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Everything posted by Beans

  1. GEEZE...Thanks for waiting 'till all the gory stuff is done... How did you know I hate visiting people in hospitals? Not too fond of visiting them in funeral homes either... If you need a net man...give me a call...got net...will travel !
  2. I am happy to report that he has dropped 90 pounds by sticking to his diet and exercising regularily...he now weighs 2 lbs less than me...I think the haircut accounts for the last 2 lbs... Way to go Steve...I'm proud of you... Maybe you will be the motivation for me to get off my ass and knock off a few pounds myself...You and Meely are good role models...
  3. I read about the real skunk Cliff...LOL Good thing you moved...see you and the missus next week
  4. Monday... I met Crappieperchhunter over at Carp Point this morning...I was late getting there as I wanted to see my wife off to Toronto for the week...Maribeth is day-caring a couple of our niece's girls while their Philipino nanny is back home for a visit...By the time I got there he had caught and released three...and he caught two more while I was there... I was getting lots of good hits but no hook-ups...I was checking my feeder and my line but not 'till near quitting time did we think to check my hook...sure as hell the point was bent backwards and a flick of my thumbnail broke it off...no wonder I wasn't getting any hook-ups and as most carp fishers know, they basically hook themselves on the first tug and run... Didn't have time to checkout the new hair rig I tied on but will get to test it tomorrow morning... Don't like what I was reading about Scugog carp...Scugog empties into Sturgeon Lake at Lindsay...then Surgeon empties into Pigeon Lake at Bobcaygeon...Hmmmm Tuesday... I got there earlier today and went 2 landed and one lost...The lost one got me tangled around (under?) a rock and we had a tug of war battle for about ten minutes...I'd give him slack and he would run off...reel him back but no way would he get himself untangled...reminded me of my old dog that would get himself wrapped around a post in the middle of the back yard then bark 'till I got him untangled...finally the line got too frayed from rubbing on the rocks and he was gone...sharp hooks do make a big difference... The best laugh of the day was when Crappieperchunter's wife wandered over to visit with us and up to that point he wasn't doing very well...lots of line bumps but no hook-ups...then success...Fish-on..."you brought me good luck honey"...then snap...Fish off..."Go away...you jinxed me"... Poor Deb went from a good luck charm to bad luck to a good hunting dog all in the span of ten seconds... (we won't talk about me falling on my donkey trying to land my second one Steve went 2 landed and 2 or 3 lost by the time I left...tomorrow we give the carp a rest and take the "Tin" out for a spin hopefully for some late crappie or pickerels... The lad doing his thing Bye Bye Mr. Carp
  5. Glad to hear you got to wet a line Joyce...mudcats are my favourite fish to eat...hope yours were tasty!
  6. Give 'em hell Chris... Great therapy for the soul...
  7. SMILE !!!...who do you think you are...LEW ??? Brian beat me...
  8. Dang !...I forgot about the cows laying down in the fields along with an east wind or cold front...I fish anyways but not with confidence...
  9. SUNBURN !!!...Waddya do ?...Pull a Glen and take your shirt off ???
  10. Just starting to cloud up and getting dark up here on the noth shore of Pigeon... Guess I better close some windows and call the cats in...
  11. Words of wisdom ? hmmmm Wisdom is knowledge...put to good use... Things don't alway go the way we think they should...When we learn to accept that fact...Life gets much easier... Happiness is ...wanting what we have ...not...having what we want... And my dear old dad's for me "You would be bad luck to a good hunting dog"...nice guy eh?
  12. Did your buddy bring any bananas on board ?...Skunks love 'em...
  13. Losing fish is part of carpfishing...like musky fishermen count the number of follows they had...carpers count the number of lost fish... The jury is still out on wether to use mono or one of the superbraids...from what I have witnessed, you will lose more fish due to the hook pulling out using a superline due to the no-stretch factor (Photoz and Crappieperchhunter will attest to this) I use 17lb test Berkly Trilene for my main line and 12 lb test Berkly Vanish for my hair rig and a loose drag...one carp I lost last weekend was from the hook pulling out(dang fish didn't hook himself well...LOL) and the other was from the hair rig breaking...on close inspection it looked like Mr. Carp took a run by some zebra mussel covered rocks on one of its many runs as there were some frayed marks on the piece remaining...(which reminds me, I need to tie up a half dozen new hair rigs...only one left on the short piece of swimming noodle I keep them on) Enjoy both the ones landed and the fight you had from the ones you lose...
  14. Nope ! We can talk about happenings but not name names...
  15. Joey...send Meely a PM. He claims his ribs are the bestest...I hope to try them this summer...
  16. I understand one of the lads got to watch the grass grow up close after drinking some ...so who knows???
  17. It was too rough out there for me and my little 4 HP Merc... Went to Kawartha Downs and got skunked there instead...
  18. Easy Maureen...you add any more to the zoo and we may lose our sitter...LOL
  19. Congrats Steve and all the best to you and yours... I hope all goes well tomorrow...
  20. I decided to put off my annual musky opener troll until today but...it's pouring rain... The weekend wasn't a complete loss as Crappieperchhunter and I did get to catch our first carp of the season...and he got to christian his new rod and reel... Saturday CPH went 4 landed for 6 hooked and I went 1 for 3... Sunday he went hog wild landing 8 and losing 2...I went 1 and 0 Sunday the big girls were hungry as mine went 20 + pounds and his biggest was close to 30 (his best to date)... My excuse for a poor showing is that I had to keep pulling my line out everytime he hooked into one... That's my story and I'm stickin' to it...LOL Sorry no pictures but we got a ton of them of us over the past couple of years...besides, all were released via forecepts in the water by the shoreline (not handled)(we will photo Motv8ter's if and when...LOL)
  21. Even though we all were using the same weight jigs and floats with the wrap around weight attached fishing for crappies this spring, I noticed Meely, Tony and Crappieperchunter were casting their offerings about a third further than I was with my 6 foot 6 inch ''lightning'' series rod w/6 lb.Trilene...Cph was using a 9 footer and the others were using the 7 footers they bought at the spring fishing show two years ago... I do think the lighter line and longer rods make a big difference...mind you I got a lot more miles on my casting arm than they do...
  22. Dang the luck eh?...I was looking forward to introducing you to our friend Jack (Nanook)...but you gotta do what's best for your health... Take care and get well...
  23. Took a run out in the "Tin" this morning as it looked like a good pickerel "chop" on the water...perfect for drift fishing... Turns out it was a better rock bass "chop"...shallow...deep...didn't matter... Like I told my neighbor...when I'm out there the only worry I got in the whole world is if some dumb fish gets itself caught on my hook...and if I don't put any bait on it...I don't even have that to worry about...yep...good mental therapy this fishing !
  24. Hey Steve...that mirror carp looks like it could be a sister of the one Greg caught... BTW...Where is the young lad?...Chasing girls instead of carp?
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