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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Exactly, i have a 60 HP Johnson that starved of oil and took out the middle cyl, due to a malfunctioning VRO pump, OMC would not cover it after it was determined by a OMC marina that that was indeep what blew the motor, anyways i had it rebuilt, and had the pump removed completely and premix my own oil (Amsoil HP Injector), and the motor has never ran better, even when new, motor is a 1993, blew up in 1995 with less then 100 hours on it, and still shows 130 psi in each cylinder to this day touch wood. You would have a very good boat for 4000.00 or even 6000.00 if you look today and price the same style boat, its a great deal for you, and been handy i would not pass that up, once you ask the questions that the others have mentioned, also take the shroud off, and check the head bolts, if theres still the black paint on the bolts, it likely hasnt been apart or rebuilt, unless they took the time to re-paint the head bolts, but if he answers you questions correctly, its a great deal and should be good for many years to come, just remove the VRO and premix 50:1 or if its still in place add oil to your gas tank as well as running the VRO. to avoid a 1500.00 repair build and that was in 1995
  2. Funny Funny and custom built at that,
  3. Thanx for the update Jase, people will have to fish other waters with the very very low number over the ladder, and not much in the lower river as well take your 3 weights horned chub should be on dries by then
  4. Are you sure Ron, just received an email from Margaret (MNR) and she says its a week from this, Saturday April 13th starting at 9:00am, and meeting at Pratts Dam
  5. Great photos, nothin more gratifying then watchin steelhead on their annual migration, and one of the more photogenic species for sure
  6. I use too fish your water too Bill, but seeing stringers of 5 fish been dragged off the Bighead, Thornbury, and Notty turned me off, plus its the same distance for me to go there, as it is for you to come hear, plus ive seen 2 19 pound fish and 1 knockin on 20 from an east ditch this year, and never seen one like that in GB, also fishing the east ditches keeps me in shape, as im nearing 50, and much older then you, and am always good for one to 2 fights per year, which could probably do you good as well, and get you in shape as many of the trip pics we see you on your always passed out or asleep LOL
  7. What a way to make my day, great report and love the action shot,
  8. Nice fish Rich, Good job on the spinner, must have caught it in Port Hope cause you cant use ROE LOL
  9. Your right there Jim, with any club there's always a few of those individuals, and yes in many cases, fish, birds, and wildlife, flora and fawna, are more tolerable and more intelligent then people we see on a daily basis, I just tend to see right through the holes as if there not even there, knowing that im helping out in some small way for passion i get from our resourses.
  10. 200 bucks should get you a decent combo, regardless, check the classifieds, if your using braid sensitivity is a non-issue, as you will detect the slightest tap with the no stretch braid when you only 20 feet out. A Flippin stick is one rod i wouldnt break the bank over, just make sure it has the backbone to haul them out of the heavy stuff. Bass wont like you any better cause you spent 300.00 on a Flippin stick, instead of 100.00.
  11. We all enjoy fishing,but do you give back for the enjoyment you receive, what groups/clubs do you belong to, do you plant trees,stream rehabilatizing etc or any other volunteer work. Since i started the topic ill bite first I belong to the Kawartha Lakes Chapter of Muskies Canada, and currently am doing memberships for the chapter, and have been involved with seine netting and trap netting on Balsam Lake with the MNR and MCI determining spawning sites for both muskies,northern pike, and where they both overlap producing hybrids. Also have planted trees and done stream rehabitation on the upper Ganaraska River and Gages Creek in the past
  12. According to the posted letter, its about slob fisherman dumping fish carcasses whether its salmon or steelhead etc into garbage cans after the roe has been removed, leaving the fish to rot, or for the township to cleanup. If thats the case the idiot fishermen created there own mess, and ive personally seen the dead carcasses esp salmon littlered on the shore with bellies slit open and roe removed. Certain individuals give passionate steelheaders a bad name and reputation, but the problem lies in enforcement or lack there of. As its against the law to let fish spoil, so a little visiblity from the MNR would solve the issue, and the charges layed would generate some revenue to help fund infrastructure, or social services, or open another methadone clinic LOL God forbid that revenues generated from fishing be used on fishing.
