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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Dontcha just love the optimism of fishermen...worried about how to clean them before even catching... The above recipie sounds good to me only I would add a bit of soy or oyster sauce and a bit of garlic and fresh grated ginger to the wine before pouring over the fish...a few slashes in the flesh will help the sauce permeat the flesh...
  2. I hope all turns out well Rick... I miss our old pooch but there was really no other option... Cats are ok but a dog is something special... Take care...
  3. Great news Gary...A day at a time and we will be at Lakair before we know it...
  4. -4*C ???...If you need any icefishing tips be sure to ask Dawg... Merry Christmas to all OFNers...
  5. Those holes are usually cut for fishing in a hut Dawg...A used Christmas tree is jammed in the hole as a marker if the hut is moved...
  6. Yep...like Dawg sez...BUNDLE UP !!!
  7. Won't be complete without a carp pic...my first landed on my new (to me) equipment... Sitting around telling tales while waiting for a bite... Good Times !!!
  8. Deer, coons, foxes, even skunks I don't mind but...BEARS I don't want to see... Saw evidence of their whereabouts a couple of times...once on my neighbors property where it was after the apples that had fallen from the trees and once on my property where it had knocked the heavy top section off my woooden garbage box and helped itself to a smorgasborg of "stuff"...then had a humoungas crap on my back driveway...I thought they went in the woods ???
  9. 7 foot medium ugly stik will cover most general fishing...takes a lickin'
  10. Ya...What Terry said...Even Old Ho Ho likes to wet a line... Merry Christmas to all OFNers...
  11. First time I ever witnessed back trolling was on the river below the dam in Trenton...it keeps your bait from drifting past the fish too quickly and in their face longer...neat method once you master it...
  12. Back in my Go Train commuting days from downtown Toronto to Richmond Hill I saw a couple of deer in the Don Valley... Nowadays, All I have to do is look out my front window...
  13. If you're going across the 401 to 62...why not drop down into Belleville and look up Sam of Carra Sports... I believe I saw a map to his place around the time of the Quinte G2G...or PM him...
  14. Lewski the snowman with a moustache full of snow Where's your corncob pipe, button nose and two eyes made out of coal ??? Just kidding Lew...I was covered just as bad yesterday...a bit better with light winds today...
  15. Have fun but you better not go on Simcoe without a helmut...Eh Cliff ???
  16. You're all heart Roy... I showed Maribeth how to operate the new snow thrower yesterday...
  17. Forgot the auger once and got a hut operator to drill us a couple of holes for $2 per hole... My bro-in-law agrees that our minds kick into "stupid" mode when we think of fishing...
  18. Ground possum stew and sufferin' succastash... what did I win ?
  19. The Go Train begins running between Toronto and Barrie tomorrow...haven't heard of any stops yet between Barrie and Bradford but would be very suprised if there won't be one near Innisfil Beach Road and one near Gilford... Between the two cities I would pick Peterboro like Lew sez...I s'pose it all depends on employment opportunities... Good luck !
  20. I'm sort of half-assed looking forward to it...I'll get to use the new snow thrower Sandy Claws (my bro and sis-in-law) left in my garage last weekend... They were afraid I might have a heart attack or screw up my back by shovelling snow this winter... Earlier this week it only took me one hour to clean 5 inches off two cars, the whole driveway, open up the front of the driveway where the plow plugged it up and clear a path to the garbage box and to the propane tank out back of the garage... BTW...25 cm divided by 5 then multiplied by 2 =10 inches... Is that +6*F or C...Dawg
  21. Nice catch Dawg...Good to hear you are feeling better... Nothing like getting out and wetting a line to make life feel like you are alive...
  22. I screwed up my Daiwa baitcaster royally taking it apart...the guy who used to own the tackle shop on the north side of the bridge at Hastings made it right again... Now, like Dan all I do is loosen the drags on all my reels at the end of the seasons...
  23. Nice lookin' pup...would fit right in with the Walker Hounds my neighbor has penned up out back near the woods...That is all but "Dirty Gerty"...she is the only one that learned how to escape by climbing over the pen...I used to catch her and keep her on a running line until her owner got home...that is until I found out she was quite capable of climbing back in on her own... Here she is in the back yard right now... Not a very good picture but she won't come too close to me anymore...I wonder why ?
  24. Strange you mention that Terry...way back in early 2002 (I think it was) through someone posting a link to the OFC site on the original Fishing Lake Simcoe board is how I dicovered this site...I wonder how many of us found our way here via that way... I do understand what you are saying and have noticed some of the other sites now veto posting of sites altogether...so times have changed but I don't think OFC has anything to worry about... OFC is the first site I go to after I've checked the weather and read my mail...then maybe check out a couple of other sites if time permits...
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