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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Ya and other places too
  2. totally insane...................
  3. Now this should get the Musky guys all excited !!!!!
  4. So am i, but that never stopped me from fishin' Launch in Aylmer, Go straight accross the river to Shirleys Bay.Dad and i would haul walleye outta there all day. Just outside the bay.He caught a 48 inch musky off Haycock Island too.
  5. Numm Numms..................
  6. Welcome to the nut house Steve!!! Enjoy the friendly banter and tune out the occassional squabble Lots of great anglers.We have a mutual friend in here too.
  7. Me too, Celibrated Campers Chritsmas a month ago !!!
  8. Good question.As long as it still in ya, you theoretically are still in possession of it. If the MNR pumped your stomach, and tested the fish DNA, and proved the species and source, you could be charged with poaching
  9. Dang !!!!! What a bloody mess He will be back for a while, now he knows there has been a free meal there.
  10. Maybe you should teach the ole dude how to fish:whistling: :rofl2: Nice going Bud.
  11. They would have to get through all of us first Dan, so you're safe.
  12. Beauty !!! Congrats
  13. All the best wishes Mr and Mrs Caster. You look very nice together.
  14. Driving? Cripes, i hope he isnt walking either
  15. Thats ok Rick, we all spew the bull sometimes ......It makes life interesting.
  16. yup
  17. Nice duds there Brian Did you make your tailor and offer he couldnt refuse?
  18. they can test, and determine what body of water the fish came from, but you would have to be a huge problem, before they would spend the money on surveillance and testing of your freezer contents.
  19. I often do the same with my regulars,Putting them on hold while i do a look-up. "Sorry to keep you waiting, are you still on the line?" i say when i come back to the phine. "Yes" he will say "Oh damn!!!!" i say in a disappointed tone It takes a special bond between a vendor and a regular customer, that keeps them coming back to an establishment.
  20. Its surpriseing how few anglers read and understand the regs I was fishing with a buddy yesterday, and 2 guys in a boat approached and asked if we wanted a walleye they had caught, because they only got 1 and were leaveing. I asked him if it was within the slot size.He looked at me bewildered and asked what that was He passed it to me, and watched as i showed him the MNR sticker on my boat with the length clearly marked, and showed him where the slot started and stopped.His fish was illegal and very dead
  21. It sure is a Gem Dan.Looks completely pristeen. Yer a lucky man my friend.
  22. Congrats on the PB Simon!!!!!
  23. Geez Chad I catch those all over the place in the Larry. Some could even eat that one
  24. http://www.anglersat...om/lakes/44011/ Alex.....sign up here(its free) . Paul You can download the map on this page.
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