  13. Wow what a fantastic read, you took us all along your journey, and you quest for giant beautiful steelhead, I thought i had the steelhead bug, to do that solo with the expences you certainly incured along the way, and the kilometers travelled, you my friend have a great addiction
  14. Theres never been any enforcement on the Ganny, which im assuming your refering to Chessy, unfortunately we have had 2 Kens's in the past 30 years, Ken number one before he retired was more concerned with the smaller more vulnerable tribs which was fine and he had a point, as the rivers at that time 80s were loaded with steelhead, Ken number two is non-existent, and is rarer then 2 suns in the sunset, just wait till we receive Ken number 3, if you think its bad now.
  15. Long range is calling for slightly cooler temps, below freezing at night, and around freezing or slightly above during the day, which should stop or slow runoff allowing rivers to clean somewhat, im re-doing a kitchen right now, but will be on the rivers by wednesday
  16. Did anyone get a picture of one of those CO's, i was under the impression that they were extinct in Ontario.
  17. The sign wasnt removed by the MNR as far as im aware Jason, it was consistent complaing by some of us on FMZ 17, that permission was granted from the MNR to remove the sign, and your right that no charges were layed there, as the old regs and the removed sign allowed angling to the north side of the bridge, Nootch was talking to the CO for the area who you know, and his words were now with multiple complaints from concerned steelheaders, he will now address those complaints and lay charges. So we will wait and see what evolves
  18. No the sign was an old wooden sign thats wethered over the 20 plus years its been their, as for the removal not makin a difference, all it takes is a few charges and the word gets out, and the issue will rectify itself, the problem that occured before was anglers continued to fish there, most knew it was closed to steelhead, but no charges were layed, and then they would pound them under the bridge, and then get on the cell phone to there buddies and the problem grew and grew, to where many fish were harvested from that area. also ive taken many pictures of anglers fishing under the bridge, and sent them to the MNR, and area biologist, along with there license plates and vehicle pictures, as others have too, expressing our concerns for fishing in this area, and the lact of enforcement regarding it, and yes the regulations will trump the old sign anyday, and the CNR right a way used to be the old wire that used to cross the river just south of the bridge, but is no longer there.
  19. This has been a long time coming, and for those who fish the river, you will notice that the old very outdated sign at the south side of the CNR bridge has been removed, the 20 foot section under the bridge is closed to steelhead fishing, but anglers continue to fish and harvest steelhead from under the bridge, with the sign removed it will be easier for the MNR to lay charges and to make them stick in court, with the signs removal, and i have been told that charges will now be layed for fishing under the bridge, and the area CO has been down showing presence and monitoring the area.
  20. One thing with building rods, is those issues will stand out no more then ever, they are mass produced, like the same home builder in a sub-division, alot of the home look the same with the same features etc, also to add to Brady's observations, does the rod have a hook keeper, which is likely the cheapest piece of component on a rod, many rod do not, even some very highend models of factory rods, also does the rod have a fixed reel seat or sliding rings, for a 600.00 rod i would want a fixed seat, does it have enough guides for the length or the rod, does it have cork, or EVA foam etc, and then the hidden stuff you dont see, ie is there enough epoxy on the blank to secure the handle and reelseat, it certainly makes you 2nd guess whats out there on a factory level, and Kemper your part about moving up the price scale and perceived quality is absolutley correct.
  21. A new rubber O-Ring will usually clear that issue up, then your good to go, until then make sure its 2-ply
  22. Nice perchasing agents, and tasty im sure
  23. Very nice work as always Chris
  24. Alls fine here, did see some 404s previous to the last updates, but none since
  25. Check the regs, i believe that is one of the lakes that is closed to winter fishing, and has been since 1986, along with Chandos and Eels etc
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