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Everything posted by mercman

  1. you are 100% right about that. Front loaders use less water, save on water costs, but how can your clothes get clean in 2 gallons of water? They dont. They smell nice if you have used the right soap,and if your door boot didnt get mouldy , but if you could compare with a good old top loader, you would be amazed. Even the new top loaders are just front loading machines, stood on thier ends.Same water consumption, same results. They say wash in cold water to save energy, but dont say that cold clothes take 4 times longer to dry than warm clothes. Where is the saving Keep your older washer and dryer as long as parts are available.New machines are built to last 5 years, then you scrap them
  2. Mike, i think the more experienced members here are just letting you know some of the things you should be aware of if you are serious about starting a guide service. Things like insurance, and such. Especially liability insurance if someone gets hurt while in your care. I think if anyone can make a go of it in your area, you can. Just be sure you look at all the possibilities first. And to show faith, i will be your first customer. A full report will be posted here next Saturday night.
  3. ''this saturday im fishing perch with mercman... and the bite has been slow this year... so i guess we'll see how my personality is as well as my entertaining...'' Hey !!! You said they were just waiting for me to dip my worm in the water up there If you can sing and dance, that might make it alright
  4. Agree with BillM 100% . Learning is the key behind hiring a guide.But everyone is different Mike. Some will never be satisfied with what they catch, and never happy with how they are treated. The weekend warriors all want the biggest fish, no matter what it takes. For me, a day on the water with someone who understands fishing is important, but you will have to understand people too, and be able to read them by just talking to them. I think you would be an excellent guide, especially for Muskie
  5. How the heck did you sneak that by your wife?? Let me know so i can use the same trick when i buy some fishing stuff
  6. dont buy a new one yet either.....its probably cheaper than you think to repair it
  7. Great news my friend Lets hope Leah is feeling better too. God Bless Paul
  8. Smokin hot report Tdunn ! I'm drooling over here.
  9. To Cute.....Thanks Good to know the Police are out there helping to make the water a safer place
  10. Awesome as always Mike Thanks for shring this. Paul
  11. We'll have to stop meeting like this G People will talk
  12. On Sunday, i was in my driveway playing around with my sonar/gps unit, and it was reading 120.9 degrees F in the direct sun . The humidex for the next few days here in Montreal reads like this from this coming wednesday,38,39,40,36,34,35. Nutz !!!
  13. Geez...you have incredibly big hands That first pick, its as big as your head ..... well almost .....That would be really really really big Nice Fish Bud.....Cute legs too
  14. I`d give my eye teeth to catch a fish like that Congrats B !!!
  15. She is a tough one Wayne. But i just KNOW you knew that too. She comes from good stock. Paul
  16. Looks like you had a great day of fishing. Love the way you keep the muskie bait fat and healthy
  17. Rained here a bit over night, just enough to double the humidity this morning
  18. Judging by the response from the members. i would say they got thier point accross, wouldnt you? Now imagine what all of the other people out there are saying after seein the same thing you all saw. If they had just used slogans instead of explicate photos, would there be so much controversy? Would they have even been noticed? Shock tactics work.They believe so deeply in thier crusade, that they are willing to be percecuted themselves for thier beliefs. I do agree with what you all are saying, but society has become so accustomed to seeing horrible things on the news, and on tv, that it takes something as drastic as this to get a point accross.
  19. I feel for ya man....Its a dirty job, but someones gotta do it
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