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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Throw it over board to slow down the next guy that tries to take yer spot Just Kidding.Take it back to the dock and throw it in the trash bin
  2. Was that you? ..........Dang. Pink or plum, its still a sweet lookin tackle caddy.
  3. I have to get into the habit of checking to see if you are in here before i make a comment like that
  4. That is truly disturbing.Thank god i never heard of it before, and pity anyone i see doing it
  5. Its friggin PINK !!!!!!!!!!!
  6. What is "nip-tipping incident"
  7. With all the great places to buy tackle and fishing related articles locally and in Canada, i cant for the life of me understand why anyone would place an order there.I know i wont again. 1 pair Cargo shorts 32.95 1 ripstop expandable pockets shirt, 29.95 total invoices 128.98 Never ever again.Total rip off. And worse...the clothing was manufactured here in Quebec.
  8. Surprised we dont see more of that this summer.Here in the seaway, they have reduced the width of the chanel, and may open the sluice gates at the Beuaharnois dam in an effort to restore the depth of the river somewhat.A friend of mine who owns property on St Louis, would need a dock over 200 feet long to reach water deep enough to launch his 18'Lund.
  9. Now thats some nice Bass Ben!!! Thanks for sharing
  10. Not 100% sure, but those seats are part of the structural support for the boat. They may have to be replaced by struts of some sort.
  11. Its called a quick fix, no fault scenario. No wonder our insurance rates are sky high.
  12. Dan ....You must be doing something right in this life. Those are some of my fav Country singers . That and the fishin?........Do it Man !!!!! Enjoy, and write up a good report when you get back.
  13. Hey !!!! Who you callin a frog
  14. I just got a PM from someone questioning my use of the words "Slot Size" Where i fish we are alllowed to keep walleye between 37 and 57 cm , hence the term "in the slot".So when i said luckily they were in the slot, that means that all of them were between 37 and 53 cm. You may now return to your schedules activities
  15. Life is good eh Will? Great report:Gonefishing:
  16. Looks like a great couple of days.Some beautiful places up in Gods Country:clapping: Tite Lines Bud Paul
  17. Awesome report Jacques !!!! Great place to unwind.
  18. Great advice gentlemen:clapping: I will change locations this friday when i am out there again.I have a feeling i know a spot or 2, after checking Navionics, but if anyone(Darsky) has a few tips, a PM would be appreciated:whistling:
  19. I searched this same question here and on google, and came up with 6' MH fast action as the most popular selection for most anglers.
  20. Then you know the area Water levels are so bad near Chateauguay and Beauharnois, that there are more launchs closed than open.Shallower areas are void of most fish, except suckers and pike,and the deep water where i was fishing is stacked with walleye, Lake Trout and Sturgeon.We Caught one 40 inch sturgeon, and you could feel your jig bouncing off them and fallling the last 3 or 4 feet to the bottom. Crazy stuff.
  21. Thanks guys Most of the answers are really helpful and appreciated.
  22. Still works Dan, and Gobies dont like it as much, so it lasts longer.Also used pieces of hotdog wieners.
  23. Lac St Louis is a huge lake connected to Lake St Francis by the St Lawerence river.I went fishing there with a local friend, and we did quite well. Now look at one of the fish in my picture. It died from the bends. We kept the fish, and luckily for us, there were all in the slot.They were all caught jigging in 45-70 FOW. What i would like to know, is there a way i can prevent this from happening, or how can i save the fishes lives if it happenes again? Is fizzing a solution? and if so, how do i fizz a fish properly? Thanks Paul
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