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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Hey, maybe if we all petition it, we could form an Olympic fishing team !!!
  2. You may want to see if EBay is selling them Geoff.I dont believe they were available to the public at all. I nosed around on th net, but not alot of info available.
  3. Its really not a major thing.Takes about 15 minutes, no pain, and the recovery time is very quick.Had the right eye done 2 years ago, and had the patch off in 2 hours and was able to see perfectly.Left eye due to be done this year. Must say i was scared to death, but it was a breeze. Dont worry about it at all.
  4. I musta been a good boy this year Here's what i got Shimano Compre rod MH Fast 7' Shimano Curado 300E reel 150 bucks in Sail Gift Cards Gold Bracelet Fliieting gloves Fish Handleing gloves Wincester hunting knife Heres what i gave her Diamond earings Timex watch TomTom Gps Warm slippers 100 bucks in Gift Cards Hot Paws Gloves 2 turtleneck tops so what did ya get !!!!
  5. Mom and Dad were really good at keeping our belief in Santa alive.We as kids, never saw any gifts coming into the house, or heard any wrapping of gifts. We would take our baths, put on our PJ's, and sit around the tv watching Red Skelton Christmas special, and Don messer.We would have milk and cookies, put some on a plate for Santa, and be in bed by 9. Up at 5, my mom would be up before us all.She loved the looks on our faces.Our stockings were hung on our bedroom door knobs, and we would open the gifts inside.Then Mom would get Dad up, and ask him to go check in the parlor because she had heard a noise late at night,coming from that room.We would be so excited, we were almost vibrating.Dad would call my mom into the parlor, and we would be listening as she would say, Oh My !! What happened here! I think Santa may have stopped here last night. That was our cue We would run down the hall, and just go crazy !! Gifts in what seemed like mountains all under the tree and in the corner near the tree. It would take hours to open the presents. GI Joe,creepy crawlers, slinky,Gumbi,man from uncle, you name it. We were very lucky children.Such good memories, such good parents.
  6. http://www.noradsanta.org/en/index.html He's in Europe now
  7. Well, i just got back from my annual tradition of purchaseing my last gift at the last minute.Always a gift for the wife, and always my most favorite time of the year. As always, the parking lot was full to overflowing.In the store people,mostly guys on the last "Oh Crap i forgot a gift" mission. Usually its the jewellery counter,and i wasnt disapponted.All the guys there looked scared stiff.One guy just bought a ring without asking the size or anything.Ya that one.....Just give me a box, i'll get my daughter to wrap it. If she doesnt like it can she bring it back......if thats not her birthstone, can she change it to another one..... Clothing dept, samething.Guys were grabing stuff and putting it in there carts without even looking at the size,no to mention the color. But the best is the 'deer caught in a headlight' look. Every guy that i passed, was looking in someone elses cart,trying to get ideas for themselves. Last minute shopping is where i find Christmas.The Mall music, the smiling faces,the empty shelves,and everyone you meet says MERRY CHRISTMAS
  8. You lucky dawg !!! I like Bob's style. He seems a down to earth guy. Great story and Pics.Thanks for shring.
  9. Kelvin !!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas to you and your wife.May you both be blessed in the new year.
  10. never mind ....cant get it to embed
  11. I knew it would come Brian. Christmas comes to all of us, even if times are hard and it seems that there is too much on our plate. We never get more than we can handle in a day.May your lines always be tite in the new year and my your christmas be special as always this year. Merry Christmas B !!!!! Paul
  12. Breaks my heart Wayne.But Christmass will come, and you will feel the joy.Big hugs to you all. Paul
  13. I always save one gift for last.I wouldn't miss the chance to see the looks on the faces of all the panicking guys searching for that last gift.
  14. i would weigh 1000 lbs if i lived with you!!!! Merry Christmas
  15. Thanks Vince Merry Christmas to you and yours. If you talk to loonietoons, Send him my best wishes Paul
  16. randy !!!! you gotta get out fishin bud !!Yer starting to scare us
  17. yup Times sure do change.Not always for the better,but never for the worse.Merry Christmas, TJSA Paul
  18. GAS WENT UP WO 121.9 A LITRE HERE THIS MORNING ho ho ho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be a good boy, cant wait to here what santa brought ya Bob. be safe
  19. Hey Frig !!!!! Glad i made yer day !!!! be careful on the roads and have safe Christmas my little Americain buddy !!!!!
  20. AWESOME RIDE !!!! Great fish too !! Merry Christmas
  21. GREAT TOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas to you also. Thanks for bringing us the gift of humor all year long !!! Paul
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