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Everything posted by Beans

  1. While phoning around to find a place to pick up some minnows for next Saturday I spoke with a chap by the name of Keith at: Innisfil Live Bait and Tackle 5460 Yonge Street Gilford, Ontario (corner of Yonge St.(Hwy 11) and Hwy 89 905-778-8669 opens @ 06:00 AM on the weekends After explaining what the 4th Annual OFC Fishing for Tyler Meet and Greet is all about he offered (unsolicited) to donate to the prize table... Anybody else know where minnows can be obtained near the park or north of Innisfil Beach Road ??? Accuweather forcast for Innisfil Ontario: Saturday, Feb 23 Times of clouds and sun. Winds from the WSW at 14 High: -2 °C
  2. We hope all goes well Wayne...She is in a good hospital... Both Maribeth and I were born in St. Mike's...We think that's good !!!
  3. Testcurve (aka Hairwig aka Mark)...Welcome to the good ship OFC... You will find a few CAG (Canada) members here... Did anybody tell you we like pictures ?
  4. The one I received this year as a gift has to be tilted forward slightly so that the rubber blades will propel it forward...works well... My old one that I donated to Big Cliff had 5 forward speeds and one reverse and moved well...problem was...it had the blowin' power of an 80 year old hooker... If the snow was the least bit wet...it looked like an old guy trying to pee...
  5. Every day is a holiday for us retired folks eh Lew?... My thoughts on Family Day...this day was promised for many years but only materialized this year in Ontario...this year being a leap year means anyone that gets paid monthly or bi-monthy gets to work an extra day for the same wages...so they give you a day-off...big deal...no skin of their
  6. Kinda reminds me of the time we were driving back up from Florida via a very busy I95 and had pulled into a gas station for gas and to use the facilities. We were approached with sorta the same story only it was for $5 to get gas to get a few miles down the highway. As I had to go real bad I told the chap to pull up to one of the pumps and I'd use my card to get him some gas after I came back as I was short of American cash...we waited around for a short while but he never did show up...guess his story backfired when I didn't offer cash...
  7. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm glad you don't have to go through the chemo route and lose the rest of your hair...
  8. The Gofishont Hardwater Challenge is being held on Saturday February 16/08 from the same park we will be having the Fishing for Tyler M&G on Saturday February 23/08 so you won't be alone...
  9. Just one...The North American Fisherman (the club)... I enjoy seeing all the new gadgets they get people to field test including the ones they sent me...They must have taken me off the field test list when I sent in a report on their knotless hooks and said what a piece of crap I thought they were... They also keep wanting me to sign up as a lifetime member and receive the swell rod and reel and carrying case...I keep telling them "No thanks" at the age of 72 it would be just my luck to croak shortly after joining... The wife gets several but I find Reader's Digest to be the best of the lot...
  10. I've always thought of fishing as my mental health therapy... What else can one do where the only care in the world you have is whether some dumb old fish will get caught on your hook ?...(and if you don't put no bait on your hook, you don't have to worry about that either...) Doesn't sound like much of a sport to me but I sure enjoy doing it... This don't look like much of an athlete to me...
  11. Thanks for the overnight invite Cliff but, I probably would be too excited to sleep so it will be better for me to drive down to your place for a 05:00AM meet... Anyone in the Bobcaygeon area need a ride at 04:30 AM Feb 23/08 ?...
  12. Good on you Roger... Motv8tr did the same a few years ago...Yep you guessed it...it was for the Tyler Fund... Maureen with Tyler
  13. We had a hard time finding a home inspecter in this area when we needed one...Evidently the guy who did this district for the company he represented gave up the business because the cost of liability insurance had gone sky-high and he was near retirement age... So if they are paying liability insurance I can see no reason why you shouldn't be able to make a claim...???
  14. Ya...what them two Cliffs said...it is a pleasure to help! Thanks for the report on Tyler's progress...My bro-in-law was asking me about the same the other day when we were talking about the upcoming meet and greet on the 23rd of February and I now have an answer for him...
  15. Super report !!! It felt like we were right there with you...
  16. Because my mom and dad had split up when I was about 5 years old I was shipped off to the family farm near Port Perry every summer to stay with my grandfather (70) and his sister (82)...He taught me all the things a young lad should know...how to tie fishing knots, how to thread a "bob" together for catching bullheads, bought me my first penknife so I could clean them, how to fashion a net from an old curtain to catch frogs for bass fishing, how to tar the roof of an old model "T" etc. etc. I loved that old man ! Interesting fact: The dog in the picture was my babysitter...because Port Perry was a 'dry' town my mom and grampa would leave me in the model "T" while they quaffed a couple of ales at the bootlegger's...evidently Ted would drape a paw over me and God help anybody who tried to come close... My great-aunt was a strict teatotaller so beer and liquor was a forbidden in the house...and women didn't smoke of course...
  17. Unless things have really changed, we used to catch some jumbo perch in the gap to Lake Ontario before ice-up which always supplied the bay with good size Pike...
  18. You're thinking of Pollacks at Parliament and Queen Roy... Skinners was in the Esplanade between Yonge St. and Victoria St....when the Esplanade was closed, Skinner's moved up Yonge St. north of Leow's Uptown Theatre, many years later they moved to Adelaide St. just east of Yonge St but were mainly in the fly fishing end of the fishing business...no more live bait or tackle but they would still do repairs if they could get the parts (a worm for the level wind of a Shakespeare Wondereel)... Who you callin a cabbage town kid...Born on Sackville Green then grew up around Leslie and Queen Sts...
  19. Nope...I haven't fished Frenchman's Bay since the early 70's...gave up icefishing altogether once the whitefish on Simcoe were limited to two... Ten years ago, my grandson wanted me to take him icefishing and that got me started again...until my back went wonky on me a couple of years ago, we used to get out about a dozen times a season but now I'm lucky to get out a couple of times... The OFC M&G for Tyler on 23 Feb 2008 is a must for me...see ya there maybe ?...
  20. It was snowing and blowing to beat the band just a while ago but only a few flurries now... Was that the new Tim Horton's below the Super Jail on hwy 36 you were at Cliff? You and I don't need any do-nuts my friend...got a bit of a shock when I stood on the scale yesterday... Oh right...it's for the company...
  21. Great work Wayne...If I may make a suggestion: A third tent pole in the other back end corner would allow you to wrap the tarp around a bit more and give you a bit more protection from the wind... but, then again...what do I know...
  22. Sixty years ago this winter I got my first try at icefishing at Frenchman's Bay... My buddy and I would catch the Oshawa bus at Coxwell and Danforth Avenues and get off across from Crookes Garage (Deal With Honest Crookes) on Hwy 2 (west of Liverpool road) and walk down to the west side of the bay and chop a hole with a hatchet... We used homemade tip-ups, Lake Simcoe shiners from Skinners Bait and Tackle, packed a lunch of whatever was handy and usually got a feed of jumbo perch, bluegills and the odd hammer handle size pike (BONUS !!!)... Mr Skinner would make sure we got a good scoop for our $0.25 and many times he would drop by on a Sunday and give us a lift back home (another BONUS !)(we got to use the return half of our bus ticket another time)... Fast forward a few years and I would take my own kids there the afternoons of our skunked mornings at Simcoe...rarely were we skunked at Frenchman's... Great memories !!!...
  23. I looked up my sign...I'm a RAT !!! My first wife probably agrees wholeheartedly... Kung Hei Fat Choi
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