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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. They are there, but are overshadowed by the musky fishery, and one of the few water bodies where they both reside, and the musky seems to dominate, if not by numbers certainly by catch ratios
  2. I like your thinking Garnet, no need to rip, fish them real slooooow, and even let them sit motionless briefly if need be, Garnet are you still tipping your jigs with left over roe bags
  3. Im with you Drifter, and its most likely the cause of most of the cancers, with all the chemicals and preservatives added to our foods to make them last for months and years, they can blame exhaust fumes from vehicles, and make us pay for the cash grab E test, but it didnt reduce cancer, or the weed killer used to rid noxious weeds, or all the other pesticides ie DDT, Cloradane, Aldrin etc and so on, the problem with those products was the misuse, and over applying and not reading labels, we have evolved into a society where both husband and wife work unlike past generations, and prepackaged food is the norm no a days, where you come home thorw it in the microwave and diners ready in less then 5 minutes. Sorry for the rant and getting off topic somewhat
  4. You waited 6 months for this, and its not quite here and were complaining yikes
  5. Unbelievable Speil, you continually raise the bar, and stretch the boundaries, of rod building craftsmanship
  6. Very nice nothin like tackle tinkering
  7. They have float your fanny down the Ganny from Sylvan Glen right through Twomeys property so i guess its all condsidered navitatible, especially when the town thinks they can make a buck, or Twomey can sell a gallon of maple syrup, its all dollars and cents, at the expense of the annual steelhead run, as the Fanny Float many times coincides with the peak of the run. Why anyone would pay a landowner like Twomey or anyone else looking to profit, big bucks to fish for marked up, skinny, tail worn, spawned out kelps, is beyond me, shear utter looganism IMO
  8. Im with you Gills are much nicer to eat and clean that Crappers, and are readily available
  9. Too much funny at someone elses expence LMAO
  10. I cant comment on the herb, as im a purrrrist, never sinned in my loft or smike wedd on Sundazzzze mon now pass me some Purple Kush please im ready for the couch
  11. Lovely lady she was Nothin wrong with your peepers now B, just watch out for the road sweepers and the dust they create, i know ive got those sand and dust particles in my eyes before and its not pleasant enjoy your extended weekend
  12. All good points yes, and while crazy craft scraping the bottom of finished redds is likely the biggest impact, also the canoes and yaks that dont scrape bottom, but still push fish off redds by spooking them, and we like to think they would return. If it cant be stopped, it should be moved as Chessy said to a time thats not disruptive to the spawning steelhead run, moved it to September, and let them muck with the Chinook run instead
  13. Jason the MNRF should have the authority to stop this if they really wanted to, but they would actually have to leave the comforts of their office in Peterborough to do so, as this would be a provincial issue, and would trump what the town figures they receive in return, there have been many floods in Port Hope not just the one in 1980, there are pics in the fire hall hall showing floods dating back to the early 1900s, We had a big flood in 2004 and again a much bigger one in 2006 and you dont see me and my arse floating down the Otonabee LOL
  14. 35 years of altering, impeding and molesting the annual spring spawning run of Ganaraska River Steelhead, and 35 years of the MNRF for allowing it to happen, and doing nothing about it, while hundreds of man made water craft, tear up gravel beds, and push spawning Steelhead off their beds, and people tramping through the spawning beds as their crafts become stuck on the gravel and shale. Again this assault on the river by hundreds of people who dont give a rats ass about the river or its fish, and will leave their garbage and broken water craft scattered all over the riverbanks, and also the people who come to watch will do the same, and with the warmer temps predicted, fish will be up on spawning beds in large numbers.
  15. Up in the boonies Chris makes the firecode, the laws and homeland security
  16. I have a Garmin 551DV not installed yet, but will be, i here their imagery is phenominal, i do run a Garmin Chartplotter, and its been great with no issues at all, and is going into its 5th season, i know others who have the same chartplotter and no issues as well. The Helix i believe is not compatible with Universal Sonar on Min Kota's where as the Garmins are, but with Down Imagining you will have to use the sonar that comes with the package to get the benefits of DI, also it will be more beneficial off the transom then off the bow mount, where you can scan structure and mark waypoints, as the transducer is always in the water, instead of the bow mount where its in and out of the water, in when fishing out when moving from spot to spot
  17. a true country legend when country was country
  18. use the reel you have, the winch is for pulling big blades, and the rod will not handle big blades, the outfit will be perfect for throwing one of my favorites the Bomber Long A Mag, some smaller rubber, ie Storms, and smaller bucktails ie 5s to maybe 7s, Super Shad Raps etc, 65 pound braid all the way i use my flippin stick for the above baits, as they handle them more efficiently then the standard musky apparel, and will cast them a country mile if you want to bomb cast. Definately use the low profile reel you have, with a 5.4 retrieve or higher, the Winch at 4.6 will not move those baits fast enough, unless you crank like a mad man, and will be counter productive
  19. Well said, Rob was for the working class, and the people in lower class as well, visiting personally tenants in Toronto Housing, and getting those mold issues and leaking taps, to no hot water , to roaches to Bedbugs fixed, when the ones responsible turned their heads. Rob was one of the guys who you felt you could call him up and talk to him one on one and he listened, instead of brushing you off. Plus he was one tough fighter, both in politics, and in his battle with cancer RIP Great Mayor
  20. I built the same stick with a little different components, with a 25ml down to a 8ml rod is excellent, and throws Flatfish and other hardware, but is also a great free drifting rod, or pier bottom rod as well, and will be great for your Jumbo's as well, my guides were American Tackle TICH/TICH, its a multi purpose rod which i was looking for, my has a 2500 Stradic on it, im married with 2 kids one in University and cant afford the Sustain like Billy can LOL
  21. you must have had a Bass guy takin the pics, they always seem to have a knack for making 2 pound smallies look like 5 pounders
  22. nice fish, the hen aint no slouch either
  23. Sounds like the Shawa under the Wentworth bridge the Go Pro hole of the East
  24. Bob was a passionate reporter. and is what everyone should strive to be as a human been, Rip in peace
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