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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Remember to check the new regulations for different areas...lots of changes to daily limits...30 only in zone 17 (Kawarthas)
  2. Why not clean them out in a bucket and then dump it out back in the woods ???
  3. I know what you mean Joe...What with my buddy Cliff's good news and this about my pal Jack, I,m at a loss for words so I'll just keep conversing with my higher power for help for both of them...for now...
  4. Hey Ron...did you move ??? Lake Ontario rarely freezes...
  5. Breakfast at 07:48 AM ??? That used to be your lunch time !!!...All the fresh air must be making you hungry and tired like it does me...not sure if that is a good thing or not... Nice to see the deer...we had a herd of about 15 out back a few days ago...most headed down towards the lake but 4 came across the front of our property...someone up the road must be feeding them...
  6. I beg to differ...we catch more sunfish/bluegills in the open water seasons than we do in the winter...in over sixty some odd years of icefishing I could probably count on both hands the number of sunfish/bluegills I have caught through the ice...lots of perch, some crappie but very few sunnies... What I don't get with all this hullabaloo about Rice Lake and icefishing is...what about all the other lakes in the Kawartha chain and the rest of the lakes in zone 17 or 18 for that matter???...I read a lot of forums but don't hear of any other Tourist Association bellyaching about the new regulations... Have any Rice Lake ice fishermen out there caught their daily limits this season ???...I highly doubt it if it is anything like my home lake (Pigeon) I don't think there is anything to worry about depleting the resources...many more will find their way into Rice lake from below Hastings or from the lakes above Peterboro to replace those caught...same way the crappie/bluegills got here 20 years ago...
  7. All I could find in the regulations is: Size Limits - All size limits refer to total length which is a measure from the tip of the mouth with the jaws closed to the tip of the tail, with the tail fin lobes compressed to give the maximum possible length....(page 8) From the above it is pretty clear to me that the head must be on the fish...
  8. I think the Rice Lake Tourist Assoc. is just plain greedy...The rest of the zones (with the exception of zone 18 (300) and a couple of other zones in Ontario (100) have much smaller limits for sunfish/bluegills (50) and we don't hear their assocs. complaining...but then, they have had their limits for some time now...
  9. You might have to wait a few days for the water to warm up a bit but not very many days... One year off the pier at Orillia Beach Park after ice-out we got skunked but one week later the perch were in thick as thieves...
  10. Our buddy Meely might challange your statement Brian...He taught doogles how to make them g'weeches...
  11. Spincast for the six year old and a cane pole (no reel) for the three year old... I can still remember a father hollering at a three year old and telling her how stupid she was because she couldn't reel in a spinning outfit (open faced)...had he bought a tomatoe stake and a bit of line I'm sure she would have caught some perch and enjoyed the day instead of crying her eyes out...!!!
  12. The 300 limit is for sunfish/bluegills Boss (only 30 can be over 7 inches) Perch (50) and crappie (30) have their own limits...(any size)
  13. Beans

    Rain Gear

    The new CTC flyer for next week shows their rain gear on sale...how very timely...
  14. Not to worry Lew...You are not losing your hearing... All that non-noise you hear at night is the sound of silence...rarely will you hear any sirens from ambulances or fire engines up this way...takes a bit of getting used to... Just be careful driving during a snowstorm...we don't have lights and curbs on the roads to guide you like in the city...
  15. Hey watch it CPH...I resemble that remark !!!
  16. Way to go Captain !!! And how is the lovely Mrs Leslie ?
  17. Alligator Alley at either of the "rest" stops west of Miami... Lots of room to shore fish or launch a boat...
  18. Garry...sorry you feel you must leave OFC because you got no reply to a report... I have always found your reports a good read, informative and entertaining much like a good article in a fishing magazine but I've never sent a letter to the editor... Now, if you had asked a question and got no answer (like what happened to me on my first post) I wouldn't blame you for feeling the way you do... I stuck around for the past eight years or so just for spite !!! (Ignore me will you ?)
  19. FYI Tyler event and Innisfil Winterfest
  20. Amen to that Lew... Two tin cans with a length of string would be better than dial-up...
  21. Congratulations !!!...Cliff old buddy...I knew you would ace it... Does the sign go back up ???
  22. That,s just super Ted... I was amazed to watch him fish up at Pigeon Lake a couple of years ago at his age then... Haven't seen you or him since...CPH sez you got a new crappie spot at your trailer... Cheers...Beans
  23. 3.5 hours ???...What the hell did you do...fillet them ??? Nice to hear you had a good time without me...
  24. I agree with Cliff... You always are our calendar girl...Paul is a lucky man...
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