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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Have a Screechin Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hey Bud !!! Same to you and your familly.Have a wonderful, safe and merry christmas.
  3. ya squirrels tend to be a little NUTS
  4. You are a bad man, a very very bad man.........
  5. You my friend are a very sick puppy.Proally why i like you Skeets!!!!!!
  6. So whats changed in your life to bring on the Blues B. heres a few quotes to cheer you up. Dave Barry Once again we find ourselves enmeshed in the Holiday Season, that very special time of year when we join with our loved ones in sharing centuries-old traditions such as trying to find a parking space at the mall. We traditionally do this in my family by driving around the parking lot until we see a shopper emerge from the mall, then we follow her, in very much the same spirit as the Three Wise Men, who 2,000 years ago followed a star, week after week, until it led them to a parking space. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol Out upon merry Christmas! What's Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer...? If I could work my will," said Scrooge indignantly, "every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' upon his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!"
  7. Ya know something...I dont even know what to say about this whole thing.We all, or from what i've seen in here,most of us,have joked about our wives or husbands, our friends, each other, Santa Claus, dogs, cats, the size of our pr...s, the weather, our dringking(or lack of drinhing) our bosses, our jobs, and most other things in our lives. But i bet none of us really mean what we say.Thats what makes it HUMOR.The ad is humorous for sure,no question about that,but definately not something i ,as a fisherman want to be associated with, to a non-fisher,or a child. So let me finish with this, My panties are not in a knot,i wear briefs I'm not even that upset about the ad.I can roll with the punches, and be as crazy or even crazier than anyone on this board.I can take a joke, and i can dish em out just as fast, and when i'm wrong i will look you in the eyes and apologize sincerely from the heart. It is MY opinion that the company shows poor taste in the use of a house pet of anykind, as a symbolic musky bait. We who have dogs, cats, rabbits and yes, even guinea pigs, love our pets dearly, and would never want them hurt in any way.Its MY opinion that any kind of lure would have gotten the point across just as well as the dog. When i first glanced at it, i didnt even know what they were selling.I have no doubt that St Croix rods are among the best on the market, but there are better out there, and they are the rods that I will use in the future.MY choice. This is MY Opinion which i felt compelled to share with you.Sorry, it wont happen again on this subject at least, i garantee it. Thank God, J.Bass is in hibernation.I'm sure his scatheing comments would have embarrassed me more than i already am.
  8. excellent !!!!!! you made christmas for both your familly AND Spud, so much special.Strays are so much more appreciative.All my mutts are strays, and i have never gone wrong Merry Christmass to all of you
  9. WHAT NO SLOBBER EMOTICON ??? Nice T medium rare, basted in Cattle Boyz BBQ sauce. baked garlic spuds, with an escargot entree, and fresh belgiun bread sliced thick.
  10. Maybe tape the game ?not the same, but at least you will get tpo see the plays, or make a list and get someone to shop for you. You can rent-a-wife, for the day.
  11. hummm. a recent post regarding using poodles for bait is ok though...
  12. keep after him Bob, and have a great holliday my friend
  13. Well, thats my story and i'm stickin to it
  14. Thanks Terry !!! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
  15. good on you Art. I'm sure someone will have ya flushin them in no time Merry Christmas
  16. Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!! He sure has big hands He'll be holding a reel in no time, telling you to get the net ready !!! Merry Christmas to you and your familly
  17. yup i did that all i can think of now, is chihuahua in a perch colored sweater treading water like a fool,yelling "I think you need a bigger bait !!!!" I think i"ll go lie down now....
  18. now THAT would be funny.But i'm sure someone would find it offensive
  19. sigh......you too eh ? My wife freaked when she saw it, and the only way to calm her down was post this stupid rant thing in here.dumbest thing i've done in a long time
  20. you are right it is funny. i have never seen it before because i have never had a subscription to a fishing mag.I guess i haven't been exposed to this type of advertising as often as some of you. i guess there arent many poodle lovers in this crowd either.
  21. I fully agree with you all who find it funny. It is kinda funny.And i have no problem with joking about it with you guys and bantering back and forth about it.The rant is about them using it on the back of a magazine featuring stories about fishing for musky, to sell thier rods. Most of us know each other enough to know that when we joke about something, its just that.Its not necessarilly the way we trully feel.At least thats they way i approach the type of humor i have seen here. Now that its been mentioned, i may have posted a bit differently if it had been a cat, who knows.
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