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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Pine Vista Resort on Stoney Lake, shield lake so fish deep 50 feet is norm
  2. I have lots but shipping to KW both by weight and by the hazardous material deligation would by astronomical, old cast piping, old toilet bowl seals, and old bell wires all have the sought after soft lead, as well as medical plates,
  3. Spinner bait, with one hook, or even a stinger, would be much easier in most cases then a big crankbait with 3 7/0s, as cranks are usually hit on the front hook, and the remaining 2 usually impart further down the fish ie gill plate, body, or worse still the gill rakers The chance of survival IMO would be much better with a spinner bait even with a plated or salt water hook, as it will be in the mouth and shouldnt prevent the fish from not been able to continue on with her daily routine, check your prop and seal especially if you were trolling and allowed the line to wrap around the prop a few times
  4. X2 With stores like Le Barons Sail etc you have to get what you need in the spring, or its gone especially in fishing, getting them to restock is almost always a no, LeBarons like Eddie Bauer the Outdoor Stores are iconic Canadian Companies and are in no way box stores like BPS or Cabelas
  5. Many wait till late fall when there swamped, or already had the first dumping of salt, i do mine early usually july/august and Krown does have a deal to try to spread out the customer base to avoid the late fall rush if you are a CAA member you will save some bucks I use Krown but they are independent dealers and everyone is different, what i would do if your spare is underneath take if off so they can spray the cover shield ie salt protector as loads of salt get between the tire and frame over winter My Krown in Peterborough is excellent since new ownership and management my 2005 Grand Cherokee is a 2005 and shows NO rust with 180,000 kms
  6. I have also used flippin sticks as well
  7. I use a Compre baitcaster TC4 blend with the rubberized Tennesee Handle its 8 ft 6 in and puts the boots to Chinooks and the rubberized handle sticks to your underarm for solid hooksets, no longer made unfortunately, another option is the Shimano model 1804 downrigger rod, its 8 ft 6 in as well and Heavy action, i use it for musky trolling Believers at warp speed and its only about 40 bucks, cheap option but there are many options to choose I like the idea of the 10 wt blanks build mentioned previously, skies the limit and so is your wallet for chuckin
  8. Craig always like when you put your 2 cents in on the Lake O fishery, as like many of us who have fished it for close to 40 years, and have seen the rise and fall, and know what is and isnt happening and what needs to happen, Back in the late 70s through to 1983 Coho's did get large and up to and over 20 pounds, one strain in the 70s fooled most everyone myself included as they were late runners in fact very late runners, showing up in late Nov and Dec, i remember hooking 15 to 18 pounders on spoons off the Credit beakwall when i worked and lived in Port Credit, McCarthys Mill and the Cadet Dam were inendated with Coho's and they were suckers for white marabou jigs. Just like the Old File Factory Hole on the Ganny, which likely held steelhead every month of the year even July, arching Colorados from the high wall, towards the tailout on the east side would see drop back steelhead chase the spinner 30 to 40 feet in late June, and literally smash it, and 7 to10 jumps, and many times more from the long skinny fish were the norm. Fortunately we still have our memories to remember how great the Lake O fishery and its tribs were back then, On another note, there seems to be a larger amount of Chinooks jumping with Lampreys in the Ganny, as many fish were in the River last Saturday and Sunday, and it was common to see Lampreys hanging off jumping Chinooks, unfortunately many times this fform of trying to rid Lampreys does not work, and often ends up been the demise of the fish, Credit Chinooks on the other hand use to rub themselfs on the breakwall, and pier, and rocks Lamprey side in and basically scrape the Lamprey off that way, which was more effective.
  9. X 2 Coho are by far the better fish as you say, and will readily chase flies, lure etc in the river, and growing one half to one third the size of chinooks do not eat as many forage as Chinooks, also on the eastern tribs which have large runs naturally do to prime spawning waters, are not factored into the list which only contains stocking numbers in urban centres
  10. This past Saturday and Sunday brought a large amount of flossers to the Gannies white water for a little fun in the rain and the sun, fortunately the Port Hope police and even the MNR showed up multilpe times, and i assumed were laying numbers of charges, but at least their presence, will try to keep some a- holes honest, from the Bi way hole to the Joselyn Street bridge below the ladder brought hundreds of flossers and rippers to the annual fall circus, only to be outdone by the annual spring circus called Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny to commemorate a flood that happened over 35 years ago, and has disrupted the annual Steelhead migration for as long as the Ganny Float has been going on, this is NOT the only flood this town or river has seen, as many historical pictures going back to the possible first flood of 1929. Moving the date of the Ganny Float so it does not coincide with the annual Steelhead migration would really show that the Port Hope Mayor and Council, and the MNR does care about about resource protection, instead of dollars and cents generated by a one day fiasco
  11. Great vid, and getting away from the river rat race is the way to go Brian, and the smaller the craft the better, im sure you got towed around a bit by Mr. Nook
  12. Last week an 18 year old employee of theres, took out 3 or 4 hydro poles with wires likely travelling too fast on water street, likely needed the extra Cliff dollars too help pay for the insurance increase soon to come
  13. Google Rigatex which is Phenyl coated Baltic Birch smooth as a babys behind on one side and pebble on the other which is slip resistant,
  14. Theres the correct answer
  15. wanna catch eyes, use NRX, you can feel them coming when there 3 feet from the bait
  16. Cheapest launch on the lake, and a decent launch in a sheltered bay, Carveths will be close to 25.00 with launch and parking, not sure about McCrakens but i assume close to the same pricing as Carveths, lots of opportunities for all species in Gilchrist Bay, and some great deep water humps once out of Gilchrist Bay, with a 18 foot hump just after you exit Gilchrist Bay
  17. Its that struggling pontoon, and the Zigg Zagging Hose Daddy's behind that drive the muskies nuts
  18. Nice they put on a good show, but i would wait till the issues are worked out first, as with anything new, there will be issues, whether its cars, electronics, and boat motors
  19. My riveted Tracker Deep V 17 is 23 years old and doesnt leak a drop, original rivets tight as a drum
  20. I thought you were one of the guys from Slip Knot there for a minute, with your wardrobe, almost crapped myself
  21. Great read, alot of us will now be planning that trip, scenery is amazing
  22. Now the taxpayers get to pay for these 2 scum balls for 25 years, to keep them safe from other inmates, not to mention a very costly court case, they should have been killed immediately the proof and DNA was enormous,
  23. Awesome trip and report, when you read a report like that, and feel that your part of the trip, you nailed it right on, thanks for taking us on your journey Chris
  24. Whers the showers and thunderstorms, i should be out fishing walleyes now,
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