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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Excellent report Cliff You look about as happy with that fish as i was with my first Muskie, yesterday. That Simon and Son sound like a class act. Cheers to you my friends. Paul
  2. Make sure you load up the reel with good braid or fluoro, its about 40 feet from the pier to the water Have a great time. Just for laffs festival on now, you should have a blast
  3. Never fished sturgeon, but that sounds about right. Too bad i'm out of town next weekend, we could have hooked up, and gone out in my boat. PM me the next time you are in town.
  4. Head to the old Port. The people at the hotel should be able to tell you how to get there from the Hotel.I have heard of people catching Sturgeon and huge walleye right off the pier.How laong are you in town for?
  5. Nice fish.Good to see someone is catching big perch. We got skunked on Francis perchin.
  6. What a piece of heaven you have there TJ.Just awesome
  7. Honestly, my main concern was getting it back in the water asap. I added a sign tonite. Hope its accepted. If not, ....They arent like Bass or Walleye. Time is crucial.
  8. Forgot to say how impressed i was with the way he handled this fish. By watching him, you could sense the respect he has for them. Last week he took a hook in his hand, rather than damage the fish.
  9. Well if you can get the little guy to bed early enough......
  10. Thanks everyone, but it never would have happened if it were not for Musky Mike. Its uncanny how he knows where they are at all hours of the day. Awesome guide
  11. Nice meeting you today on the water.
  12. Thanks Mike. We are glad to call you and Marysa our friends. I am still shaking though Awesome day
  13. As we had planned, The Mrs. and i met up with Mike at the marina at 8 A.M. Hand shakes, and a quick game plan, and off we went.The perch bite was terrible.With a 30KPH west wind raising a 2-3 foot chop on Old St Francis, we had a really hard time controlling our drift.We hit into a ton of small non keepers, but that was it. By 11, we decided to pull into his boathouse property for a shore lunch of fresh walleye he had caught the day before.Mrs.Mike(Marysa) was very nice, and She and Barb got along very well. Mike had told me to bring my Muskie gear with me, and MAYBE, he would take me out for a couple of hours trolling for the fabled Beast. He really knows his water in Lake St.Francis. And i would have no problems at all, hiring this young man to guide me for a day of Walleye, or Muskie fishing.He shared his incredible knowledge, and shared fishing stories with us the whole time we were out there.He explained why the fish were where they were and what they were eating,and when they were active. All in all, a fantastice time had by me and the Mrs. With an open date in the near future to take us out for some of those 8-12 lb walleye he has shown you in recent posts. OH YA............he got me my first Muskie too .Nice 42 incher.It was the most amazing experience of my life. The line began screaming out, he reached down, released the rod from the holder, shoved it in my hand and said "There you go, your first Muskie" I almost pee'd but with his expert coaching, we got it in, Took a quick pic, and set her loose. Mike will post the pic a bit later. Barb was so happy for me, she was in tears.I feel like i have enetered a whole different level of anglers now.One of the few who has held the beast in his hands, and been awed by the power and beauty of this majestic animal. Thanks a Million for the wonderful day Mike. There is no doubt in my mind, that you could become a well known guide in your area. You really have what it takes.
  14. Good Morning Albert. Yes, you are one of my friends in here. How can you not like a 6' + teddy bear. Wish me luck folks.If all goes well,Mike MAY take me on my first Muskie hunt after we go Perchin Gotta go load the boat. TTFN Paul
  15. Kooky ??? Moi?....... I have a vivid imagination, an over developed sense of humor, and i'm easy to get along with.Barb is a bit shy, but once i get going, she jumps right in. I'm sure you will do just fine.Just keep me away from any dog ears.
  16. Great post Joey Thanks for sharing the day with us. So great to see how fast Jen is recovering. Great pics too. Paul
  17. A regular Black Max aluminum prop cost me 185 bucks for my merc 40HP. The one i busted will cost me 85 to repair and balance. Its worth repairing for sure.
  18. Welcome to the Community Jigs. You will enjoy the place i'm sure Paul
  19. Nothing wrong with your memory Jer That post has the same half life as uranium
  20. Dang....You just brought back a ton of memories for me too. Havent heard that name in a very long time, but just saying it transports me back. RIP Elwy
  21. Nope.....He's dead. I tried the Hindlich manouver, and chest compressions, but alas, his little birdie butt is toast.
  22. Did you notice...There was no flames coming off Skeeters apron?
  23. I tried to talk my wife into buying a case of Miller Light for $14.95. Instead, she bought a jar of cold cream for $7.95. I told her the beer would make her look better at night than the cold cream. And that's when the fight started.....
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