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Everything posted by Pinch

  1. Im in for the playoff pool....dont know anywhere that does just a playoff one though! Wherever you decide...Im in!
  2. Part of the problem with people not posting comments, however big or however small, could be because of comments like below....(Sorry to single you out Ehg, yours was the first example I came across). On one hand people complain that users don't post and then when they do, more people complain about what they do post. Not everyone is going to agree with each other but doesn't it all add to the community of the board? I have rarely been able to get out fishing in the past couple years, and when I have been able to I haven't caught anything worth reporting, thus no reports, thus not many other comments in case Im told to post a report. Anyhow, this is my ice fishing report for the past three ice fishing seasons. ATV $12000 Ice Hut, cover, hitch $500 Auger $60 Rods and tackle $130 Bait $145 Going out 10 times in three years with only 9 perch to show for it (all caught this year)......PRICELESS
  3. An atv can only be operated on a highway if the municipality passes a bylaw allowing it. Then you have to have a plate ownership insurance drivers licence a helmet, and no passengers. Here is the definition of a highway according to the highway traffic act: “highway”, includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof; (“route”) Driving on the ice you would fall under the off road vehicles act and you need a helmet, ownership, and insurance. There is nothing in the Off road vehicle act that says you are not allowed to have passengers. Here's a link to the fines for the off road vehicles act. FINES
  4. So basically what some people are saying here is that the homes which are built to code in sub divisions are crap, but the work that MH does which is above code is overkill?!?
  5. Im in, thanks for setting it up again Dan
  6. Theres a guy that sells minnows about 5kms east of Brighton on Cty Rd 2, its on the north side opposite an unused motel, round about # 16530. They are 4$ a dozen.
  7. Lol very good!!!
  8. There are plenty of pike and walleye in presquile/Brighton bay. There were about 20 or 30 huts out on the ice this afternoon off the shore near Gosport. I spoke to a guy there who said the fishing was okay at the moment but not spectacular. The ice is about 9 inches thick at the moment. Im not sure where there is to get any bait near Brighton, (I assume that you mean minnows) I will try and find out tomorrow and let you know. I hope to get out for a few ours tomorrow night after work.
  9. I almost lost my 4 year old daughter down the hole today on her first ice fishing trip!!! I had just got into the portable hut and before I could turn around to lift her over and onto her seat, she stepped right into one of the holes!! One of her legs went into the water all the way up to her hip!!! My wife's not home from work yet, I'm still not quite sure what Im going to tell her!!! lol
  10. Just checked the link, the clip has been removed. Which video was it??
  11. bump
  12. Im in as long as Im off. I have an atv and a two man portable.
  13. Once you add the bleach you should run it through an outside tap and garden hose back into the well to disinfect anything above the water line that way your covered should the water level rise. Also heres a link that I found a while ago. Well Disinfecting
  14. Ahh ok i see what he meant now. Thanks for clearing that up. I though his line stating 'food for consumption' was a bit odd. lol
  15. Uhm I'm not so sure about that, the company that pumps out my septic tank was here a few months ago and was explaining to me that they pump the waste onto the local farmers fields. That was where I first learned about biosolids. Biosolids was also a big topic/platform in the recent election here in Northumberland.
  16. If your going to have the carrots for dinner, just hope that the farmer doesn't use bio-solids!!! lol
  17. hwy 401 to cty rd 45 (2nd cobourg exit) go north for about 50km till you get to the bridge.
  18. So would they have been allowed to hold onto the fish to weigh them if they bought a sport licence?? Ive tried to check but I cant get the mnr link to work.
  19. A woman at my old work had some railings powder coated at this place, Leland Industries, its in Scarborough, Near McCowan and Sheppard. She said they did a great job on them.
  20. Signs are not required if its fenced in. Trespass To Property Act Prohibition of entry 3. (1) Entry on premises may be prohibited by notice to that effect and entry is prohibited without any notice on premises, (a) that is a garden, field or other land that is under cultivation, including a lawn, orchard, vineyard and premises on which trees have been planted and have not attained an average height of more than two metres and woodlots on land used primarily for agricultural purposes; or ( that is enclosed in a manner that indicates the occupier’s intention to keep persons off the premises or to keep animals on the premises. R.S.O. 1990, c. T.21, s. 3 (1).
  21. There's this stuff for diaper rash called Sudocrem. It is awesome for all sorts of cuts, burns, scratches, grazes etc. Ive got 4 kids and that stuff is a god send. Here's a link Sudocrem
  22. Yes I found out that this works very well!!!
  23. I don't know about everyone else here, but IMHO 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do' If you are caught in a foreign land and get yourself in the 'brown apple sauce' then YOU deal with it. It really has nothing to do with the Canadian government once you leave Canadian soil! If the roles were reversed I wonder what the politicians in Canada would think of the Saudi government interfering with our judicial process?!?
  24. Theres a government dock on the east side of the road if you keep heading south through the park and into the residential area. Theres no launch there, but you could carry a canoe down there no problem. I was talking to a guy a couple of weeks ago who said he caught a bunch of big pike from the dock. If you are looking for a launch nearby theres one at the bottom of Ontario St, thats the closest one to the park itself. im not sure if there is one in the park or not.
  25. Perhaps he was engaging you in a conversation to determine if you had been drinking or not.
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