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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Like catching 4 pound largemouths from undercut banks on 65 pound power pro EH and people actually think thats fun, and some actually make good money doing it
  2. Brian B makes alot of sense, again theres more police to enforce resourse bylaws, but on the other hand many police budgets are under scrutiny, with local councils, as its in most cases the major part of councils budget, hence them getting police quotes, from the OPP, and local policing etc, so adding more dollars to there budget might be a tough pill for many councils to swallow, i do applaud Port Hopes present council for their persistency to help get a resolution to a blatant misuse of the resource, gutted Salmon and rotting carcusses are not nice when it eminates through the town,
  3. killer photography, amazing shot
  4. As i was told on Saturday the Port Hope police went down both sides of the river checking licences a male and female constable, and a while later a MNRF vehicle pulled up to the stumps area, took a quick look from inside the truck, turned around and left. I see a little bit of downloading going on here, but regardless its still nice to see someone taking an active roll in our resources
  5. Shes ok'd the go to put up windmills half way down the 115 on the east side, and ive yet to see the 6 of them windmills turning, and it was blowing like hell today, she doesnt want windmills kin her backyard though in Caledon Hills, but everyone elses backyard is OK, but at least she fully supports the FUR trade,
  6. Is that a complete rebuild, of what i presume both cylinders, Harrison Power Sports in Peterborough does great work, and i would give them a call with your situation
  7. Now we know why they call you BIG Cliff,
  8. Come back at Helloween and pay him a visit, eggs are 3.00 a dozen or pm Ron, he loves a good fight with anyone in Cobourg that thinks they have authority
  9. Your cleaning skills are excellent, esp for saving those scrumptious cheeks, boneless all the way fillets as well
  10. Float n Fly you said it perfectly, and Brian B did as well leave the F18s in combat
  11. Fentanyl is brutal, and has caused many over dose deaths all over North America, and right in our own back yards, the numbers if it was published would be staggering, as most communities do not want that kind of bad publicity to be known, as it does not make for a community usually with high crime rates etc where people feel safe raising there families would want to settle. Ive seen first hand what Fentanyl can do, finding a guy naked twitching with 2 patches stuck to each shoulder, paramedics came ripped the patches off, said its just another Fentanyl overdose, and the guy spent a week in the hospital in induced coma, but did pull through this time.
  12. The new ABU Beast allows you to remove the side plate to access the brakes
  13. If they legalized weed years ago, the opiate addiction, and the line ups at the methadone clinics would be next to nil, and crime would go down, as weed is not addictive IMO but opiates are very addictive, but doctors get huge kickbacks from pharmacutical companies so they likely would still push percs just for their personal benefits, the same way they pushed Oxy's,
  14. You can go on there website and check inventory by each location
  15. Excellent Jer, i know youll be eating well for a few days
  16. Yikes you must of been in a hurry to break toes and foot man
  17. looks like you caught that eye on a slice of tomato
  18. No x copper or any other agency, go to court explain yourself and they almost always knock it down, suprised the cop didnt knock it down to save you points
  19. Cogradulations all, hes a real cutie,
  20. You da man Big Cliff
  21. Think that dude might have ingested some PCP
  22. Yes i was thinking the same thing in the back of my mind, we need more then you to keep the MNR honest with there numbers, and their decisions
  23. Not sure if they will take or not, but if there is one river where the chances are best its the Ganny, if you look at the production numbers of steelhead in the 80s esp 1989, there are 3 creeks which stand out on top the Ganny the Wilmot, and one other eastern creek, which all was due to natural reproduction. The Ganny should have been the first choice IMO for Bringing back the Salmon when you do the math on sustainability and Natural Reproduction, moving forward the Chinook run now out numbers the steelhead run on the Ganny and guess what Chinooks were last stocked there in 1969, again all do Natural Reproduction, one dam with a fish ladder, and then its miles of quality spawning water on both branches, with the west branch leading the way. For the Credit River guys and girls, who donated hours upon hours of volunteer work, tree planting rehabilitation etc, i certainly do feel your dissatisfaction, about the sudden change of venue, but it certainly put the club on the map and fore front, all in a good way, and good exposure is never a bad thing. Back in the 80s there was the Ganaraska Sportsman Association, where many of us volunteered our time and resourses for the betterment of the river, that club is now defunct, but in no way matched the membership of the CRAA
  24. How bout the Three Tards
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