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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Well thats the best idea i have seen for reducing the population of Asian carp so far. Eat the buggers.Sell them and make money doing it.That's why they were introduced to this country anyways
  2. its so hot, the squirrels are handling their nuts with potholders....
  3. Great report Cliff. Dont need pics after reading this. Imagination took over, and i was right there with you. Paul
  4. I heard the same thing, and he said they suffer from Chine lock too at higher speeds.
  5. Good thread Mike I carry a few bandaids, but thats it. I think i will put together a kit this week. I have never hooked myself so far, but theres always a first time. Paul
  6. Let me know where yer fishin the next time its hot Sorry...... Couldn't resist...............
  7. way to go G Takes a heck of an angler to wup you dads butt
  8. Further to this post, i recieved a lesson on GPS from my brother today. He took my "Worthless" Humminbird GPS/Sonar unit, and proceeded to show me how to properly operate it. I had no clue how to make the GPS work properly, and was convinced that the unit was defective.He inserted his hotmaps Premium card, and after a few quick, easy to remember steps, was showing me how valueable this small piece of equipment can be in protecting both boat and its occupants from hidden dangers on the water. I stand corrected, and learned a valueable lesson today
  9. Absolutely right. Fact is, i'm disappointed in my Humminbird, and may be a bit bitter Sure beats the hell out of a busted prop and skeg for sure.
  10. Young Frankenstien. 'What Knockers !!!' 'Damn your eyes !!! Too late 8-)'
  11. If you fish the same familiar waters all the time, GPS isnt worth it for you. You probably now the lake enough to get by. Gps is fine and dandy, but the Unimaps it comes with are worthless, and NAV Chips are way over priced.$199 bucks and up. If you have an I Phone, the Navionics app available for them is inexpensive and quite good. Get something with a decent sized screen, dual beam, color or gray scale, up to you. Lowrance or hummingbird, they all have good and bad points, i have one of each, and prefer the lowrance.The humminbird is a 586Ci, and i cant aford or dont want to pay for the chips, so for me, i wasted money for nothing. TrackMaps give you most of the info GPS units give you, and you can plan your day in the comfort of your livingroom before you leave the house. It all depends where you fish, and how you fish, that will determine what you NEED.
  12. Nice Smallies is an understatement That first one is a BIG smallie Thanks, and congrats on the wedding
  13. Dang Mike !!! Nice catch !!! Congrats.
  14. Macaronians like myself, practice Spatualism on the second sunday of each Noodle.Much like Rigatoniists. except we use the nonstick teflon spatulas, they use the rubber/silicone variety. Nanou Nanou.
  15. What a doll Cliff. Congrats my friend.
  16. Some great points made EC1, especially your thoughts on line. Since i returned to fishing last year, i have dived right into the new 'BRAID' craze, and although it is a good strong material, i find it hard to control ie. rod wrap. Some line manufacturers are putting money into research and developement on new Monofilament technology. I recieved as a promotion, 2 spools of new mono earlier this summer. Suffix Elite, and Suffix Siege.I spooled up my spinning reel with it and used it on my last Bass outing. I was amazed at the sensitity and the complete lack of spool memory. So much so, that i may respool my Baitcaster with Siege Mono, and fish the rest of the year with it.
  17. i See, said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and SAW....
  18. click the box, lower left, chose CLUB
  19. Unless they use Sasq-Wash, no tear,no tangle body wash
  20. I would check for yellow ribbons on Any oak trees in the neighborhood too All kinds of noises in nature. Most times we dont hear them because of the deafening roar of the cities where we live. Believe it..........Or not
  21. Great report, and nice fishin'. Thats a beautiful part of Gods country.
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