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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I spent a week there one night
  2. I saw the Frigate shown in the pics, cruiseing up the seaway, while fishing in St Louis a couple of weeks ago. I saluted her, and the crew on deck waved and saluted back. About an hour later, an Americain Destroyer criused up into the shipping lanes. The guy i was with decided he wanted a closer look, and did a hard 90 at full speed towards the big ship. I told him he was an idiot and i am sure every gun on board was aimed and ready to blast us out of the water.I was ready to throw him overboard i was so pissed.
  3. Ohhhh....Frigate then
  4. VERY COOL:clapping: Like the way the Canadian ship is called a Frigate, and the americain is a DESTROYER!!!
  5. Mike, you are a special guy.Love your reports.Thanks for sharing.
  6. mercman

    I FEEL

    Wake me up when we get there
  7. Nice pics Ron.Good to see ya enjoying the summers wind down.
  8. http://www.mcnett.com/ReviveX-Spray-On-Water-Repellent-P135.aspx
  9. Mono is really all you need for those little trouty thing Jacques:whistling:
  10. Batt'n down yer hatches,tape up the billy boots, and keep yer to the wind. Be safe bud
  11. After reading this thread, i may never share another Musky pic on the open forum again,no matter what size it is. Bloody shameful.
  12. Muskhead The Size and strength of Muskie mixed with the Snakeheads ability to leave the water and hunt you down !!!!!
  13. 10lb Power Pro with 24" of Flouro leader for trolling walleye in your area with cranks.The rod should be MH Fast as a minimum, but Heavy is prferable. Accudepth 17 or Convector cv20 line counters are great for this application, and are inexpensive.
  14. it was choppy for sure, but if you coulda seen Mike laid back with his feet up on the bench, not a care in the world. Fish like weather:w00t: He kept us in the leeward shorelines and we had no problems at all.At one point we found a small bay with no wind at all, and just relaxed there for a bit.
  15. Even though i got my line wrapped in your prop??? Thats the only way i could think of, to get ya to slow down:whistling:
  16. I am very sure that You know a certain `someone` who can answer that question for you in great detail.
  17. Love that pic Skipper Add a rain suit and thats exactly what he looked like yesterday too Relaxed and confident.
  18. X2 Brian Having grown up on the lake and fished it since he was old enough to walk, he could probably fish it blind. Getting us fish, while putting safety above all, is his prior is his priority, and i respect that quality in any guide. He sure taught these ole Dawgs a few things yesterday !!! Cheers Mike !! A blast as usual my friend.
  19. Ok Boss....Phone call placed.Your contact will be waiting at designated rendez vous point.Bring lots of "peanuts". Big Bear.......out
  20. Yup....Slammers Work just fine.20 good smallies in 4 hours today near Valleyfield.Heres what i kept for lunch
  21. WTG Mike !!!!!!!!!!!!Good on you.A real class act
  22. Stellar !!! Keep em comin
  23. I tried slammers for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and the smallies jumped all over them:clapping: Doing it again tomorrow.They cant seem to get enough of them.Drop shot with the bait about a foot off the bottom.
  24. Welcome to the Group Mr Kovacs
  25. Nice report JohnnyB. No arguements here.That fish is definately that big.The little guy is following right in your footsteps too.
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