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Everything posted by mercman

  1. so what your saying is, that you have a familly of foliage fowlers.Is that right
  2. do weedwackers count.......please say they do
  3. if you ever start one, i have a few choice words of my own. Moms been ill lately, poor ole bird
  4. Is it legal here in Canada, to be smokin a johnny anywhere at all ?? let alone behind the wheel of a car? same as sitting in you car drinking a rum and coke....no ?
  5. You my friend, are my new hero !!!! All i can say is WOW !!!!
  6. Just want to welcome you to the board .Can't answer your question, but someone will i'n sure of that.
  7. someone needs an attitude adjustment
  9. absolutely. If he wants his insurance to pay without any problems
  10. BOB, you are a man of few words, but when you speak, great things come out of your pie hole
  11. You made the right choice Aaron, no doubt about that at all.
  12. How come no one is ove congratulating Big Fish on his pike and HUGE crappies ??????????
  13. WHAT ABOUT THE BAD APPLES AND POWER TRIPPERS IN THE GENERAL POPULATION???? who deals with them ??????...............................thats right.....THE COPS
  14. here is the original post, for those who have forgotten about it. The question is, was it legal. The correct answer can only be addressed by a lawyer or judge. Any lawyers or judges out there who want to put this to rest ????? I admire Cops and what they do. Humans are the most unpredictable animals on earth, and should be dealt with accordingly, as unpredictable. To Serve and Protect.....If this situation really happened(big if) then he was serving and protecting IMHO
  15. Nice lookin catch man !!!!!!!!! Those Crappie look like real slabs !!Thanks for showin
  16. so why the post in the first place then....................................
  17. I think the key phrase here is 'we dont know all the facts' It would be easy to start a topic in here by ranting about something that happened to me, that angered me, even if i deserved it, without telling the story 100% truthfully. We all do it, to some extent in our lives.Hide a bit of the truth, to get a bit of sympathy. I dont think BM4 is telling us the complete story.He hasnt had much to say at all since posting this thread.Not calling him a liar either, so don't get crazy on me. Just sayin, he didnt give ALL of the facts we need to make a judgement on anything. paul
  18. That in itself is worth a medal
  19. Drop the gasoline sir, and reach for the sky !!! turd
  20. ma man!!! NOW we are askin all the right questions. You sure you're not a Cop Bob
  21. I KNEW IT !!!! I KNEW IT !!! i got a nose for this kinda thing Bob.......
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