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Everything posted by Pinch

  1. Holy cr@p, I bet you'd catch a fish drifting in a hot tub wouldn't you!!! lol
  2. I attach the leader to the mainline with a swivel, but Ive never heard about steel clamps sorry.
  3. Excellent, thanks, I'll be giving it a try tomorrow morning hopefully. Pinch
  4. Excuse my ignorance, but why does getting the roe from a steelhead kill it but not a salmon?!?
  5. Ive never used these little guys before, wheres the best place to hook them?? In the middle? Either end? Thanks
  6. If your interested in the reel from Skevys Im sure it could be mailed to you for a little extra $! If the store wont do it I can pick it up for you and put drop it off to canada post.
  7. Awesome video Iceguy, who's the music by??
  8. There's Angling Specialties in Toronto, the only one Ive been to is on Kennedy south of Steeles. www.anglingspecialties.com
  9. I know absolutely squat about hunting....but....that is one impressive buck!!!
  10. Oh to be a size 11.....try even finding a 14 or 15!! lol Doesnt make sense to me tho!
  11. I would have to say an ATV, however, Ive never owned a sled. I was torn between the two when I bought my ATV in December. My main use was going to be for ice fishing, and I ultimately decided on the ATV. The main reason was I could use the ATV all year round. Since I bought it Ive been out on a couple of trails, ripped round the garden a few times with the kids, plowed the driveway countless times, and been ice fishing a couple of times. So far Ive had far more use out of it with things that I didn't intend! This winter has been great for sledding, or so Ive heard, but at the same time, last year all I heard was people complaining about how bad the winter was for sledding! For me buying a sled was awfully expensive if I could only use it a couple of months out of the year!
  12. Lol, good one...like i said all messed up!!!
  13. Is this what you were reading??? http://news.therecord.com/article/281057
  14. I'm right handed, throw with my right hand, cast with my right hand, reel left, catch left. and because I'm a goalie, shoot left, unless I'm not in net, then I shoot right! All messed up! As for Omnidexterous, Ive never heard of that before, and cant find a definition for it!!
  15. Did anyone find Waldo yet?
  16. Did she ask to see any other card after you signed it to compare the signatures? If not I always wonder what the point is! Sort of a half hearted attempt really....kinda like when I went to Disneyland last year, they searched everyones bags, but no ones pockets and no metal detectors! Why bother!
  17. I took my 5 year old to Serpent Mounds Park in Keene, which is probably only an hour and a bit from Toronto and we had a great time. The park was empty, my son and I were the only ones there and it was the middle of summer. http://www.serpentmoundspark.com/
  18. or this one?!?
  19. I certainly don't want to bring you any bad luck if you haven't heard of this, but isn't it bad luck to change your boats name? As for new names, I third the name White CapSS
  20. Thanks for your help guys, Im heading to my local marina today to see what they have available there. Pinch
  21. Isnt that the same cup that they get every year!!!
  22. Hello all, I'm looking at getting a utility boat for fishing with the family this year! I see that there are a few people here that have a Legend boat and was wondering what they are like quality wise! Also what size motor would be recommended for a 16' tinny? This is the one I'm looking at. http://www.legendboats.com/en/view/boat/16_prosport Apparently it has a 'free' upgrade from the 9.9 HP mlh to a 25 HP mlh, but for $400 you can get a 30 HP elh! What do you guys, and girls, think?? Thanks a bunch, Pinch
  23. I think Rogers and Bell offer a wireless internet that works similar to a cellphone signal. So if you can get a cell phone signal then you can get wireless internet!
  24. LOL, I cant stop laughing....my family are looking at me like Im the village idiot!!! that line is great!!!
  25. I use direct protect group and have, unfortunately, had to claim for flood damage to my house, as well as a fail to remain collision on my car. They were fantastic and it really couldn't have been any easier. The rates have been very competitive as well. I would highly recommend them!
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