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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I dont rant often, and i wasnt going to say anything.but the more i thought about it the more it upset me. One of my suppliers got me a subscription to Musky Hunter magazine as a Christmas gift.A very thoughtful gift i must say. Looking through it, i came to the last page, outer cover, and was shocked to see a Poodle in a blue sweater hanging from a fishhook by the sweater, and the caption 'Nothing handles musky lures like a St.Croix' I mean come on!!!! is there no other way to sell your rods, other than to illude to using a small dog as bait ????? We have all seen or heard horrible stories of this kind of thing happening in real life, so you would think that St.Croix would be a little more sensitive about this. The disclaimer in very fine print states the following 'No animals were harmed in the making of this ad, and st croix company in no way endorses or suggests the use of live poodles as musky bait(besides, who'd want to spend a day in the boat with one) Give me a break !!! I hope the spca jumps all over their about this. Thats all thanks
  2. thats why i always where a mask in here. Dont need to be catchin all kinds of DISeases from you folks.
  3. TRUE STORY. Was in walmart the other day with the wife, and overheard a mother talkking to her small son about Santa Claus. Mommy,I'm worried that Santa will be too busy to come to our house. Don't worry sweet heart, santa wil be able to make it to us. But How mommy?? He uses sub contractors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I crap you not !!! i almost fell over So there is the answer folks. Santa uses subcontractors all over the world to help him deliver all our rods and reels and nets and ice huts and heaters and lures etc...........
  4. Hey !!! its not Christmas yet !! Santas gonna be pissed !!
  5. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. its kinda bizzar isn't it Vance.I may never celibrate Christmas again
  7. yup one of the many sub-species of boxfish for sure.Not sure which one though.
  8. i missed that event last year. I'll trya and be there this year though
  9. you guys must all be using Molson to whet your whistles
  10. i wonder if the fishin will be better during this eclipse.It must have an effect on them.Gravitational pull and all
  11. What were you doing on December 20 1640 hummmm !!! You woulda been what......36 years old.
  12. Stay up late !! starts around 130am, and an hour later the moon will be a nice red color.This event on the winter solstice happened last 370 years ago.
  13. i peed a lot Gotta have lotsa guts !!!!!!!!!!!!!or gotta be really nuts
  14. sharp as a tack in the mornin.....
  15. Its sad....just another story like gobies, lamprey and snakeheads.We dont react until its too late, or we react and then we study ourselves into oblivion.
  16. Give a man a few rolls of duct tape,a can of WD40, and a Pop Riveter, and he can survive for months, nay, years, in the wild, Bob,......my little Americain buddy !!!
  17. I just had to come on here this morning, and publicly say "Thanks Roy and J for an wonderful afternoon dinner and evening." Barb and i stopped in to wish them both Merry Christmas yesterday afternoon.We started talking and sharing Fish Tales, and life experiences and before we knew it, it was getting dark.Roy insisted that we stay for dinner, and proceeded to cook us up a meal fit for a king.Veal in a fine mushroom sauce, sauted baby potatoes, and fresh steamed veggies. Then some fish talk and a great Video on Muskie fishing with Marc Thorpe. For anyone who knows Roy, and has been a witness to his skills and his hospitality, you know we were treated like royalty. Thanks Roy and J for a wonderful day. God Bless you both and have a wonderful Merry Christmas. Paul and Barb Mercman( )
  18. Brians right.Every year someones Christmas is ruined by drinking related accidents.Be safe,drink responsibly, and take advantage of all the free ride services in your area.Don't become another statistic this year
  19. well keep us posted Vin.I'm studying for my Muskie debut next season.Got the rod and reel and the lures now.Just need the net and bolt cutters.I want to make sure i do it right.
  20. Ya Vin ! they look great.i betcha cant wait to get em in the water !!
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