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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Welcome to the Board Phish I`m from the Quebec chapter of SE Ontario Paul
  2. Wives always like to help us out, eh Randy I hide mine too BTW
  3. Seeing all this a scared the jeepers out of me Whats is the correct pressure in trailer tires anyway??
  4. Nope, you are not crazy, but the line wrap is driving me totally nuts So much so, that i may never use it again.
  5. You and me both Simon As a matter of fact, I`m downright ABNORMAL
  6. Been there....done that Left the tie downs attached while launching Pulled out of the driveway with the roller jack still down backed the boat in, went to park, got back, boat full of water took off without untieing the stern mooring rope.(This was funny cause the dock was a floating dock, Knock one guy right into the lake ) But like you, we cayght fish and that made it OK Congrats
  7. You`re gonna be my new best friend Mike
  8. Great news Wayne i KNEW she`d pull through this. She`s one tough cookie Remember this Wayne.... ` Like I said she’s got a very positive attitude and will beat this monster! I lost my father to Cancer, oddly when I myself was 25 years old…. we WILL NOT lose our daughter.` How the time passes quickly....
  9. Leatherman Wave. The blade is razor sharp, easy to sharpen, hold its edge forever, and is the perfect shape and length for cleaning and filleting fish.
  10. Pitcher la vache...Pitcher la vache!!! did he just launch a cow from a cannon
  11. I know Cliff But Geoff knows where its coming from....Right Geoff Ya big Wussy....
  12. Ya big wussy Show her who's the boss, man....Oh ya, thats right....she knows
  13. One Combo??? AMATEUR!!! Even lowly little newbie me, has 4...( I listen too much to the Pro's i admit.
  14. Dont pay them notice. They probably each own enough fishing gear to start a Bass Pro shops franchise Personally, you cant go wrong with Shimano. If you have the cash to buy the Bling, then by all means go for it. 20 % is not that big of a deal though. Shop around on Ebay, or in the Classifieds here. You'd prolly get a better deal.
  15. How in the name of Gawd, did it get bent like that Terry? Amost as if someone dropped the trailer from a high place
  16. Terry !!!!! Go git em This is an amazing place, full of amazing people!!
  17. You are gonna love your new puppie Cliff The natural curiousity and keen Sense of smell keep these little guys in lots of hilarious trouble
  18. A1 !!!!!!!!!! Beautiful colored fish. Amazing the color variation from one lake to another. Congrats on the success Paul
  19. Is that what it looks like ??? If so, it is the strangest deformity i have ever seen.
  20. She shall overcome, and you all will be stronger for it. Thoughts and prayers on thier way Wayne. Paul
  21. awesome store!!! I get somewhat excited when i see that kinda stuff
  22. got a wee dark cloud over his head? My heart aches for him though
  23. Someone please take this man fishing Of all the people i know here, Terry desereves to fish the most. I am almost in tears here i feel so bad for him. I was devastated not being able to go out sunday because i broke my prop. Thats nothing compared to his woes. Please take him fishing.
  24. Come on Geoff. Save the little fishies. You will be a hero to your kids
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