bridge and try to keep up with him as long as we could (not long believe me)... Oh yeh...nice fish !!!
  16. 20 December 2009...Ice update Same two pics as taken above on the 14th dec 09 only no slush anywhere... Note toboggan tracks out to a skating rink the neighborhood kids cleared: I wandered over to our beach area and chopped a hole about 15 feet off shore...found a good five inches of ice over 3 fow (notice spud sitting on bottom) so I'll guess we will be good to go on 1st January 2010 barring any severe thawing... On my way back to my truck I saw a guy walking in from behind the island in the second picture...he sez there is pretty well a uniform 5 inches of ice all over the area he walked... Once we get a foot or more of ice, finding a place to drive on will be the next challenge...
  17. I'm thinking fish deep in the daylight and fish shallower in the early morning and late afternoons...
  18. I thought it was the one you caught that won first place in the Fishing for Tyler Event...
  19. DANG !!!...You got this old hard bitten ex-wino in tears Wayne... I feel for you son...
  20. It is known as "being in the hereafter" as in when you walk into a room and ask yourself "what am I here after?"
  21. I hope you are not in too much of a hurry...Boxing Day sales are coming...
  22. Absolutly terrific Lew !!! You even got my garage beat by four feet... You don't need the high property taxes of waterfront... Maybe you will be able to find docking facilities near by ?
  23. They should have used Photoz's fishfinder...much warmer method...
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