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Everything posted by mercman

  1. emp are usually caused by thermo nuclear explosions. Here is waht i thing happened. Apparently they were redwinged blackbirds. They tend to migrate in huge flocks in the 100s of thousnds. If they stopped to roost for the night, and someone had a fireworks display, they would be scared, and try to fly away.There would be total panic, and some would smash into eachother and crash to the ground. the others were probably knocked senseless by the blast concussion caused by the exploding fireworks, and crashed into the ground or buildings. Case closed on the birds. Now, what about the fish .......its the end of the world.
  2. geez, thanks for sharing that little piece of personal info with us
  3. i ordered mine a few days ago.The holy document should be arriving soon
  4. Glad to hear that, cause i really enjoy reading your posts, guys. I was afraid someone else would express his opinion a little too recklessly and like other interesting threads, get it wacked.
  5. the only problem with that theory is, the type of bird that was killed is not a nocturnal flyer and fireworks are normally at nite.And so many thousands were killed. hard to explain. ..............its the end of the world,i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I`m tellin ya Bob......Its the end of the world The Mayans knew this would be coming, just before they ran out of room on the stone tablette they were scribing on...
  7. Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Robin. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin. He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken. To have his kneecaps split, and his body burned away, and his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin. His head smashed in and heart cut out, and his liver removed, and his bowels unplugged, and his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off and his .....
  8. Someone should call the knights who say "NEET" aaaahhhhhh.......... And bring him a shrubbery.Nothing too big. Just a small one with leaves and tiny branches....
  9. wow !!! Hello insurance......i have a dinged hummer to report.....
  10. AMEN BROTHER. Don;t be too hard on em. They"ll be damn glad to have a cop on thier side someday when they are in a situation where they really need one. I for one, always give the local cops a discount in my store, even though they have never asked for one.They desreve it in my opinon.
  11. Thats some nice fish ya got there TBC. That would make anyones day Thanks for sharing Paul
  12. Bunch a crap.Probably a covered up chemical spill, or some clandestine project gone awry.
  13. Must be Nice to be independently wealthy
  14. I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO REMEMBERED THAT!!! his mother wears army boots and his father smells of eldeberries !! may i fart in his general direction.
  15. WELL at least he appologized. If you or your vehicule were a close match for a suspect, that might have made him a little jumpy.Cops these days have one heck of a job to do. One that i sure wouldnt want to do. Don't be too hard on him. Like i said, at least he said sorry, he was just doing his job.
  16. sigh....... I cant wait till bass opener...
  17. cheap labor Bobby !!! you guys work for peanuts They beat the crap out of us, then to rub it in, they got wasted on Canadian beer. How poetic is that eh Bob?
  18. cripes Bob, i'm surprised they even got a buzz from that pee pee you guys call beer
  19. I tried it with Jean Charest......it works also
  20. things wont change,because in the general population,we are a minority, and minorities get the crappy end of the stick.
  21. the HORROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. hey Pete !! love the ninja look. Hope to get out for Muskie in the spring with Roy.It'll be my first.Couldnt help noticing Dave has the same gear i just got for christmas.Maybe thats a good omen Happy new year Pete !!! Paul
  23. SAY WHAT !!! . CAN YA SPEAK UP A WEE BIT. dude !!! excellent vid, ma man. ya had an excellent season HD. snappy new year to ya too. Paul
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