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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Congrats Guys !!!!! Nice accomplishment
  2. Heads or Tails ?
  3. I have really experienced the need for a rear caasting deck in my boat when fishing with friends.The angler in the rear either stands in the bottom of the boat, or perches precariously on the side benches. So today, i took some measurements, made a quick materials list and headed out find what i needed.It was meant to be.Got to the lumber store, and they had 1 piece of 3/4 inch plywood 48 x 24 inches left in stock Went to the marine store and they had 1 seat post socket, and just enough Princecraft carpet left to do the job. Talk about my lucky day Here is the result. It is solidly installed, but easily removed if i want to reconfigure the seating. Took 3 hours from start to finish. Thanks for looking
  4. I think its more of a confidence thing with me.My only experience trolling Musky is on the St Lawerence.Fast current, lots of weed mats floating in the current,snags and zebra muscles.If i lose a lure casting, i will switch
  5. 80lb on my casting combo, 100 lb on my trolling combo.
  6. Now thats what i call a vacation!! Thanks for giving us a look.
  7. Quite a few years ago, i used to Hunt.I was deer hunting in Rawdon Quebec, just north east of Montreal, with a firend.We slit up at a fork in the trail around 3PM.I was walking quietly through the fallen leaves, and decided to take a quick pee break. I engaged the safety on my browning, and lay it on the ground and prepared to relieve myself. I stood there enjoying the feeling of solitude, when i felt watched.I very slowly turned my head to peek behind me, and when i did, i almost fainted. No more than 20 feet from me, and standing on the trail in plain view, was a huge,fully antlered Bull Moose.It was so close i could smell it and here its breathing.I have no idea how it got so close without me seeing or hearing it. After what seemed like an hour, it grunted, and turned its back to me and trotted off into the bush.I then realized that i had peed on my boots and gun.
  8. I'm kinda an organization nut.I keep my lures seperated into species categories, so when i am planning a fishing day, i always know what i will be fishing for, and bring the lures necessary for the species. I try to stock tried and true colors,and never buy anything just cause it looks cool.I have one tray of plastic worms/powerbaits, and one tray of tubes/grubs.I reserve one slot in each box to keep the hooks/weights. Its really surprising how little you need to bring if you decide what you are targeting before you leave, and research the colors and patterns that are successful on the body of water you will be fishing on.
  9. Great reprot Simon!!! Nice to see Albert with a fish in his hands
  10. I still say
  11. This is a great idea Brian For the new guys and the old timers who dont know me. My name is Paul. I am originally from Ottawa, but have lived most of my adult life in Montreal. I fish Walleye, Bass and new to Musky. I own a 2010 Princecraft Sarfish DLX SC, with a 40 HP Merc. I have been on the forum since july 2010, and although i started off as a fliberty gibbit, i have calmed and matured since then I fish mainly the St Lawerence and lakes, but i have fished White Lake, The Rideau and others. Hey Spanky, i was born in Pembroke
  12. Well howdy !!! Wecome Bud !! You didnt have to search for Introductions, just make your own
  13. Incredible achievement.Some great Canadian Technology went up there with it. We should be proud of human ingenuity !!!
  14. Very Nice Brian !!! My daughter called the other day and asked if she could spend some time fishing with me on the weekend.Something special about that eh Brian?
  15. Marvels of human ingenuity
  16. Daughters are way cool !!! Congrats to you and your wife
  17. You better be careful ya silly young lad !!!! Considering you live in the middle of no where, you are a very lucky man. Now in the words of our Matriarch."Wait till i get you home"
  18. Here froggy, froggy, froggy,
  19. Congrat !! Awesom pics of the release too Mike !!
  20. Living where i do..... i know frogs:whistling:
  22. Then try no stretch Flouro
  23. A Michael Jackson fish I knew they existed, but never saw one. Nice Chad!
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